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I honestly think that someone SHOULD inform Bethesda about that site, on top of that, Dark0ne, would it in theory be possible to block connections coming from that site to the Nexus? Essentially a big sign that say "YOU SHALL NOT PASS" if a link from there attempts to access the Nexus? Only reason I am asking, is so far it seems that the vast majority of people aware of this don't want anything to do with gmod, so....
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Who Creates Mods?

Mods are created by vibrant online user community. All mods are user generated content - made by people who love games and want to create something new, exciting and kick ass. Gmod was created with the mod developer in mind - to give every dedicated mod developer the respect and credit they deserve.


This is on their login page. I thought it is funny how the Gmod.com steals and harvest modder's hard work and dare to mention the word "respect".

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"User Generated Information" means any information made available to other users through your use of multi-user features of GMOD or to Olympus Entertainment through your use of the Software. User Generated Information may include, but is not limited to, chat, forum posts, screen names, game selections, player performances, usage data, suggestions about Olympus Entertainment products or services, and error notifications. Subject to the Olympus Entertainment privacy policy referenced in Section 1 above, as applicable, you expressly grant Olympus Entertainment the complete and irrevocable right to use, reproduce, modify, create derivative works from, distribute, transmit, broadcast, and otherwise communicate, and publicly display and perform the User Generated Information and derivative works thereof in any form, anywhere, with or without attribution to you, and without any notice or compensation to you of any kind.




dree's post





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I've read quite a number of posts here - not all - and my observation is this;


This won't be the first time nor the last that something like this happens, opposition will come, it's all just a matter of time.

How this is handled now (and the people are rising to the challenge) will determine all future successes and/or failures.


Gmod is quite simply "opposition" to Nexus, it's like another "school of magic" that has opened down the road and is attempting to lure the magicians to "come on over and practice in our halls, where we've got a lot of space and these

are the following benefits and blessings we bestow blah blah blah etc. etc.".


Now, many a "craftsman or craftswoman" will feel the urge to forget their brothers and sisters and their elders and teachers (Moderators and masters in the craft) and their mother (Nexus) and father (Dark0ne), and leave the homestead that gave

them food and shelter and a place to live and grow, and like the prodigal son will want to wander off and go whoring with the flamers, trolls, pirates, thieves and law breakers.

But I'll tell you this beware of the greener grass on the other side because it's a sure sign that there's a lot more crap over there.


Don't go forgetting your roots and the people who care for you and have given you a home.

Join your brothers and sisters in the modding craft and say "Hell no we won't go" !

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Kreisher, do you realise how arrogant you are coming across as? You use your site to link to downlaods on another person's site, without permission, nay, without even notifying him of it first, then have the arrogance to tell him 'you make money from it anyways' when he says that it won't fly. Have you considered that not everybody cares about the money? That's downright arrogant, unethic and greedy of you.


Let me tell you what I think of your site. It's a site generated with the sole intent of making money, and nothing more. You want to spend minimal costs on server hosting, and saw an opportunity to link mods to other download sites, that way saving on bandwidth costs even further. TESNexus is here to host content for popular RPG games, and make enough money to cover server and bandwidth costs. You are here to make money through silly gimmicks. I'd even go so far as to say you don't give a rat's ass about mods or the modding community (although this was pretty much established when you uploaded them to your site without permission), just so long as you make money from it.


Let me give you a word of advice. Cut your losses and seek another business venture before you lose even more. The majority of us who are aware of this won't ever use your site, because it's shady and underhanded. I'm also going to spread word about this, and I encourage other users to do so as well. For every modder aware of your underhanded practices, there are loads more who don't. I'm going to post a thread about this on every gaming forum I frequent, not to be a dick, but to spread awareness so people can opt out of havng their content on your site if they don't want to. It will also have the side-effect that people might reason the same way I do and decide to never support your site, but I don't give a hoot about that.


The community here were willing to give you another chance after last time, and you've done nothing to redeem yourselves, instead just making yourselves look even worse. At best, you might be lucky to get enough hits a month to get by and just become another one of the countless smaller modding sites that gets traffic, but never enough to stand out above the crowd. For that reason alone I reiterate what I said earlier;


Cut your losses, move on. You've screwed this up for yourselves.

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This reeks of greed and arrogance. Kriesher, I say this once, and only once. I want nothing to do with your site or your underhanded schemes. I do not allow you to use my mods, images, or other intellectual properties AT ALL!


That is all I'm going to say on the matter.

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Even I, who have toyed with the idea of modding enough to see how it is done, and created a little from the instruction Wiki's for my own entertainment, do not like the idea gmod is suggesting.


It's a Blackhole in space, should be investigated thoroughly, and have warning signs put up all over Cyberspace to steer clear of it until further notice.


This topic shouldn't have even got started as a topic here. That is; it is considered to be promotional advertising. In my opinion the first person mod property owner replying should have informed the person who started this topic to consult the owner of this website, its board member's, operator's, moderator's via PM first to get their attention "before putting a single word of this in this forum post or testing their equipment with a link to any of the other sites as well."


The conduct was improper for business even in these time's where there are many innovative people who could do better and show us a thing or two.

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Hey Dark0ne, why not just block or redirect any connections with any of this guys sites as the referring site? Like redirect all incoming clicks back to the Nexus main page that they were trying to leach from.


Maybe even with a custom message to inform the users of what's going on.


I just noticed this was already suggested.

Edited by DonKnotts
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