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Gee whizz is this still going on ... has the word not successfully gone out that the guys from G-mod are anathema and not to be trusted anymore than a one-legged dog running the Boston marathon ? ... my apologies to the one-legged dog.

Yep, it's still going on. On the plus side, GMod no longer actually hosts mods without the author's consent. They just put mod descriptions up (free advertising for us modders). On the downside, they (try) to link those descriptions directly to the Nexus servers. Unacceptable. So far, I've found eleven of my mods there. I've tried repeatedly to "claim" my account, but have yet to hear back from them. Clearly, they want to get content without the inconvenience of dealing with those who create it. GMod = Fail.

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Kreisher - If you are still monitoring these topics


Can you remove any files / images and descriptive content here http://gmod.com/mod/Wrye+Bash+Pictorial+Guide

Unknown to myself, you have uploaded my work without my permission

Now I wish you remove it, and anything else I create on Nexus, or TESAlliance, past present or future

This will develop into more than a request if you do not comply


I have no intention of joining your site to 'claim my account' which I did not create, therefore can you also delete the account permanently.

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Kreisher - If you are still monitoring these topics


Can you remove any files / images and descriptive content here http://gmod.com/mod/Wrye+Bash+Pictorial+Guide

Unknown to myself, you have uploaded my work without my permission

Now I wish you remove it, and anything else I create on Nexus, or TESAlliance, past present or future

This will develop into more than a request if you do not comply


I have no intention of joining your site to 'claim my account' which I did not create, therefore can you also delete the account permanently.

He doesn't monitor Nexus anymore. He also doesn't respond to PMs made to his account here, and there isn't a readily apparent way to contact him (or anyone) on GMod. I've tried repeatedly to "claim" my account there so I can remove the eleven (ELEVEN!!!) mod descriptions he stole from me, but I have yet to receive a single response. That's part of the reason I've removed my mods from Nexus and TES Alliance. I won't have this freeloading bugger profiting from my work.

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Doesn't look like the site is doing much of anything now that I look at it. The forums appear dead. There are only a handful of recent uploads, most of them with no downloads after a month. Their comic hasn't been updated in a year. Even their highest downloaded mods have less than 200 downloads.


Kreisher's blog has been dead since December.


His Twitter account still seems to be used



But nothing GMOD related there.


So either they're doing something in secret and being hush hush about things... Or the site and company has pretty much died and is only staying up because they payed the servers that long... currently until 2017.



He seems to have an active account here:



Sent him a tweet. We'll see if there is any response. Apparently this person learned nothing from the mess that was made and public shaming of his company. Despite an apology video, and promises, nothing seems to have been done.

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I see they have quite a bit of my stuff on their site. Guess I better "claim" my account and see that they haven't uploaded any of my stuff that requires permissions from others. (Or any of the stuff I made after I started requesting stuff not be uploaded off TESNexus sites.)
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"Think of it as a google for mods"


No, think of it as a PirateB@y for content I created for free. You are not google, google is google. I want users to find my mod through the place I advertise it as being in: THE NEXUS.


We, as modders do NOT do this for money. So to have someone like you come along and think it is OK to create an account in our names is the same thing as forging our signatures. It is the same logic as "mandatory volunteering." Obviously we do what we love and want control of it.


You, and your website clearly have no standards for upholding the simple -understood- rule of permissions.


EDIT: I am prepared to bash your web sites reputation into the ground. What is wrong with you? Posting up pages with download links to websites like the nexus? This is not fileserve or mediafire. Dark0ne certainly isn't rich off this either. Nothing but a leech. Use some common sense. It's a shame, because under different circumstances I might have found your web site appealing, but now I can only see it as appalling.

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Remove my content.


Scriverner07 I've removed your content. Korodic, I'm not getting back into this debate with the Nexus but I want to make something very clear:


EVERYTHING we have done has been for the community.

We have NEVER charged for anything and don't even have a single ad on our site (and never have).

We DO NOT link to the download page for the mod but rather the main mod page - this way people can learn more about it and get in touch with the developer. Think of it as free traffic (which by the way is how the Nexus makes money).

Most of the comments that have been made on this thread and throughout the Nexus have been false which is why I haven't actively responded to any of the posts.

If you don't want to use Gmod - just think of us a way to get free traffic (Yep - just like Google...).


But PLEASE think about what you're saying before you flame out on us. All we've ever tried to do is help the community and if you spent 10 sec on our site you'd know that.


Please do not expect a reply - this is the last comment I intend to make. If you don't want info about your mod on Gmod please message me directly either through Nexus or on Gmod (username: kreisher).


Thank you,


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@Kreisher unlike google you post up the entire pages info. Google simply points you in the direction that you searched. Your crawlers take things from the site. I am still inclined to call your website a leech. You think I didn't do research before I decided to "flame" you?


Just like surprise fees on my internet/phone bill I don't like the idea of having to opt out of something I didn't agree to do in the first place. If you were truly "for the community" you wouldn't have tried to bypass the decision of Dark0ne (and note that this was the biggest thing that upset me, and many others) and try to directly download files from the Nexus, there was a reason it was blacklisted, or do you think he did that to be mean?


The problems I see with your website are very simple.

[1] You crawl and take info/pictures that does not belong on your website.

[2] An opt-out system is immoral. If your tool really is benefiting us, let us seek you out.

[3] Your software.


If you want to play the role of being an exposure to mods people make, then you need to collaborate more with other websites you technically use within your own website. For a businessman/web developer/whatever you want to call yourself, this shouldn't have had to be said.


EDIT: Oh and about you not making money off ads, it is because you just didn't get to it yet.


"Olypmpus Games plans to make money via ads and also a subscription fee of $9"


Fine the rest of this story at: http://olympusgames.com/press?l=15


You plan on charging people $9? REALLY? Good luck selling that to people. So go ahead, ignore this topic, because if you aren't man enough to come clean rather than avoid facing this head on I can only hope that you get blacklisted in every way possible.


Here is another link to the story in case he tries removing this from his site like the "media kit" I saw earlier.



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