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Ashton Silo choices? (SPOILER)


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As for your idea on good guy and bad guy:

I feel that your idea of a "good guy" is a passivist and your idea of a "bad guy" is the person doing the killing or simply taking risks. Which doesnt work...


Then you would be wrong. My good guy is not a passifist and has gone to war many times. I play the regulator type character. Bringing justice to the wasteland etc. But randomly letting off nukes that may kill thousands just because I want to chat with some depressing old hippy who left me a message is definately what I would consider 'bad guy' behaviour :)

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No he has a very valid point, When you get to the silo and not only open the door but launch the nuke, you have no way of knowing where its going or what is there. It could fly all the way to china and nuke some surviving village, or blow up in your face, it could also be that it does exactly what it really does do in the game and hit near you. Now while you say theres nothing there, how do we know? Could be some people were there, could be some marked men, or tunnelers. We just dont know, and only being able to do it without some severe plot pressure from Ulysses is a bit bulls***.


Now as for OWB, that is the one comedic DLC for the game, its a trend they started with FO3, have one over the top wacky DLC, and the rest a bit more serious. Ulysses and the FO3/Pitt feel to lonesome road are great, fantastic really, but yes they need to do some updates that add more plot options, especially around that silo. Make a option to go down a side tunnel that is long and full of tunnelers and deathclaws, with explosives rigged everywhere or something. Give the player a reason to do it, or hell, give you the option to take the road as is before the nuke, but with three or four times the resistance as you get after.


There is in no way you can justify launching a tactical warhead as a good decision, even at the end of the DLC. Killing hundreds or thousands even if they are all "bad" is not a good thing, especially when you have no way of knowing if even 1 innocent or child is going to die with them (which you know logically would have to be true.) Let alone the fallout for the area, wildlife destroyed, the area now becoming uninhabitable for another hundred years or so from the fresh destruction.

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Well...The End has options i remember us talking about The Launch which doesnt...But i admit not explaining the reason to launch such a weapon may be flawed. I say may because i may find due explanation and causation that you 2 missed when i finally play it next week* :)



*I need to stop starting a new game every time they make a DLC damn it...

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Basically I have decided to play it to the end to have done the DLC, then I will load the save just before I opened the silo and do what I should have done at that point: Go back the Mojave and leave that depressing loony Ulysses to stew in his own self pity. I just wish I could take the new ED-E with me. I will finish this playthrough imagining this fuming moron sat in the Divide trying to find new ways to convince me to come back and chuckle to myself that skipping a DLC makes a better story than doing it :)
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You say you knew beforehand that opening the silo would launch the ICBM. How did you know that? Did Ulysses say anything in that direction? I don't remember, he had so much to say. Maybe I am an idiot but I was surprised the first time I hit that switch.


The only hints I do remember from my game is that the quest is called “The Launch” and the Ashton silo door gave some pop-up about the door being locked until the launch sequence is complete. I consider both these “hints” unavailable to the Courier. Was there anything else?


I see no problem with a “good” Courier launching that nuke by accident while attempting to open the silo to get to Ulysses. I mean, who would expect a missile to still work. With everything in such disrepair. It was a honest mistake. Even “good” people can do horrible things without intending to.

Considering what happened the first time the Courier came to the Divide, that seems to be the main theme of this DLC. On his second visit he does it again: “Condemned to Repeat It.”


... and in the end nothing bad came of it. You accidentally vaporized a big encampment of Marked Men. Good riddance. That saved you a lot of ammo :biggrin:

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You say you knew beforehand that opening the silo would launch the ICBM. How did you know that? Did Ulysses say anything in that direction? I don't remember, he had so much to say. Maybe I am an idiot but I was surprised the first time I hit that switch.


Dunno, I guess I just figured finishing the launch sequence meant launching a nuke. And as for me not knowing that, then how did I know the door would not open until I opened the silo. All I can tell you is I spent hours looking around for alternatives because I had zero intention of opening the silo and I had no fore knowledge. It just seemed blindingly obvious to me, and my in game character should be smarter than me. When I finally got frustrated enough to pull it, sure enough exactly what I expected happened. Realistically my characters only choice whilst remaining an intelligent righteous man is to abandon the DLC. To be honest even playing evil I would consider releasing the silo door an act of unbridled stupidity unless I knew exactly what was going to happen and where (or specifically make sure where was not 'here'). And considering the Fallout world, I would say it was one of my number one rules : Dont mess around with intercontinental thermo neclear weapons unless you are pretty sure you know where they will land :)

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I think I am gonna mod this DLC. There were two things I was pretty sure of:


1. Opening that silo door was a grade A stupid thing to do.


2. Ulysses needed me to find him way more than I needed to find him. I just knew I was carrying something or had something he needed. I even guessed what that was correctly.


So for me, the perfect ending would have been to get on the phone with Ulysses, and tell him I was leaving him there to rot and let him go mental or force him to come to me. He needed me so badly it was painful to hear. It would have been exquisite payback for all his depressing speeches to leave him stuck there :)

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