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Mothership Zeta hatred is baffling


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I'mnot talking about hatred of the gameplay here. the gameplay was just not good. But what the hell is so wrong with the premise of Aliens in Fallout? Sure we have Super Mutants, Weird Science eveyrwhere but ALIENS? No RUINED FOREVER! What am I missing? What possibly makes Aliens contradict the lore and setting? So much so that people have constantly been whining about and begging Beth/Obsidion never to use them again.
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MZ had great characters and a few laugh out loud moments to be had from playing some of the rooms.

Using the towers to blast and electrocute the aliens was hilarious. (That's the cowboy / hangar mission.)

Tercorian's dialogue cracked me up every time he opened his mouth.

Even the little girl was pretty cool, and she could easily have been extremely annoying.

The Samurai was cheesy. Was it really necessary to throw a bone to the artists with that silliness?

The spacewalk was one of those surreal "Fallout moments" that the Fallout franchise has been so good at delivering. ("The Hole" from Fallout 1 was one of these, this amazing experience where as you go deeper and deeper into this hellishly radioactive crater the walls and ceilings of the blasted out bunker become less and less damaged, until finally you descend into a level of the bunker undamaged by the bombs and almost untouched by time.)


There are so many dungeons (do we call ruined buildings in post-apocalyptia "dungeons?") in the D.C. Wasteland with half-broken ceiling / floors used as stairways and utility tunnels half-drowned in radioactive water and rubble-blocked dead-ends that surely the spaceship's clean hallways and smooth lines -- as one would expect of a functioning built environment -- are a relief?


My biggest criticism would have to be that its loot is so overpowering that going to MZ needs a level limit, maybe deftly folded into the plot with some kind of trigger involving the Enclave and maybe one of those satellite towers near Enclave territory.


If you go to MZ at level 2, by the time you return to Earth you'll never have to deal with all the early challenges that make Fallout 3 what it is. Even skill points aren't a big deal, since you can skip Repair and Small Guns and go straight into Stealth, Energy, then whatever else you want. When I did this -- with my first character and fresh out of the Vault, which was a mistake -- it felt so much like cheating when I got back to Earth I re-started and stayed away from MZ.


I hated Point Lookout, in case anyone cares. I thought it was just relentlessly awful. The "Good job, brave comrade! Your family will be rewarded with extra ration cards!" message of the Chinese government to its agent when they gas him (you) brought a laugh-out-loud moment, but the rest was just silly and stupid.

Why were those mobs who looked like inbred rednecks from "Deliverance" trying to kill me again? Were they infected with FEV? No, they're just trying to kill me because. There is a suggestion in some exposition revealed in one of the side-plots that they are reanimated Confederate zombies, but the whole "swamp gas corporate conspiracy" thing isn't really explained all that well, either. It's like some game writer intern said, "Hey, rednecks are evil and so are corporations. Let's mash the two together and make a DLC out of it!" It just seemed poorly thought-out to me, very un-Fallout-like. So I guess when it comes to DLC YMMV.

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The Samurai was cheesy. Was it really necessary to throw a bone to the artists with that silliness?

The spacewalk was one of those surreal "Fallout moments" that the Fallout franchise has been so good at delivering.


These two, IMHO, are there strictly to recover the suit and armor to display using the Mannequin mod, LOL. I couldn't pick pocket the Samurai successfully so I had to kill him once I completed the mission, however, his armor is forever immortalized as a trophy in my Vault 1 display (right next to Vance and Tennpenny). :)

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Its been in fallout since FO1 I dont think anyone with real taste for the FO lore would disagree with it, now doing it heavily so would be a problem sure. But stuff like MZ is fine on occasion.


the aliens in FO1 and FO2 arent acutally aliens, thats just their name, they are creatures created by the military.

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The Fallout series is based on a 1950's take of what the future would be like, so having aliens is perfectly canon with it. In the 1950's there was a boom in UFO spottings and interest in aliens, there were even official government investigations into the matter. I'm sure that there are those here that recall hearing about Roswell, New Mexico and the Groom Lake Facility ( A.K.A. Area 51 ). Aliens in Fallout just seems like a natural progression to me given all of this.


Perhaps the hatred for the Mothership Zeta DLC that some harbor, is routed in a type of xenophobia? :P

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