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Star Wars Old Republic



13 members have voted

  1. 1. Will you buy?

    • Yes, Collectors Edition
    • Yes, Digital Deluxe
    • Yes, Standard
    • No or not yet
    • Undecided

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Bioware doesn't get it, Free to play is the future.




Depends on what the micro-transactions are for. As long as they don't sell items that give you the edge against other players, I guess it's fine. I, for one, am completely against the situation where someone that has more money to spend than you gets more stuff. But there's an easy way out, since I can just boycott the game. You'll end up spending more money than you'd spend in a month's subscription, believe me.


As for my answer, I went for no, since I can't afford a subscription right now, as one of the reasons. The others being that it's too PVP/PVE oriented, from what I've seen. I used to play SWG back in the Pre-CU days. That game, was epic. I just don't like the way Bioware is going with this one. Though, if they have a trial avaliable, I might give it a try, and that might change my mind about how the game looks and feels. (Unfortunately, it won't magically give me more money to spend on a subscription :P)

Edited by Yoshh
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Bioware doesn't get it, Free to play is the future.




Depends on what the micro-transactions are for. As long as they don't sell items that give you the edge against other players, I guess it's fine. I, for one, am completely against the situation where someone that has more money to spend than you gets more stuff. But there's an easy way out, since I can just boycott the game. You'll end up spending more money than you'd spend in a month's subscription, believe me.


As for my answer, I went for no, since I can't afford a subscription right now, as one of the reasons. The others being that it's too PVP/PVE oriented, from what I've seen. I used to play SWG back in the Pre-CU days. That game, was epic. I just don't like the way Bioware is going with this one. Though, if they have a trial avaliable, I might give it a try, and that might change my mind about how the game looks and feels. (Unfortunately, it won't magically give me more money to spend on a subscription :P)


I don't trust them to keep to just selling cosmetic items, this is EA, they'd steal the eyes from your head and then come back for the sockets if they thought they could get a few quid for them.

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Actually from what I have seen and what I heared the game will play nearly Identical to KOTOR 1. As for payment plan I haven't heared that it was even nailed down yet, they can do free to play or pay to play. But my guess Pay to play for the first 2 to 3 months then move to free to play with suscriptions avaible (like Tubrines LOTRO or DDO). When your expecting 3 million plus players on launch well that means a lot of cash return on the early few months.
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