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Skyrim at EuroGamer Expo


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When you're outside of combat your health will regen at a speed fast enough so you're fully regenned after about a minute or so. Whether that was simply for demo purposes or not is unknown.
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  • ... magic is less of a chore/bore than before.
  • They've gotten rid of the stupid rag-doll effects that sent your enemies flying into the air when you killed them, more realistic


Hi Dark0ne, could you expand on those 2 points you made? Like are the spells interesting/unique or something? Also, I'm pretty sure there's ragdoll. In the 3 part demo there's ragdoll all over the place. maybe not people flying into the air or what have you but definitely ragdoll.


Did you find that combat was more deadly like it was in OOO(easier to kill and be killed). In vanilla oblivion you had to blow a quiver of arrows to kill anything. similar for other weapon types.


Did you take a peek at the alchemy / speechcraft / lockpicking perk trees? if so do you remember if the perks were cool/interesting?

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If they got rid of ragdoll physics, what do they use then?I was under the impression they were still using Havok physics.


Lockpicking is exactly the same


The same as what?The same as Oblivion, or the same as Fallout 3?

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Wait, so the regen rates are context-sensitive? That's new info!


As for health coming back quickly outside of combat... it just depends on how they handle it. In games where health doesn't regenerate, enemies have to only be capable of slowly chipping away at the health bars over time. Fully healing the player for free after every encounter means you have to make enemy attacks that much stronger to compensate, and so many games don't do this... (Cover-based shooters, DA2...)

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Regarding regen, your magicka/health regens slowly if you're in a fight and regens fast if you're not in any encounter. Where an encounter is that point when the music changes from normal music to battle music because you've been spotted by an enemy. I cannot actually recall if you regen HP slowly in a fight, but you definitely regen magicka slowly in fights, and you regen HP out of fights.


Regarding the ragdoll effects, I meant that effect when you throw a lightning bolt or hit a monster and they'd go 10 feet in the air and fall back down to earth unrealistically slowly while their whole body flails about in ragdoll style. The ragdoll effect is still there, it just didn't seem as stupid this time.


The same as what?The same as Oblivion, or the same as Fallout 3?


It's been a while since I played either, but after looking it up it's the same as Fallout 3 (IIRC). You have the lockpick and you have to turn the lock, and depending on the angle you have the pick, it will unlock or "giggle" before breaking if you apply too much pressure. Like

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