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What is your political philosophy?


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Interesting, but not really true ...




Some more ... Hmmmmm




Well ok I suppose, maybe I'm a "Centrist" boooooooo

Edited by Nintii
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If you honestly believe that, I think you haven't been on the web lately.


Yeah, that's true. There aren't that many openly far-left borderline anarchist types around generally ;) Also, they should've put anarchist at the bottom of that quiz rather than "libertarian" because I'm not a libertarian.


Surely there is no such thing as a left wing anarchist? the dictionary definition of anarchy is “an absence of government, or a state of lawlessness or political disorder due to the absence of governmental authority.”, this is polar opposite to the lefts big state collectivism. Anarchists are about as far to the right as you get.


Don't equate left wing with authoritarian, that's not even logical. There's right-wing authoritarians too. I'm not a communist (which I've noticed is used as an insult rather a lot, especially in nonsensical phrases like "communist nazi pansy", one frequently used by trolls) which would be the authoritarian position. I'm someone who believes largely in non-intervention but at the same time doesn't support big business running wild.


I didn't say authoritarian, I said big state collectivism. I didn't call you a communist either. I obviously meant no offence so I'm at a loss to understand why you seem to have taken it. Back on topic... How would you control big business without laws and a body to enforce those laws? Anarchy is the survival of the fittest, the ultimate dog eat dog system, it is the opposite of what those on the left believe in.

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Ok ive taken this quiz many times now and i can tell you that it is inaccurate


It considers the mentally handicapped not reproducing a right wing thing when it is clearly left wing. I.E. nazi's


It considers all racist mentalities a right wing thing when they are clearly left wing


It takes a page out of the communist manifesto and considers all questions related to it "left" instead of authoritarian


I took this quiz this last time and answered as the most hardcore authoritarian communist i could be and see my results. Not even a hint of authoritarianism.


amazing. That is why i posted an accurate graph on page one that displays everything without any conflictions




Because the right-left dichotomy is different in the US than in europe it is mischaracterizing many right-left aspects as the european model

Nazis are left wing? That completely contradicts history. I am sure North Korea is also a democratic country, because it has democratic in its name. Did you forget the KKK and the entire civil rights era?


The communist manifesto is in no way authoritarian. Marx did not believe in big government, he believed that everyone should be entirely equal and they should not have personal property. He believed that everyone should share, not that a large government (which would mean there would be a higher class) would control everything.

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Ok ive taken this quiz many times now and i can tell you that it is inaccurate


It considers the mentally handicapped not reproducing a right wing thing when it is clearly left wing. I.E. nazi's


It considers all racist mentalities a right wing thing when they are clearly left wing


It takes a page out of the communist manifesto and considers all questions related to it "left" instead of authoritarian


I took this quiz this last time and answered as the most hardcore authoritarian communist i could be and see my results. Not even a hint of authoritarianism.


amazing. That is why i posted an accurate graph on page one that displays everything without any conflictions




Because the right-left dichotomy is different in the US than in europe it is mischaracterizing many right-left aspects as the european model

Nazis are left wing? That completely contradicts history. I am sure North Korea is also a democratic country, because it has democratic in its name. Did you forget the KKK and the entire civil rights era?


The communist manifesto is in no way authoritarian. Marx did not believe in big government, he believed that everyone should be entirely equal and they should not have personal property. He believed that everyone should share, not that a large government (which would mean there would be a higher class) would control everything.


And what you do when those people don't share voluntarily? the system is fine when used in something like a hippie commune where everyone thinks that way, when it's used against peoples wishes is when it starts to get unpleasant.

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Sorry on phone.

Kkk has always been Democrats. You should really think before you type nonsense.

Nazi, also known as national socialist, spawned from communism. Churchill writes anentire book about it in his nonabridged version of ww2. Including his experience with how they used das capital to help write their doctrines

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"We are socialists, we are enemies of today's capitalistic economic system for the exploitation of the economically weak, with its unfair salaries, with its unseemly evaluation of a human being according to wealth and property instead of responsibility and performance, and we are all determined to destroy this system under all conditions." --Adolf Hitler
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Sorry on phone.

Kkk has always been Democrats. You should really think before you type nonsense.

Nazi, also known as national socialist, spawned from communism. Churchill writes anentire book about it in his nonabridged version of ww2. Including his experience with how they used das capital to help write their doctrines

The KKK where democrats? Seriously?


I am sure they would have voted for the party that supported civil rights huh? That makes no sense for a terrorist group that exists for the sole purpose of racial hatred would vote for a party that supported civil rights. If you don't believe that the KKK is right wing, look at the website and forums started by one of their founders.



Nazi's had socialism in their name. We all know that.


Did you know the full name of North Korea is The Democratic People’s Republic of Korea? That obviously means North Korea is democratic right?

Edited by marharth
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