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What are people entitled to?


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  • 1 month later...
I think people are entitled to basic necessities, meaning food, water, shelter, and healthcare. However, in my opinion, parasites (people who are able to work but do not because they are too lazy) should not receive any of these things.
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I think people are entitled to basic necessities, meaning food, water, shelter, and healthcare. However, in my opinion, parasites (people who are able to work but do not because they are too lazy) should not receive any of these things.


And who decides who actually deserves it, and who is being a parasite?


In all reality, no one is entitled to anything at all. You get those rights that the current government is will to extend to you, and even those can be revoked without prior notification.

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People are entitled to use their brains to figure out how to get the basics of food & water and clothing, etc...


People are NOT entitled to have this stuff given to them simply because they are too darned lazy to get off their butts and do it themselves.




People are entitled to some assistance if they are in genuine need and are enduring genuine hardships.


People are NOT entitled to this stuff if they are too darned lazy to get off their butts and provide for themselves.




People are entitled to be respected for what they are and what they do.


Some take this entitlment for granted, abuse it, and end up being complete jerks who lose that entitlment.




Am I being a bit harsh? Maybe. But then, I think I'm entitled to it.

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A human does whatever he wants. Why? Because a human is a life form.


You can't give a human rights or restrictions. Take law and order for example, the way that goes is for the law. The courts create a law, rules a human follows, and expects a human to follow it. A criminal however, is a human who refuses to live by that.


Another example is a country being thrown under revolution. A leader tells the people to do something, the people refuse, and begin to rebel. They do what they want, and not what the leader wants.


A person isn't entitled to anything until he earns it, whether that be through good deeds or bloodshed, the human earns something.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't believe anyone is "entitled" to anything. At all. You get out of life what you put into it, sometimes things don't work out. I hate seeing people with fake "disabilities" and 9 kids, collecting welfare checks and using EBT cards to buy steaks! It happens. I know a girl who used some of her financial aid money to buy a coach purse!! Seriously! She would always complain about struggling to get by, but she always had nice things! My girlfriend used to work in retail, she would tell me that the people on "benifits" were typically the rudest, nastiest customers. ( remember I said typically)


Now that said, I believe people with REAL disabilities should be helped. People with REAL phsyical and mental problems. I have a cousin who is wheelchair bound and a brother with autism, so I'm not just spewing nonsense.

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Gaius_Ignatius, like MB, I would be interested in knowing when you have seen this. We all know that there is occasional welfare fraud, just as there is bankers' fraud and corporate tax fraud, etc., etc., etc., etc. But by and large most of the poor people that I know (and I know my share, trust me on this one) are really poor, and they neither expect nor accept handouts. I'm not sure that the thread heading was referring to this particular type of thing, but I could be wrong. If so, please accept my apologies.
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@ Grannywils:


In Australia, you can get over $40,000 a year tax free, just from Centrelink (social service) benefits. You tell me that's not an incentive to not work for many................no kidding, and predictably, it's chaotic over here, the debate about Centrelink.

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