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No one will ever believe me...


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I doubt even you will...


But I swear, I saw it. I saw a UFO in the night sky. Meaning an "unidentified flying object", nothing more, because I honestly can't say what it was.


But I know it was not an airplane. Airplanes absolutely cannot stop in midair like that. And if it were an airplane, I would have heard its engines for sure - but I heard absolutely nothing. And a helicopter? No. Believe me, I know helicopters are extremely extremely loud, and if it were close enough for me to see it, I would have been able to hear it (th). But I could not hear anything unusual. Besides, why would a helicopter just be sitting there for that long?


It was a cloudy night. It looked almost exactly like a star - but it was quite bright, and it was flashing red and blue. I saw it move twice - I was watching it over the rooftops of the houses in the other co-op, when suddenly it zoomed a short distance to the left (in a way that no helicopter could possibly move), and then back again a few minutes later. I sat there watching it for over half an hour - most of the time it just sat there doing nothing but flashing red and blue in the sky.


I don't know what it was. But just sitting there, watching this weird thing that looked kind of like a star, even though no stars were visible because it was cloudy, was one of the most incredible experiences of my whole life. I got over 20 minutes of video of it with my digital camera.


If it was some kind of alien spacecraft, though... I hope they saw me. Heck, I wish they would come down and meet me. One thing I will always desperately hope to do in my life is meet someone from another planet.


Look, I know what I saw, and though I cannot say precisely what it was, I know it was... something else. Forget about the size of the universe - just look at the size of our very own galaxy. It's huge, huger than words can properly describe - so much that we could never get our minds wrapped around the very concept. Even if life is some freaky, rare occurence... there has to be life out there somewhere. Is it actually advanced, or "intelligent" by our standards? Well, intelligence is a difficult thing to define, so none of us can know, especially me. But I just know it's out there somewhere; I always have. I just hope in my lifetime I can know more about it (if it is advanced and it knows about our existence, then clearly it isn't malevolent - if it did have any bad intentions, I'm sure we would know about it by know. I don't think people should be so frightened by the idea of intelligent aliens being real.)


There's no way we could be alone...

Edited by Lehcar
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I'd like to see the video too; you could upload it to YouTube or something.


EDIT: I don't believe we're alone either. I just think no other life-forms have decided to take too much interest in us yet.


Jokingly, for all we know there could be little Smurfs on Pluto who are going to attack us next year and end the world because we decided to classify Pluto as a large rock or possible moon that broke free of Saturn's gravitational field. Or was it Neptune? Whatever one is farthest, I can't remember the planets in order too well after Jupiter :P

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Not that foolish, I didn't take pictures - I took a video.


a) I don't have the money for PhotoShop. Seriously, over three hundred dollars? Holy smokes. Not gonna happen.


b) I'm almost totally useless and clueless when it comes to utilizing image editing programs.


Here is some of the video as captured by my digital camera, completely unedited (I could never find a decent video editing program ever). It's hard to see, but keep watching; if you look close you can see the blinking light in the top part of the frame, just a bit over the window (it's easier to see towards the end of the video, please try looking at it in full screen). And like I said, no airplane engines or anything can be heard...



Edited by Lehcar
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There are many things that can play tricks on our eyes. If you were to view a jet from the side and then turned sharply away from you but the only thing you could see was the afterburner, it could look like a light in the sky that was moving and then suddenly stopped...but was moving away from you. Unmanned aircraft can also do some crazy maneuvers that would be impossible and even deadly if a human was on-board.


As for showing pictures or video, none of that can be considered proof because of things like Photoshop and After Effects....dang you Adobe!


So yeah, you probably saw something and yes, you could not identify it but it should not make you automatically think it was extraterrestrial. :thumbsup:


EDIT: I looked at your video...couldn't see anything. I turned off my lights, went full-screen but I guess my monitor is too dark...just couldn't see anything. After the 2nd night of it appearing, why didn't you call the local airport and ask about any potential flight plans in the area? You could probably still contact them and find out.

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Well i don't know, it just sat there for over a half hour, just flashing red and blue (though you can't really see the colours on the video)...


And I'm not saying I totally believe it was extraterrestrial; I suspect but I cannot know for sure. All I know is that it was... very bizarre. It showed up in almost the exact same place for a couple of nights afterward, too...

Edited by Lehcar
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a) I don't have the money for PhotoShop. Seriously, over three hundred dollars? Holy smokes. Not gonna happen.


thought you would understand that quote to mean


"photoshoped photo =/= proof"




"Pics or it didn't happen"


simply denies modern reality


Now ---


get a good night's sleep


and ponder the implications of what you witnessed.

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ya i saw nothing in the video either, cept the window? lol


lol ive always wanted to see something i couldnt identify. not hoping it was an alien, but just something i couldnt wrap my hear around. i did once. saw a very fast moving light in the sky, too fast for a plane, but i later came to sences and im assuming it was a satellite.


enjoy what u saw. real or not. alien or not. ur lucky :)



as in the "are we alone" topic. no. its simply illogical to think that with all the space in the universe (no pun intended) that we are the only ones. now does that mean that there is other sentient beings out there? well again the universe is pretty big, but im betting on, our first contact with ET life, is an amoeba or single celled organism probably frozen in ice or something. and id guess most other life in the universe (if any) would be more along the lines of plant life, possibly animals, but not vast Jetson like civilizations.


Discovery Science has a series on once, of which i saw two episodes, the same one twice actually, that went over what life on other planets would be like, and it was along the lines of plants and animals, how they would have evolved in other atmosphere, how they could be bigger if their was less gravity, etc, but had full rendered 3D examples and stuff. very fascinating, and i wish i knew what it was. im sure i could find out with some research.


but like any nerd, anything alien interests me. the thought that aliens are out there. the thought that maybe theyve been here all along, helping us. Ancient Aliens on Discover, is very cool. Myth had to come from somewhere. the Egyptian Gods, possibly aliens. Chimera, Griffin, etc? possibly alien experiements. do i believe it? not really, but its interesting to think about....or the though of there already having been Intergalactic Civilizations come and go in the universe. like a lot of games play on like Mass Effect. ancient alien civilizations like the Prothiens (sp?) or the Reapers. or what if there really is a whole section of the universe, with hundreds of galaxies, where there are tons and tons of alien races that get together like Mass Effect or Star Wars. having whole wars, political events, etc or what if that already happened thousands of years ago and theyve all but died out OR were killed by an ancient alien race (like Reaper) we would never know, but it could be there, it coulda happened.


:geek: :geek:

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