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I tried to post a comment on my mod on that site and then I tried to post a forum thread or comment. Nope, in spite of what the guy said you have to log in or register. Which I will not do.

I posted a comment to the Youtube account which I am sure will be deleted.


You could try this account if you don't get a reply on that one. http://www.youtube.com/user/KR31SH3R

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You could try this account if you don't get a reply on that one. http://www.youtube.com/user/KR31SH3R


Thanks, I copied the comment to that account as well. Now there is no way he couldn't be aware of my comment. I emailed it and posted to two Youtube accounts.


The more I see of that website the more I am appalled at the tactics of this guy. What he is doing amounts to bullying in my book. Uploading other peoples work, creating accounts in our names and essentially bullying people into signing up and onto his site. Making them think they have no other option other then to sign on and 'claim' their account that they never wanted and never had any intention of having.


Here is the crux of the matter.....you've never been there, never heard of the place...but apparently 'you' are active there. 'You' made an account in your name, 'you' uploaded your work there, 'you' are getting 'points' when people download your mod, your mod may even be featured and 'you' get accolades for it. To the average downloader the modder IS an active member there. This is complete deception and IS online identity theft.


This guy should be in prison.


Edit..That was quick, he deleted my comment!


I am copying my comment here in case he removes the other one...


My name is Shezrie. Remove my Oblivion mod 'Shezrie's Towns' from your site.

I do not agree with your business practices and will NOT be associated with your company or site in any way, shape or form.

Who the hell do you think you are making an account in my name. Telling me I have to 'claim' that account in order to access my own work. Effectively stealing my mod and Tes Nexus' bandwidth with direct linking to the file download on that site. You have no respect for the work of others and absolutely none for the modding communities for any of these games. Your goal is to make money from our work and that is clearly demonstrated in these underhanded business practices and in your TOS. Remove my mod and remove that account.


I also posted this comment, straight after he removed my last one....


The more I see of that website the more I am appalled at your tactics. What your is doing amounts to bullying in my book. Uploading other peoples work, creating accounts in our names and essentially bullying people into signing up and onto your site. Making them think they have no other option other then to sign on and 'claim' their account that they never wanted and never had any intention of having.


Here is the crux of the matter for people.....you (the modder) have never been there, never heard of the place...but apparently 'you' are active there. 'You' made an account in your name, 'you' uploaded your work there, 'you' are getting 'points' when people download your mod, your mod may even be featured and 'you' get accolades for it. To the average downloader the modder IS an active member there. This is complete deception and IS online identity theft.


He will remove the comment and I won't post anymore comments. However at least I know he has read it and if he doesn't remove the mod I will know and pass the word around about just how much respect he has for modders and their work.. :whistling:

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I've put the word around several places, but I'm finding except for a few people others either don't care or think this is old news. Except for here that is. I know people have viewed my posts because in some case they've been viewed a LOT of times but no responses. They will have to worry about their own files in that case and can't say they weren't notified.


I'm not going to lay down and die and accept this behaviour though. I suppose we can only wait now and see what happens as Dark0ne will sort them out here if they continue.



I saw your comments on the Youtube channels before one was deleted so yes, he has read them.


I also read on another forum that at least one person has been IP banned from Gmods for commenting so trying to get through to them at their own feedback area is hopeless. That's if you can get in at all which I couldn't do. I'm glad about that anyway as I don't want their malware on my system.

Edited by Maigrets
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Think that guy is still reading this thread?


sup Kreisher, how's it going? :thumbsup:


Not while logged in. :D I think he has noticed the OVERWHELMING sentiment AGAINST his site, and what he is attempting to do. I doubt we will see any further comments from him, unless/until he decides to get with the program, and apologizes for his behavior. Again. Not gonna hold my breath though.


Dark0ne needs to simply deny ANY direct connection to the download database, unless it actually comes FROM nexus. Otherwise, he might just as well start paying other folks hosting fees, as that is basically what he is doing anyway......

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anyone considered making a "gmod.com haters" youtube account and then posting it in these and as many other popular modding sites forums for people to comment? That way he can't delete the comments and people will have a public place to vent. I bet it gets more hits than his does. I don't even host my files on the BSN so you can add me to the list of people who don't want my content on his site. I refuse to go "get my account" as I don't need any spyware on my machine and I smell some kind of "crap" program in his stuff.


I see what the tool is trying to do with his site....basically take someone's work and change something minor and then reap the benefits from it.


I wish it was the old days.....that address is only like 45min from me and I am familiar with that area. I know it would be draconian but a ridge hand to his face would be very satisfying. :devil:



I am adding this to my mod's description...

If you are here from the gmods site, you are helping them steal bandwidth. Please log out of their site and download this and any of my other mods from logging in to the Nexus sites only. Thank you.

Edited by XTR3M368
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Think that guy is still reading this thread?


sup Kreisher, how's it going? :thumbsup:


Not while logged in. :D I think he has noticed the OVERWHELMING sentiment AGAINST his site, and what he is attempting to do. I doubt we will see any further comments from him, unless/until he decides to get with the program, and apologizes for his behavior. Again. Not gonna hold my breath though.


Dark0ne needs to simply deny ANY direct connection to the download database, unless it actually comes FROM nexus. Otherwise, he might just as well start paying other folks hosting fees, as that is basically what he is doing anyway......


I just checked Kreisher's profile and it shows that he's currently look at this thread right now, so I hope he enjoys our positively wonderful feedback... :dry:


edit: I just checked his profile, now he's offline, so I think he saw this...

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I just posted this comment on his youtube....Shezrie's latest is still there too....


If you have any of my intellectual property on you site, please take my "account" off of your site along with my work. My work is to be hosted on the Nexus family of sites ONLY. I don't appreciate you creating an "account" on your "gmods" site for modders to "claim". If I or they wanted to have an account on your site and post my/their mods there, I/they would create one myself/themselves. If you don't remove the content from modders like myself, I will assume that you are actively trying to steal intellectual property as well as leeching bandwidth from the above mentioned Nexus family of sites.
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@Kreisher- I see three of my mods linked to your site. I want them off NOW. I want nothing to do with your site and I have no wish to join it so dont be putting work of mine on your site. Edited by johnn123
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I just checked and my file has been removed. Consequently I have unhidden the file here. Whether or not it remains off their site remains to be seen. However, I have added this statement to my mod, along the lines of what is on my own website....


ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. This content may not be copied, reproduced or reuploaded in any form without the express permission of the authors. This includes, but is not limited to...all descriptions, images, files, comments and names.


Whether or not it serves the purpose....but at least I feel I have done everything necessary to make myself clear.


That is good, but a search on my name on that Gmod site brings up files from friends who made items for my Pell's Gate mod. Friends that haven't been active for months, but who I know would not approve. I guess all I can do is email them. But for goodness sake!...I shouldn't have to do that in the first place!

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