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Choosing NOT to pursue the main quest


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Well, dragons don't start appearing until a little bit of the ways into the main quest, so presumably if you go off the beaten path and start exploring as soon as you get out of the tutorial dungeon they'll never show up until you decide to do more of the main quest. So yes, you should be able to just ignore the main quest (Like spending the whole game running around with Caius's package in Morrowind or holding onto the Amulet of Kings forever in Oblivion.). Only be able to tell for sure though once we have the game for ourselves.
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My first play through I am going to do like the first three parts of the main quest then f*** around.


That's how I did it in Oblivion. In morrowind I went straight to f***ing around though.


I prefer the way I did it in Oblivion, since you get some of the basic storyline down as well as some of the quest goodies.

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I don't think so, in a preview someone got some sort of animal friend shout, and it was at the start of the game. Maybe you can't actually use it until you do something with the main quest, though.


That's not a shout that's a racial ability.

The Bosmer get the Animal friend ability which lets them turn an animal to an ally once a day.

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That's not a shout that's a racial ability.

The Bosmer get the Animal friend ability which lets them turn an animal to an ally once a day.


Yes, but it's also a shout: Animal Allegiance I think the name was. The guy in the Xbox360Achivements.com demo found it on a word wall in a dungeon.

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I will be ding the main quest and the side quests I come across along the way.And explore the dwemer ruins whenever I find one.
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In nearly 4k hrs of play across three games(MW,OB and FO3) I have yet to complete the main quest in any of the them. For me it's all about the world, exploration and modding. I couldn't care less about the story honestly. There's a first time for everything though and who knows maybe the main quest in Skyrim will actually succeed in snaring me and for once I might complete it.
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