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Here is what I have observed in this thread...


1) The topic didn't stay on course

2) It did not appear that many people tried to keep it there based on the post.

3) When someone comes in and says something stupid, hurtful, the truth, insane, careless, prejudiced, etc etc etc....then it seems the next poster can not just

a) let it go

b) report it

c) not try to get the last word


Its like a bunch of 3rd graders on the playground....someone has to get the last word and just add fuel to the fire.


My daughter read this thread...at 13 she could even figure out it went from zero to stupid in 2.5 seconds.


Did it ever occur to you that when someone comes in and stirs the shite that just letting it go would do more to shut that person up that any post? COME ON!


Don't make me beat all of you. And yes...that is the last word...ironic though it may be.

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You know...it's perfectly within human nature to argue and disagree, after all, it's one of the ways we interpret valuable information. On the other hand, it's also a giant cannon ball to the face. On one hand, you can choose to fire it correctly, and hit what you're aiming for, and on the other (as is the new norm around here), it can blow up in your face.


Now...this thread was going good at first, hell, even smoothly, but as is typical (and for some reason, surprising), it all went down the tubes. Is it seriously this difficult to maintain one stupid little thread (I mean that with the utmost respect for both the post and poster) and act our age? I still have somewhat of an excuse, I am 17 after all; but the irony here is that I don't throw a tantrum and spit on fellow members of this community. Most of you here are adults who are older than me, some of you are even in your elder years. You guys are suppose to be wise and mature, so why do I find five year old children in a debate forum on a pg-13 modding website? This isn't the proper example to set to the new generation of our kind, and in fact, those of you (and you know damn well who you are) should be ashamed of how childish you are acting. I have acted very immature here before, and no, before you say it, I am not her to apologize and justify myself. Call me ignorant, call me an oxymoron, a hypocrite, or a stupid teenager who doesn't know what he is saying. But consider this. The world is already full of fighting, arguing, and senseless idiocy on a scale so grand that I don't believe it can ever truly be mended. We can either make this one of the few places in this sad excuse of a society into a knowledgeable, in a sense, "utopia", and just for once...ONCE...just talk and listen to each other.


Or...we can down-spiral and continue to make worthless arguments that land you at ground zero.


Is that really so much to ask of you people? Can you honestly tell me that this is the most impossible thing in the world?

Edited by Keanumoreira
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I think this is why I quit posting in this particular forum. Nevertheless, I'll continue to pop in and out of threads here and see what happens. Occasionally there are some very bright and insightful remarks, which unlike some of the more hateful ones, are a pleasure to read.
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and now we are back on topic :)


Things would be greatly improved if people actually read fully what others have posted before replying, I've lost count of how many times people have disagreed with something I haven't said.


I think that's because people get emotional in these discussions and one, we tend to project our fears onto the posts we disagree with, and two, we are sometimes reaching for a way to express our own agendas.


Maybe we're not all always guilty of that, but it tends to pop up for all of us I think.

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That is true, myr.


Without going into detail, in certain topics, I've had to actually debate my own and my friends' humanity, good character, sanity and even our existence, because other people use this section as an excuse to spout bigotry and make everyone despair for the gaming community. The influx of xenophobes we are having lately is a serious problem. :(

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Thank you, Keanumoreira for your very excellent and adult post. I believe it has come too late, but it was sincere and well meant. I fear it is a bit too late for me. I had my say earlier in the thread, when I thought I was addressing the issue as the OP intended. Now I will just watch and listen. Don't believe I have anything more to say here on these threads (which will probably please more than a few :tongue: ). Hope you and those with your forthrightness will keep it up though.
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I have watched this minor debacle from start to here and though I swore to myself to stay away from the debates thread per se, I am going to throw in my two cents anyway. Even within the bounds of this confessional there are those that still move their personal agenda and private feuds before actually dealing with the subject at hand.

The concept of debating is not winning at all costs but having an open mind to what someone else says and being able to see that some, part or all of their idea has some merit and saying so when shown that. An exchange of ideas is just that an exchange, not a suppression or subjugation of the other's view to the roar of the imaginary crowds in your head as you defeat them in gladiatorial prose combat.

This concept used to be in at least partial evidence some time back but has disappeared into the mists. Some posters such as Grannywills, Jim_Uk, Keanumura, Lisnpuppy and Ghogiel still show this ability but the preponderance of current posters see the forum as a contest of wills where winning is the only object, which is ludicrous since the only people that they convince are the fanatics of their own persuasion.

I am not going to wish that all of you start to play nicely together because I'm a pragmatist and do not see instant reform coming from a brief moment of self effacing contrition in that much I agree with Kendo2 and the resultant skirmish with him confirms that view to me.

Alias Theory I am on the same page with you at least in that at times I see some insightful witty post which almost makes me think that there is a glimmer of hope, but not enough to rejoin the fray.

There was a time in which I throughly enjoyed the debates here that was before the degeneration set in and the patient died of terminal intellectual gangrene. I used to say that I await with droll amusement the rebuttals that are sure to follow but not anymore.

Edited by Aurielius
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