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Guns or not Guns



93 members have voted

  1. 1. Should citizens be allowed to have Guns

    • Yes
    • No

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Ghogiel, you apparently do not know me very well. Let me give you a lesson. I say what I mean, and I mean what I say. Now I will admit that I do not know you very well either, and apparently you are built differently than I, so I apologize for making the assumption that you did the same.


You made a reference in an earlier post to having the ability to purchase some weapons in the Baltimore area. I know nothing about guns except that I hate them. They sounded like nasty weapons to me, so I referred to them as weapons of mass destruction (as in having the ability to kill several people at once). I believe it was Aurielius who asked what you would have had to pay for these weapons. You did not answer him. I came back and asked the same question because I wanted to know the answer. I have relatives from that area and was curious


You may go ahead and interpret that question any way that floats your boat. At this point all I know is that I still do not have an answer. I have a lot of rhetoric and accusations about my motivations for asking the question, but no answer.


At the time that I asked the question I was merely curious. However, after all of this nonsensical verbiage back and forth you have now given me reason to believe that you may be nothing more than a windbag who likes to listen to the sound of his own voice.


Since you have accused me of not being straight with you (something which is totally untrue about me ever), I think that I have now disabused you of that concern. I am also no longer interested in the answer to my original question. Although at the time that I asked it I certainly was not accusing you of lying (something that you brought up in an earlier post), you now give me pause to wonder if that was not indeed the case all along. Therefore your answers will no longer bear any relevance to me


I do hope that this was straight enough for you.

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Ok, Ghogiel, now that you have me frightened half to death, please tell me what these weapons of mass distruction would have cost you. I have no idea what they do but have a terrible feeling that they are really, really spooky guns...:ninja:

Is there supposed to be a question in there?


At least be straight if you want to say that I am lying.


@Aurielius: You doubt there are unlicensed AKs in the state of Maryland. I don't know what you want me to do about it.

Of course there are unlicensed assault weapons all over the country. That they are as easy to buy as you suggest......no. If the anecdote was about going to a gun show and the ease with which one could legally acquire them, that I would have been on board with because I go to some and am amazed at what is available. If you had dealt with Straw Purchases of weapons that too is an unfortunate fact of life here in the US. As for veracity, well you are an educated man you surely know the definition. But if you want to assert that the story is gospel then who am I to doubt your word?

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"It's pretty normal, the last time I told someone about how easy it is and how prevalent illegal guns are in the city, they think I'm making it up. I am 200% positive I wouldn't have to look very hard to get a gun. Mac 10s, AKs, all present and accounted for."


"I wouldn't know where anyone would get an AK these days. Not sure how easy they are to get either."


So one may assume that your most recent post is a retraction of the former?

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I voted yes to this question, because coming from the UK I have seen that our absurdly strict gun laws have neither reduced gun or any other types of crime. The largest city in my region always did have a lot of outlaws, although it now has one of the UK's most inefficient police forces (HM Inspector of Constabulary refused their certificate of efficiency more than once) rather than a wicked sheriff. These days, it ain't known as Shottingham for nothing, and you can betcha that those gangs duking it out and having the gunfight at the OK Corral there aren't doing it with legal firearms. Because the only categories of person allowed to carry handguns ie pistols, revolvers at the moment are police officers, members of the armed forces and security services, and licensed slaughtermen (horses tend to be shot with a pistol rather than with a bolt gun.) Which leads to the silly situation that our GB pistol shooting team can't train at home.


The sort of hoodlums who commit gun crime and risk obtaining illegal guns now, would not suddenly start bothering to go through the licensing process if citizens in the UK were given rights to own them and to carry them. A shotgun licence is hard enough to obtain, a firearms certificate (needed for hunting rifles, handguns etc), even harder.


Fortunately there have been a few cases lately where householders who have injured or killed burglars (ie with knives or blunt instruments) have been absolved of any crime, maybe the criminals would start to think twice if they not only had that thought to hold, but also the thought that they might be facing a pissed off householder pointing a .44 at them? It might make the criminals more likely to carry, it might not - after all, I suspect that most gun toting criminals have not had a great deal of training and would be no more likely to score a direct hit that the intended victim, if both were armed.


I have done a fair amount of shooting, so assuming that if we were to have more relaxed laws that allowed me to keep my pistol in my pocket (or under my pillow), if some thieving blighter busted into my house he would ..errr...have to be feeling very lucky if he thought I was going to miss.

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You can assume what ever you like.


In the past handguns have been readily available to me, I have been offered them many times. As for the Ak, I don't know if I still can get one, I don't know if anyone else can either.

Thats not what you said, for someone who loves to point logical inconsistencies would you care to reconcile these two statements?


I am 200% positive I wouldn't have to look very hard to get a gun. Mac 10s, AKs, all present and accounted for."


"I wouldn't know where anyone would get an AK these days. Not sure how easy they are to get either."


The latter half of the former implies knowledge of access and the second denies knowledge of the same.

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You can assume what ever you like.


In the past handguns have been readily available to me, I have been offered them many times. As for the Ak, I don't know if I still can get one, I don't know if anyone else can either.

Thats not what you said, for someone who loves to point logical inconsistencies would you care to reconcile these two statements?


I am 200% positive I wouldn't have to look very hard to get a gun. Mac 10s, AKs, all present and accounted for."


"I wouldn't know where anyone would get an AK these days. Not sure how easy they are to get either."


The latter half of the former implies knowledge of access and the second denies knowledge of the same.

I'll clarify: I can get guns, that I am certain of. Seeing as I know assaults have been available, I might even be able to get an AK too. I'm not going to ask around to see what is going on just to satisfy you.

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