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The New PC im going to play my Games on


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You dont actually have to buy it at all really. Sound-absorbing material can be found everywhere for free. Back in the day when I was a poor student, I used a bunch of old mousepads to dress the interior of my case :D Didnt look very good, but did the job very well!


But I agree with what someone else mentioned earlier, that silent fans and cooling does a lot bigger difference than sound isolation. Noisiest part is most often the gfx-card though, which unfortunately can be quite hard to do something about for a limited budget.



Edit: Oh damn that was expensive for an R3! I bought mine here for around $110 last year :S Too bad!

Edited by Mr. Bravo
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But I agree with what someone else mentioned earlier, that silent fans and cooling does a lot bigger difference than sound isolation. Noisiest part is most often the gfx-card though, which unfortunately can be quite hard to do something about for a limited budget.
Yep... Gpus always make the most noise. Especially over time. I remember after I swapped from my 8800 to my 6950... The difference in sound was immense.


When it comes to case fans. Bigger is always better. The bigger the fan, the slower it can spin, the less noise it will physically make. I consider my computer to be pretty quiet, but then I remember I have hearing damage lol. I worked for 4 years at a plastic factory, where they had "grinders" for scrap plastic. They did sound tests on them, turns out they run at peak around 130dB... I spent large amounts of time personally feeding them without hearing protection(aprox. 2 years). So yeah I think it's perfectly quiet, and everyone gets pissed off when I watch tv because I turn it up so loud. lol


All joking aside, a bigger case with larger fans is a good way to go. It will cut down on sound reverberating as well, the cause of increased sound from the case.

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Are you sure this will be good enough for Skyrim and Batman Arkham City

INTEL® CORE™ I7 2600K I can barely afford this.


Here is a PC Requirement for Skyrim one of the People played the Game on when he was at one of the Expos

GeForce GTX 470, Core i7-980x, 6 gigs of ram, 7,200 rpm hard drive, at a resolution of 1680x1050. (is that what i must have especially for Batman Arkham City)

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As far as Intel/Nvidia vs AMD/ATI goes I'm in the latter camp... cuz they have... cooler logos.


Also they've always felt better in price/performance. I currently use a Sapphire Radeon HD5850 Xtreme 1GB which is probably the best card I've ever laid my eyes on for that price. When everybody was focusing on brand new tech Sapphire used older architecture and pimped the **** out of it and released it for a very low price. It's a monster really.


Bought the last one I could find in Sweden heh...

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Are you sure this will be good enough for Skyrim and Batman Arkham City

INTEL® CORE™ I7 2600K I can barely afford this.


Here is a PC Requirement for Skyrim one of the People played the Game on when he was at one of the Expos

GeForce GTX 470, Core i7-980x, 6 gigs of ram, 7,200 rpm hard drive, at a resolution of 1680x1050. (is that what i must have especially for Batman Arkham City)

There's no need for an Intel I7. A quad core CPU from Intel or AMD will be absolutely enough. (Personally recommending something like this: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103808)

If you want a 6 core CPU then I recommend this one: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16819103849

Also if you want to use 6Gb of RAM you will need a 64 bit operating system.

The GPU is good. :thumbsup:

EDIT: If you want PhysX or CUDA (Batman Arkham City uses those) I recommend getting the 470, but if you don't care for that (You will still be able to use PhysX, but with a performance drop) I recommend getting the 6870 (Which is cheaper then the 470):


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Yeah I'm likely getting one of those Black Edition quads if my current X2 560 doesn't handle Skyrim to my expectations.


Don't say 6 core man! Say HEXACORE! Sounds way awesomer :D


I like those Hexas that have Turbocore technology, switches from 6 cores to 3 superpowered cores for games and programs that can't utilize all 6. Pretty awesome solution.

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Are you sure this will be good enough for Skyrim and Batman Arkham City

INTEL® CORE™ I7 2600K I can barely afford this.


Here is a PC Requirement for Skyrim one of the People played the Game on when he was at one of the Expos

GeForce GTX 470, Core i7-980x, 6 gigs of ram, 7,200 rpm hard drive, at a resolution of 1680x1050. (is that what i must have especially for Batman Arkham City)


Go for an Intel i5 2500k most gamers will recommend them to you and they can be overclocked safely to run pretty much at the same speed as the i7. As long as you pick Intel over AMD you should be ok as Intel are way in front at the moment performance wise and are also very well priced.


I would also go for Nvidia GFX cards as well due to ATI cards tending to have bad driver issues and dont support things like physx.


Im not a fanboy of Intel or Nvidia but they are making the better hardware at the minute, and Nvidia are always on top of their drivers from my experience.


Im pretty sure that requirement is way off for Skyrim. Its being developed for the 360 as the main platform so unless they dont bother optimising it very well, it shouldnt need anything near that much power, so I would ignore that if I were you. Its not even going to be much better looking according to Todd Howard who said it would look the same on all platforms. Therefore the PC version will probably have a few DX11 features, higher res textures, softer shadows and probably not much more. Im expecting to play it on my i5 750 with a GTX460 with all the settings on max anyway.


You really dont need to waste your money buying top end GFX cards and the fastest processors at the minute, as nothing uses them with the exception of maybe Battlefield 3. Consoles are making it so we only need mid range hardware to have games on max settings. Obviously the better the hardware you get the longer it will last, but even a mid range system will last you 3 years easily. So far I havent come across a game that I cant run on max settings at a good rate of FPS, and Ive had my system a while now.


Save your money for when the next gen of consoles comes out and then splash out on a nice PC to show them up :biggrin:

Edited by egg
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As far as cases go, I went for Coolermaster HAF 932. A massive brute, but quiet with huge fans.


I have this case here.

and it has x3 120mm fans but i wouldn't say they were big.

What is concidered a big fan?

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As far as cases go, I went for Coolermaster HAF 932. A massive brute, but quiet with huge fans.


I have this case here.

and it has x3 120mm fans but i wouldn't say they were big.

What is concidered a big fan?


120mm is about standard size for case and cpu fans. My Case has a 200mm fan built into it (Antec 900), which I would say is big.

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