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Currently Untitled Armor Mod!


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I did a mod for Oblivion on here once that was a simple set of light leather armor. This is that mod taken to a whole new level.

In this project, I hope to make a sizeable arrangement of unisex (no matter how bad I'd like to pull a Slof, I'll at least have a default female mesh equivalent.) armor and clothing in a decently wide set of colors. I take inspiration from real armor, replicas, the armors from Diablo 2, and many other sources, but I'd also like some of your input on what would be interesting.


I'll upload pictures as I get them taken and cropped, etc. Here's what there is so far:


Slim-leg work pants; a very useful counterpart to armor and clothes of all sorts. There is a brigandine to match each.


A burgundy cloth leather brigandine with matching pants and leather gloves and boots. Short and regular respectively.


A steel breastplate and chainmail shirt with black leather gauntlets and tall boots.


A hard leather lorica segmantata with black work breeches and colovian leather boots and gloves.


A blue scheme chainmail set shown with black work breeches and tan leather gloves and boots.


A red scheme chainmail set shown with black leather short-gloves and boots.


The breeches and brigandines shown matched. I'm planning on making a mage and thief set of variants.


What I have of the colovian leather set. The cuirass is mostly a placeholder. The set is supposed to be fur and sueded leather armor made in a somewhat more modern style than most in those materials.

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They look pretty nice. I'm certainly a fan of somewhat realistic armor. I roll my eyes every time I see armor with an exposed breast or mid-section. Sure, fantasy armor is fine, I just prefer something that doesn't say "I have an obvious weak spot, hit me here" kind of armor...otherwise, why call or classify it as armor. ;)
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I'd love to see this become a huge mod. It's a fantastic idea and it looks absolutely gorgeous.


I would suggest possibly adding a small city or village to start out with, with all characters who use this armor. You could use that to promote the mod, and it would give people another reason to use it.


Although F.C.O.M. compatibility is the #1 factor a lot of people use when choosing their mods, so I would try to work that into your mod when you get that far.

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