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What is your political philosophy?


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If you honestly believe that, I think you haven't been on the web lately.


Yeah, that's true. There aren't that many openly far-left borderline anarchist types around generally ;) Also, they should've put anarchist at the bottom of that quiz rather than "libertarian" because I'm not a libertarian.

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I expected to be more moderate than I came up on the graph. Though I think it ask some important questions I think to get a more true reading you would need a much longer test, Some of the questions pushed me more to the left than I think I am because they were classic way left/way right questions. Many of the mid-range ones I would have to take a side that I would normally be more "neutral" on. It was interesting though. :thumbsup:





I also thing what was said about being in different countries applies to your views of what you would be defined as on the chart..the XY axis would move around a bit.

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Ok, so here´s mine. It is not so far left as I had expected




I had expected something like this, lol:



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If you honestly believe that, I think you haven't been on the web lately.


Yeah, that's true. There aren't that many openly far-left borderline anarchist types around generally ;) Also, they should've put anarchist at the bottom of that quiz rather than "libertarian" because I'm not a libertarian.


Surely there is no such thing as a left wing anarchist? the dictionary definition of anarchy is “an absence of government, or a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.”, this is polar opposite to the lefts big state collectivism. Anarchists are about as far to the right as you get.

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I figured I'd do the test, even if I don't 100% understand what the results mean, maybe a question or two as well. I also felt like punching through my screen at "Our civil liberties are being excessively curbed in the name of counter-terrorism." And some other 'questions' as well

But, I completed it: http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=0.75&soc=-0.82

I guess this is also a good opportunity for me to read about this stuff :P

Edited by Nysba
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If you honestly believe that, I think you haven't been on the web lately.


Yeah, that's true. There aren't that many openly far-left borderline anarchist types around generally ;) Also, they should've put anarchist at the bottom of that quiz rather than "libertarian" because I'm not a libertarian.


Surely there is no such thing as a left wing anarchist? the dictionary definition of anarchy is “an absence of government, or a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.”, this is polar opposite to the lefts big state collectivism. Anarchists are about as far to the right as you get.


Don't equate left wing with authoritarian, that's not even logical. There's right-wing authoritarians too. I'm not a communist (which I've noticed is used as an insult rather a lot, especially in nonsensical phrases like "communist nazi pansy", one frequently used by trolls) which would be the authoritarian position. I'm someone who believes largely in non-intervention but at the same time doesn't support big business running wild.

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If you honestly believe that, I think you haven't been on the web lately.


Yeah, that's true. There aren't that many openly far-left borderline anarchist types around generally ;) Also, they should've put anarchist at the bottom of that quiz rather than "libertarian" because I'm not a libertarian.


Surely there is no such thing as a left wing anarchist? the dictionary definition of anarchy is "an absence of government, or a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.", this is polar opposite to the lefts big state collectivism. Anarchists are about as far to the right as you get.


Don't equate left wing with authoritarian, that's not even logical. There's right-wing authoritarians too. I'm not a communist (which I've noticed is used as an insult rather a lot, especially in nonsensical phrases like "communist nazi pansy", one frequently used by trolls) which would be the authoritarian position. I'm someone who believes largely in non-intervention but at the same time doesn't support big business running wild.


Its true that in countries other than the US, there is a permanent left of center divide. Which means that both parties believe in the intervention of the government in an individuals personal life, as well as the goverment regulating things that isiah berlin reffered to as a "freedom from" something. Both parties in other countries support the idea of that intervention but differ on the way to go about it and in which direction to go.


In the united states that is not the case. in the last 23 years we have developed what are known as RINO's - republican in name only. But the principles or republicanism in this country are different from others because there is not a left of center divide. The right wing in this country does not believe in the intervention of government in protecting people from themselves. There are plenty of rino's out there but dont let that differ you from understanding the principles that make them different.

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Ok ive taken this quiz many times now and i can tell you that it is inaccurate


It considers the mentally handicapped not reproducing a right wing thing when it is clearly left wing. I.E. nazi's


It considers all racist mentalities a right wing thing when they are clearly left wing


It takes a page out of the communist manifesto and considers all questions related to it "left" instead of authoritarian


I took this quiz this last time and answered as the most hardcore authoritarian communist i could be and see my results. Not even a hint of authoritarianism.


amazing. That is why i posted an accurate graph on page one that displays everything without any conflictions




Because the right-left dichotomy is different in the US than in europe it is mischaracterizing many right-left aspects as the european model

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