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To early to request help on a mod?


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I've decided to do a dragon-like mount (no flying atm) and have subsequently built a model in Blender... now I'm new to the whole 3D modelling thing so advice and tips are vastly appreciated and criticism is also welcomed, but the point is I'm not as brilliant at the texturing and even less so with scripts.


So my question is; is it too early to be asking for texturing/scripting help (or someone/ones to work with) and advice on the total poly count I should be aiming for?



Please give feedback on the model, it is fully articulated with only 2 minor errors (2 teeth move slightly when the tongue is moved and at the front of the lower jaw the skeleton is slightly longer on one side, which causes a small twisting at the very end) and can be packed in a variety of file types with a texture file of any size and format.



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Looks really nice!

I'd love to help you, but I'm still learning 3D art and texturing.

I'm sure someone will help you with textures, but you should create a new topic in Oblivion's Mod Talk forum for more feedback.

We can't help you with scripting because we don't know if Skyrim will use the same scripting language like Oblivion. So unless you want to try it out with Oblivion, you'll have to wait for the Creation Kit and Skyrim.

Edited by Iv000
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I'll texture it if you grant me artistic license. I would have to be allowed to revise various parts of it. Is it finished, as in what is this mentioning of wings? :unsure:


Just don't be a dusche with the poly count and make it work for you is probably my best advice for that. Anyway, total poly count I would just throw out something like 15k tri as an arbitrary number. no one is going to care, what really matters most is to satisfy yourself with your skilful use of poly. I could throw another arbitrary number out, how about 18-25k tris? :tongue:

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looks good, god knows that is not my strength in modding. before you decide to make it in skyrim play the game first, see if it could fit in the game ( since most dragons are hostile), and master the new engine before putting it in. as for the texturing, and scripting one of the modding masters will probably help, but for the first week or two when skyrim comes out people are going to play it before modding it.
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Thanks for all the responses;


I really wasn't thinking Clannfear... but it really kind of does... bugerance...


Thanks for the tip to use that area... didn't think of that either. Thanks for the advice.


Quite finished, other than the aforementioned errors, but I'd rather release a picture of something early to get the ball rolling on my first mod... 21k faces in blender, 8mb blend file. hope that means something.


I intend at first to merely offer an alternative to the horse, then, depending on what is possible, move onto a companion that is rideable... that all again depends on horse behaviour in game... but hopefully it'll get people intrested.


Oh and wings will have to depend on the flight in game but gliding may be possible.

Edited by Squiggoth_the_mighty
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