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What the - happened?


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Things would be greatly improved if people actually read fully what others have posted before replying, I've lost count of how many times people have disagreed with something I haven't said.


Or would not read something INTO a statement that was not meant. I realize its difficult here with no body language or tone of voice which to see a person's intent, but many I think choose to SOMETIMES see shadows where there are not and take things personally.

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Have you guys ever thought that ideals might play a heavy role in turning most debates into a flaming hatefest. I've seen the most intelligent person make a damn fool out of themselves, by ranting about the opposition.


Oh yeah, most definitely. It isn't so much a Debates Section as it is a dusty alley in Tombstone, Arizona. The Clantons line up one side, the Earps and Doc on the other and the guns start blazing. It has been like that for as long as I can remember. The only real difference I can see now is the thin veil of civility is gone and the Clantons and the Earps are just gunning each other down in the street.


And I'm sure I'll be figuratively shot dead by the either the Clantons or the Earps for posting this comparison.

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