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Making My Mod Less Exploitable

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I think Hickory nailed it right on... http://www.thenexusforums.com/public/style_emoticons/dark/thumbsup.gif


I really don't see the point of this. People download mods to... you guessed it.. play them. No one sails out with the intent to cheat on a mod. And no matter what you do, anyone can find out what you did and what you scripted/added.


Also, I am not deciding how players play their game at all. I am deciding how I want people to play the mod that I spent my good amount of time making, and then decided to be nice enough to maybe upload it for others to freely enjoy the time and effort I put into this mod. If they do not like the mod or how your supposed to play it, then they don't have to download it.



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As I said I'm not going with the inability to edit the mod anymore, but rather making it a hassle to.


For those who commented about it, trust me, once you see what the mod is you will understand the absolute NEED for this. It isn't so much just because I don't want the sport of the game to be exploited. I won't go further into detail about it because I don't want to give anything away.


(Ommited now that it's unnecessary)


I will emphasize a few things more in hopes that it ends there, and we can get back on topic:


1: This is no longer about .exe

2: This is no longer about making the mod unmoddable.

3: This was never meant to be about bugs.

4: I haven't said what the mod is so when posting your opinions to or for this, please take into consideration that maybe because of the type of mod that I am making that you are unaware of that this is a necessity. Consideration is all I'm asking, I'm not saying don't post anything counter to what I want. Just don't post blindly.

5: I am making a mini-game mod which is not to be run in conjuncture with other mods. Due to that particular nature, this should also emphasize the fact that there will be a larger incentive to cheat the mod, because the mod IS a game in and of itself.

6: I am asking for methods that deter cheaters, add extra steps and road-blocks to make it harder to exploit. If you read the OP you will see more detail about those particulars.

7: I understand that there aren't a river of people downloading mods just so they can cheat it. So it shouldn't matter to people who download and play things just to play them and play them how it was intended. As a matter of fact, the majority shouldn't even notice that there are anti-cheat measurements.

8: MOST anti-cheat methods seem so far to involve the CS itself, so this mod is obviously going to be accessible in the CS, otherwise why even have the other measurements in the CS?

9: This mod is NOT an ordinary mod. So it calls for less than ordinary attention in certain areas, such as ensuring it is not exploitable.


Now, please get back on topic? If you have a comment against this idea, please make sure it is against THIS idea. And please take a look at the reasons FOR it before telling me why it shouldn't be. All I'm asking is that there are no blind posts about your opposition to the idea that you didn't even take the time to learn what is. Let's stop this from getting off-topic now, eh? Oh, wait, one more.


10: Don't give me your ideas about controversial methods anymore. Intentional bugging and the likes are not what I am going to consider from now on, so let's stay on unquestionably ethical solutions.


Be well, sleep well, fight well, live long.


Edited by Ranokoa
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Ah, I got another idea. Making duplicates of all the interior cells, and then rename the ones that matter to something that doesn't, so when they add something to the cell it "won't appear ingame" for them, rofl.
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What Hickory said


What Hickory said was the truth. What Hickory said stands. Now please leave me out of this.

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Yes, but what you said was not about what this is now about. I was clarifying that for someone else who brought it up, and was basically saying that the topic has changed from that and to stop changing subject. Edited by Ranokoa
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Yes, but what Hickory said was not about what this is now about.


Yes it is. You just cannot see it. Now, please, leave me out of this.

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I get were you're coming from. However, making dirty edits (modifying vanilla stuff unless absolutely needed, creating new things that aren't required) just for the purpose of confusion in the CS is HIGHLY frowned upon. The last person who did something along the lines of this (making thousands of dirty edits to make sure their mod overwrote everything else), discussion about them is banned on the Bethesda forums. Not saying you have any bad intentions, it's just that people will take it totally the wrong way.
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To do the things you are mentioning adds all that wasted extra time to develop the mod instead of actually adding anything to the mod that users would like to use so IMO is a complete waste of time since as everyone has already mentioned if a user want to spend the time to find a way to cheat on the mod they can do it so your just wasting time and energy trying to hide things when the CS will show everything anyway. Why not spend the effort actually fine tuning the mod and making it wwork for those that will use it instead of trying to stop the 1 in a few 1000 that would make adjustments trying to cheat ( Especially since OB is a single player game so what a user does to modify a mod makes no difference to other users anyway !!) ---- Or just keep the mod to yourself and distribute it only to those that you feel will not cheat on it instead of publicly releasing it if you are so worried about how it will be used.


The end result of what you are doing is the mod becomes overly complicated and may well cause problems with the stability of the game when it is loaded and trying to troubleshoot the bugs becomes that much more time consuming since you are the only one that knows what is actually being done and may not even be able to figure out the problem because it is hidden is one of the useless parts that you added so that everyone stops using what might otherwise be a decent mod because it has problems and is never fixed !! -- Just a complete waste of time and will only lead to fewer people ever using it or any of your future mods since they will remember how this one was done and decide to avoid any future mods you make.

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