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The reason why I hate The Abusers of the System


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Listen to this. It is the mindset that abusers have that play the system and think that the aid they get is their money.




Government assistance programs began out of a good idea, but there are those that work the system.


My question. How can we eliminate much of this abuse and still care for those who actually need assistance to exist off of, and how can we recoup fraudulent payments without filling our jails up. If all we do is incarcerate these abusers, we will end up paying for them anyway.


Government assistance programs have been a political football, since their conception. I get tired of the left and the right scaring the heck out of the seniors and the invalids.


Should we throw out the entire support system and bring in something more secure, or revamp the system we have.

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Oh, I have zero doubt that there are folks out there that abuse the system. Some of them make a career out of it.


The trouble, as I see it, is the government, in there infinite wisdom..... wants to 'save money' and 'cut costs' in their assistance programs, so, what do they do? They add more layers of administration, increase the amount of paperwork required, yet, reduce the caseworker staff....... Case workers here have anywhere from 700 to 1000 individual cases to deal with. It is physically impossible for them to keep up with each and every one of them..... and the folks that get set up, and then sit back quietly and collect their benefits, don't make any waves, and don't draw attention to themselves..... those are the folks that can get away with getting food stamps, live in section eight housing (subsidized), AND get a cash allowance..... and drive a brand new cadillac..... It's really a simple matter to see where these people are, just drive the 'right' part of town, and look in the driveways. 10,000 dollar house, 100,000 dollar car? Gotta wonder......

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I agree with that and as I am from West Virginia there is a great deal of those that work the system. Then when someone really needs help...and welfare is meant to lend a hand not become a career...then they have trouble. There are pretty much strong laws in place already but if you don't have enough case workers to go out and follow-up with these folks...*shrug*


These people make barely above minimum wage and have to deal with so much bullcrap its amazing.

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LIBERALS and Obama followers: jump to 2:00 in the video and play it over again 10 times, maybe it will sink in. (even though I doubt it)


OP: This is was I was talking about in a thread a month ago. Never in the history of mankind has it been okay, and acceptable to sit around on you're dead backside and collect earnings. Meanwhile, the government, and left wing pinheads keep shoving it down our throat like hot-sauce while the United States of America goes completely flat broke.






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LIBERALS and Obama followers: jump to 2:00 in the video and play it over again 10 times, maybe it will sink in. (even though I doubt it)


OP: This is was I was talking about in a thread a month ago. Never in the history of mankind has it been okay, and acceptable to sit around on you're dead backside and collect earnings. Meanwhile, the government, and left wing pinheads keep shoving it down our throat like hot-sauce while the United States of America goes completely flat broke.

When did Bill O'reilly register on the forum?

Just kidding but seriously though, don't act like Obama is a super liberal look at his policies. There is another topic for that. I would prefer for you to separate liberals and Obama followers, because they are completely different now.


This topic is about the people who abuse the system, everyone agrees that needs to be fixed. That includes the left wing and the right wing. I don't get your point.

Edited by marharth
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LIBERALS and Obama followers: jump to 2:00 in the video and play it over again 10 times, maybe it will sink in. (even though I doubt it)


OP: This is was I was talking about in a thread a month ago. Never in the history of mankind has it been okay, and acceptable to sit around on you're dead backside and collect earnings. Meanwhile, the government, and left wing pinheads keep shoving it down our throat like hot-sauce while the United States of America goes completely flat broke.



This is not a hate fest thread. This is about solving issues, not pointing fingers and calling out names. Congress gets paid to do that, we are not and I will not allow it to go down the tubes as so many here have. If you have suggestions, please present them, thank you!


Public assistance programs were created by people with good intentions.

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Hey, how did you know I watch Bill O'reilly? :wink:


What do you mean by "hate fest?" What did I say that was hateful or untrue? I just present my view in a very transparent, and raw manor.


As far as a solution goes? The answers to the problems are so dumb simple it's almost comical. Stop Spending! But no one wants to tackle them (both left and right) because of re-elections. A year ago the nation booted out democrats and replaced them with republicans in hopes to get this countries fiscal house in order. Since they took office, almost nothing of any importance has happened. It's the same old song-and-dance. No one wants to tell the children "no more cookies."


An entire generation of people were brought up with the idea of "more" and "I want it now." From the late 1990's to 2007 the entire country was run off a Big Fat credit card. Heck even Bush jr. can take some heat for this. We were spending, and building, and waisting, and spending, and building, and setting up programs with no end in sight...


Now the answer "NO" is drilled into peoples minds as blasphemy. "No, you cant have an entitlement". "No, you can't have free money." A person running for office saying these kind of things fear not getting in, or reelected.







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It boils down to values and mindset.


Player A: “I’ve worked all of my life, but now I’m unemployed. I don’t qualify for unemployment because my last job was part time. I’m now working a minimum wage job, but it isn’t enough to pay my bills or feed my family. I’m thankful there are government programs to help me get through this.”


Player B: “I’ve never worked a day in my life. If there is a government assistance program, I’m on it. I don’t have to do anything and I have as much as someone who works a minium wage job. Why would I work at Jack in the Box, even though I would still get government assistance?”


Have you guys ever thought that ideals might play a heavy role in turning most debates into a flaming hatefest.?


It didn’t take long, did it?


LIBERALS and Obama followers: jump to 2:00...

When did Bill O'reilly register on the forum?


Just the unattended camp fires that will burn down the whole forest and eventually get the thread locked.


This topic is about the people who abuse the system, everyone agrees that needs to be fixed. That includes the left wing and the right wing.


I agree.

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It boils down to values and mindset.


Player A: “I’ve worked all of my life, but now I’m unemployed. I don’t qualify for unemployment because my last job was part time. I’m now working a minimum wage job, but it isn’t enough to pay my bills or feed my family. I’m thankful there are government programs to help me get through this.”


Player B: “I’ve never worked a day in my life. If there is a government assistance program, I’m on it. I don’t have to do anything and I have as much as someone who works a minium wage job. Why would I work at Jack in the Box, even though I would still get government assistance?”

Rarely will I agree with you, but this is it exactly.


I don't have a problem with A, B is the thing we need to fix. As stated above we need to have stricter requirements to get into government programs. I think that would do a lot to fix it.


My comment was not meant to be insulting by the way, was just joking.

Edited by marharth
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