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Windows 8 and you


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I really think Microsoft have dropped the ball on this one, it's obviously been designed with touchscreens in mind yet touchscreens on real computers just haven't taken off. They're less accurate than using a mouse and not as comfortable as you have to keep leaning forward to poke the screen. Tablets haven't replaced PCs. they've become a separate device that is convenient for simple tasks. Apple and Google have got it right, keep it simple because simple tasks are all tablets are any good for, a full blown Windows OS isn't necessary.
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I have just installed the developer preview version of Windows 8 and have a couple of things to convey to all of you.


First off and most important in my opinion is what happens during the install process. If you have a second hard drive and are thinking that you can install Windows 8 and dual boot so you can check things out, think again. Windows 8 did not allow me to choose an OS to boot to once I had the install completed. I had to boot from my Windows 7 DVD and choose the repair option to be able to get back into my normal OS of Windows 7. This alone is reason enough to avoid this OS.


Secondly, the start menu is no longer there. Instead of the start menu, the system boots into a web page that doesn't have any navigation features to speak of other than icons on the page. These icons reflect standard options you would see in the start menu as well as programs that are installed. The icons are huge. Some are pretty, some are ugly but they are all way too large for my taste and I use a 1680 X 1050 desktop setting. Things that are missing are simple things that are necessary for me most of the time. For instance, there is no options here to turn the system off, restart, or even log off the system. Common tasks like Windows Update seem to not be able to be accessed from here. To be honest, I am not even sure where I would go in Windows 8 to access Windows Update.


You can get to the control panel you are used to, but only after jumping through a couple of hoops. There is a control panel icon in this start menu screen you see, and that takes you to a similar view with common tasks on the left with results on the right. I clicked on Windows Update and it showed the settings for it, but I was unable to change these settings from here. The way to get to the normal control panel is through a link at the bottom that says more options or more settings, can't remember the exact wording.


I realize this is a developer release and not ready for prime time, but if this is any indication of what is to come, then I for one will refuse to spend my money on this new OS. I like my system to be intuitive as well as functional and I feel that MS has gone overboard with the way they set up the OS this time. Gone are the easy days. And in case some of you may think that I may just not know much about computers, I have a long background in working on computers as well as troubleshooting and installing windows in many different environments. I have been a partner in a computer store and the lead networking technician for the store. I have worked with large companies doing tech work, one such company was UPS. So if I am having second thoughts about how well this is going to go over, I am pretty sure the average user is going to freak out and not be able to get things done very easily.


what the heck is wrong with microsoft? How is so hard to read what people want, take polls, and make a functional, pretty and useful product. Windows 7 is OK in my opinion. It has some shortcomings. Like the fact that even though my computer is a 6 core monster, most games only utilize 1 core, so when 1 core gets maxed or is under heavy usage I get a popup saying "Windows has decided you are using too many resources, would you like to switch to windows aero?"


Not to mention the absurd gadgets which are so finicky and break for no reason. I had a really great CPU monitor that one day decided it wanted to be a little tiny white box, and reinstalling the OS and clean booting does not fix. Registry fix no work either.


Well done Microsoft. Well done.

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what the heck is wrong with microsoft? How is so hard to read what people want, take polls, and make a functional, pretty and useful product. Windows 7 is OK in my opinion. It has some shortcomings. Like the fact that even though my computer is a 6 core monster, most games only utilize 1 core, so when 1 core gets maxed or is under heavy usage I get a popup saying "Windows has decided you are using too many resources, would you like to switch to windows aero?"


Not to mention the absurd gadgets which are so finicky and break for no reason. I had a really great CPU monitor that one day decided it wanted to be a little tiny white box, and reinstalling the OS and clean booting does not fix. Registry fix no work either.


Well done Microsoft. Well done.


I came across a blog about a year ago run by an ex Microsoft employee and frequented by a number of current and ex employees of the company, it was a real eye opener. The company is a shambles, it's being run by lawyers and clueless marketing twonks, innovation is an alien concept to those at the top. What little talent that hasn't jumped ship to Google and Apple are all in the Windows division, even there the signs are not good. Just look at list of recent failures, the Kin, the Courier, Windows Mobile, Zune and the 360s obvious design flaw that cost them a small fortune. I shudder to think what they're going to do with Skype, if they're stupid enough to make it Winmo only then it's as good as dead.

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Was browsing a few sites I like to frequent and found this...laughed so hard




that about sums it up for me :P I'm too young for Windows 1.0, didn't know it looked like that lol

Edited by Illiad86
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what the heck is wrong with microsoft? How is so hard to read what people want, take polls, and make a functional, pretty and useful product.


Polls (especially internet polls) don't repersent the enitre community at large and most (if not all) of the time is bias. It's also the reason why polls and stats are never used in debated here, because people don't really understand how to use them.




As for Win 8, seems like they are trying to compete with the tablet software market instead of making a good product for PC desktops. To assume that the simple mouse and keyboard is going to be quickly replaced by touch tablets is a bit presumptuous. I just wish that the same thing happened in 1990's with Apple comes to MS.

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After a little more playing around with Windows 8, I have found out how to get the start menu and get rid of the UI that Microsoft has put to the front, or at least how to avoid seeing it unless I want to. I have installed Oblivion and am in the process of installing all the mods for uFCOM as well as other mods that I normally play with. Will give a better impression a little later on.
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Microsoft would make a killing if they made an O/S SPECIFICALLY for gamers. No unnecessary features. Just enough operating system for applications to talk to hardware. Imaging the performance boost you would get by NOT having all the assorted crap loading up, and consuming resources......
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Humbly if the designers of vista and win8 get fired ( i would personally vote for that )... and it Microsoft wants to make money they should enlist as designer Hugo Boss. Aside from the fact that a loot of (brand-related dependent) people would buy the such design O/S like there is no tomorrow, it would have due to Hugo Boss typical minimalism compared with all the functionality that is needed to be god enough for me. but microsofts philosophy of pining the users with inovational and progressive frippery design features is irrelevant because we need basis that we can even with with minimal knowllege put up and work with it easily.
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