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Which is better Fallout 3 or Fallout New Vegas?


Which Is Better Fallout 3 Or Fallout New Veags?  

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  1. 1. Which is better: Fallout 3 Or Fallout New Veags? Give reasons

    • Fallout 3
    • Fallout New Vegas
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I prefer Fallout 3, but do still like Fallout New Vegas. Here's why:


  • Fallout 3's environment appeared to be more of what a post-apocalyptic game is supposed to look like. New Vegas looked like a holiday destination in comparison, which is strange since the title is "Fallout".
  • Bethesda didn't mess up so many things in comparison to Obsidian, such as game settings.
  • I found the storyline to be significantly better. In Fallout New Vegas, you alone can somehow drastically alter the course of an army with little trouble.
  • The characters in Fallout New Vegas were better than Fallout 3, especially in terms of dialog.
  • Fallout 3 had better DLCs. New Vegas was just one disappointment after another, which is why I never want to see Obsidian make another Fallout.
  • With Broken Steel, you could continue on beyond the main quests for Fallout 3. This is something Obsidian didn't do for FNV.


There are many other reasons, but I'd be listing them all all day.

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I prefer Fallout 3, but do still like Fallout New Vegas. Here's why:


  • Fallout 3's environment appeared to be more of what a post-apocalyptic game is supposed to look like. New Vegas looked like a holiday destination in comparison, which is strange since the title is "Fallout".
  • Bethesda didn't mess up so many things in comparison to Obsidian, such as game settings.
  • I found the storyline to be significantly better. In Fallout New Vegas, you alone can somehow drastically alter the course of an army with little trouble.
  • The characters in Fallout New Vegas were better than Fallout 3, especially in terms of dialog.
  • Fallout 3 had better DLCs. New Vegas was just one disappointment after another, which is why I never want to see Obsidian make another Fallout.
  • With Broken Steel, you could continue on beyond the main quests for Fallout 3. This is something Obsidian didn't do for FNV.


There are many other reasons, but I'd be listing them all all day.


You have just about the same views as me.

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Guess I am in the minority here as well.


I liked NV better, as game play was more along the lines of what I had come to expect from a fallout game. FO3 was more like "oblivion with guns", to borrow a phrase from history. True, it had some shortcomings, radiation was basically a non-issue..... but, all in all, I enjoyed NV more..

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New Vegas.


I did not like the way Fallout 3 determined, right from birth, the story of your life up to a certain point. I find it diminished the sandbox effect by plunking us in a set of circumstances that drove us in a very specific direction. You're a good boy who's out to find his long-lost daddy... pure fail. Fallout 3 also fell utterly flat in terms of inspiring me to explore the Capital Wasteland. "Oblivion with guns" as has been said, but with less interest in the nooks and crannies than Oblivion prompted. There was far less immersion in Fallout 3, and I found the inner parts of the city to be remarkably uninspired. Just the same rubble and the same mutants over and over and over again. New Vegas, on the other hand, has a sweeping, rustic, desert feel, and the characters are better thought-out, as is New Vegas itself, which is actually a lot of fun to spend time in.


It has been mentioned that Fallout 3 more closely resembles a "post-apocalyptic" world, but that's probably because it's set in a densely populated environment (or what used to be one). Nevada provides a whole different sort of backdrop, and though it doesn't cram FALLOUT, FALLOUT, FALLOUT, MUTANTS, ARRGH, SACRIFICE YOURSELF down your throat every 3 seconds, I suppose that's what I really like about it. It demands that you have the intelligence to not have your hand held at every point while you explore the content that you aren't obligated to dive into.


Contrary to popular opinion, I actually enjoy the DLC. Dead Money was great fun. Honest Hearts less so. OWB and Lonesome Road, though, are fantastic, but again they play to my preference for pure detachment from any historical obligations. I suppose the concept of the "Courier" just fits me better than the "Kid from Vault 101".


New Vegas is set in a world that you can live in. Fallout 3 provided a world that was fun to play through.


Just my 2 cents.

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Guess I am in the minority here as well.


I liked NV better, as game play was more along the lines of what I had come to expect from a fallout game. FO3 was more like "oblivion with guns", to borrow a phrase from history. True, it had some shortcomings, radiation was basically a non-issue..... but, all in all, I enjoyed NV more..



I second that

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im the exact opposite of Ritherdons opinion. polor opposite.


i absolutely hated FONV. i played FO3 on Ps3. beat it 3 times, and platinumed it. loved it. soooo amazing. the music fit perfectly, being in DC with all the shredded buildings and remnants of human civilization. the colors. just the overall feel. going into the museums to see our history which we know today in an alternate timeline. love the easter eggs. love searching the Wasteland to find all the nooks and crannies that people tried to survive in. whether they still are living or finding skeletons next to items whom were ppl trying to survive. loved exploring the metros. loved all the characters. just loved the game.


FONV on the other hand. ugh. got it for Ps3 as well and just couldnt get into it. the opening story didnt grab me. the music sucked. you were in a desert so you didnt see the impact of the war. so i hated the environment the most. dont care for the colors, everything is Orange (not talking about your PiPBoy) so then i traded in the game and got the PC version so i could use mods so i could try to enjoy the game. im about halfway through now, (almost) a year after its come out. i hope to hell FO4 is better then FONV or im gunna be pissed. i didnt feel like a survivor in FONV (which is funny since i survived a gunshot to the face) i didnt feel like the Lone Wander i was in FO3. i didnt have any purpose. i didnt care who shot me tbh. like i said the opening story didnt do crap for me. i like how FO3 started me off. Loved it......ill give FONV another shot when i build my PC. ill start over (prolly with mods) and try again


so FO3 for me. hands down. no questions asked.

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You explained my points better :)


hope thats a good thing lol


but even those paragraphs really dont fully describe the love i had for FO3. i really felt like that was me in there and not some character, and converse doesnt fully express my disappointment in FONV


i want to see FO4 with the time and energy they are putting into Skyrim...and the same engine (or better) or course. really pumped for it.

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I played the heck out of Fallout 3, well over 100 hours in that game.


Unfortunately I ran into a game breaking bug that made getting power armor training in Fallout New Vegas impossible. After that it spoiled the game for me and I just lost interest in continuing it. Fallout 3 had some bugs in it but I never ran into one that stopped my game, or made a very important quest line not able to be completed. I tend to knock off MAJOR points from a game for the number of bugs and glitches it has in it, and Fallout New Vegas after release was a heavily bugged game. I'm not a fan of them rushing the game out and then fixing the problems 6 months later. If I run into a bug bad enough to make me have to start over the game, I'm not starting over, I'm gonna quit playing it.

Edited by crimsonblade1
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