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[WIP] Beyond Boulder Dome


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Every time I look at the progression of this mod, and the talent behind it...I just start loosing faith in the quality of my own works.




Keep up the good work, some of those environments are stunning and cleverly constructed.

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It looks like a promising mod but i have a question on the plot, If the brotherhood sees the dome why would they have a peaceful solution. If they are the true brotherhood they would just kill everyone like the NCR and take the tech for themselfs instead of trying to end the said chaos of the wasteland in which they dont care about lol. Because no one wants a replay of that lame excuse in the fallout series called FO3 lol.
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It looks like a promising mod but i have a question on the plot, If the brotherhood sees the dome why would they have a peaceful solution. If they are the true brotherhood they would just kill everyone like the NCR and take the tech for themselfs instead of trying to end the said chaos of the wasteland in which they dont care about lol. Because no one wants a replay of that lame excuse in the fallout series called FO3 lol.


I have a good answer for this one: The BOS is dieing out. Why? Because it is an organization that breeds all it's members from members. It has been mentioned in FO3 and NV that the Brotherhood is not doing well at all back West, the core rules are leading to them dieing faster than they can breed new members and they don't take in outsiders. You can get kicked out if you were born one of them but you can never become one of any but Lyon's offshoot unless you were born into it (by both parents). So they are running out of people from loses to combat and disease and the dangerous conditions they salvage in while less and less of them are born to replace the lost ones (why they do everything they can to discourage the same sex pairs, other than prejudice, they need more people!). So they have to change or die, so they decide to at least try out some changes, most intelligent of those: Deciding to try to help find a cure for the plague instead of blowing the place up as exposed people may get away...the only way to make themselves safe is to find a cure and eliminate this disease...then they decide if they let the people live or not.



Speaking of which...how many others were always thrown off by the prejudice the BOS has against Ghouls? The non-feral ones would be amazing resources of knowledge and know-how for the BOS. They should hire them on whenever possible...or in a darker spin, enslave them.

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I'm interested in getting involved with the community again and building some worldspaces.


I would like to help out this project before diving into mine again. I looks like you have a real team going. My mod died from not having enough community support, then taking a new job & starting a company. I've discovered over the past two years that I'm really, really bad at keeping a team together unless it is very small, and everyone knows what they are doing. So, I've decided that my place in life is more about helping others meet their goals than charging ahead on my own.


I'd be willing to donate a few hours a week helping build the Boulder Dome worldspace and interiors. I excel at using simple set pieces to make elaborate and original content. I know how to use snap tool correctly and hide seams in smart ways. All my landscapes look like real places, following their own geography and logical wind and rain differences, with highly complex textures. I also work well with others, making contributions and modifications that don't disrupt their work and fit with the rest of the overall vision of the project. I'm very good about making very big things out of simple resources, and finishing my work before requesting help or expecting others to complete what I started.


You can see my work here: http://www.moddb.com/mods/fallout-3-project-brazil


Let me know if you need help from me.



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