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I am find the game too easy :(


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Personally if I am using several compainions (or often even just one or two) then I arm them with very low power weapons. 9mm stuff, Standard vanilla SMG or if you add some weapon mods Uzis, MP5s and that sort of thing. That way they are available as bullet sponges and storage space (not that you'll need that so much with AWOP coz all the 4D storage available in it adds up to about 1000 extra carry wieght) but you will still be responsible for the majority of the killings.

I also never give them specialised ammo variants such as AP, HP or Hand Load, I save all that for myself.

Generally I do not use companions though coz I just prefer the loner game, not having to worry about any one else.

Also if you have AWOP grab Monster Mod and the extra AWOP Monster Patch (which has it's own site) which adds another 16 huge dungeons (aka Rumble Zones) with some really tough enemeies. Some areas you'll need 300+ DPS weapons just to put a dent in the enemies (Black Widow Spiders leap to mind). Also grab Harder Than You which makes all the creature enemies much tougher with very cool unique attacks. It also has patches for AWOP, The AWOP Monster Patch and Monster Mod so you can make every enemy from those mods much tougher too. Try heading into any Radscorpion territory outside of Goodsprings with those mods going and then tell me if you think the game is too easy (trying that myself generally ends in me hiding on top of a large rock for a group of Hellbeasts or Black Widows to lose interest and go hunt down something else).


Here's a list of the toughest AWOP areas in case you missed any:

-Emergency Railyard Station (bigger than it looks on the outside by a long way, features a quest, the biggest Deathclaws in the game and also features probably the toughest Rumble Zone from the Monster Patch)

-Samson Rock Crushing Plant (very much like the Emergency Railyard but without a quest attached)

-The Arena (final area of the Underground - very deadly - most enemies have long range explosives and you have very little cover).

-Spring Mount Underground Station (relentless shooting mayhem vs hordes of well armed Super Mutants - with some nice loud music playing in the background the place is a biug rush to battle through - especially solo where you will be dodging projectiles like you are playing R-Type or some old school shooter like that).

-Greenblood Caves (full of Cazadores, including another Legendary type with crazy DT & Health regen - you'll need something like a 400DPS constant firing weapon to defeat this beast alone).

[Check the location guide if you need hints on where to find them)


Recommended Mods:

Monster Mod:


AWOP Monster Patch:


Harder Than You:


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"you'll need something like a 400DPS constant firing weapon to defeat this beast alone" 1 shot with Fatman with Explosives 100 and Demolition Expert 1. Or 2 sneak critical hits with Protonic Inversal Axe from my current character. Seriously. I was amazed when I took legendary Blowfly in OWB with 2 hits.


Anyway, if you want to make your game harder just ditch the Project Nevada power armor. Stick to one companion (preferably ED-E because of built-in workbench, reloading bench, radio, repair ability, ammo crafting ability and some carry capacity). And play on Normal. If you use any other difficulty level the whole game balance concept goes to hell.

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Personally if I am using several compainions (or often even just one or two) then I arm them with very low power weapons. 9mm stuff, Standard vanilla SMG or if you add some weapon mods Uzis, MP5s and that sort of thing. That way they are available as bullet sponges and storage space (not that you'll need that so much with AWOP coz all the 4D storage available in it adds up to about 1000 extra carry wieght) but you will still be responsible for the majority of the killings.

I also never give them specialised ammo variants such as AP, HP or Hand Load, I save all that for myself.

Generally I do not use companions though coz I just prefer the loner game, not having to worry about any one else.

Also if you have AWOP grab Monster Mod and the extra AWOP Monster Patch (which has it's own site) which adds another 16 huge dungeons (aka Rumble Zones) with some really tough enemeies. Some areas you'll need 300+ DPS weapons just to put a dent in the enemies (Black Widow Spiders leap to mind). Also grab Harder Than You which makes all the creature enemies much tougher with very cool unique attacks. It also has patches for AWOP, The AWOP Monster Patch and Monster Mod so you can make every enemy from those mods much tougher too. Try heading into any Radscorpion territory outside of Goodsprings with those mods going and then tell me if you think the game is too easy (trying that myself generally ends in me hiding on top of a large rock for a group of Hellbeasts or Black Widows to lose interest and go hunt down something else).


Here's a list of the toughest AWOP areas in case you missed any:

-Emergency Railyard Station (bigger than it looks on the outside by a long way, features a quest, the biggest Deathclaws in the game and also features probably the toughest Rumble Zone from the Monster Patch)

-Samson Rock Crushing Plant (very much like the Emergency Railyard but without a quest attached)

-The Arena (final area of the Underground - very deadly - most enemies have long range explosives and you have very little cover).

-Spring Mount Underground Station (relentless shooting mayhem vs hordes of well armed Super Mutants - with some nice loud music playing in the background the place is a biug rush to battle through - especially solo where you will be dodging projectiles like you are playing R-Type or some old school shooter like that).

-Greenblood Caves (full of Cazadores, including another Legendary type with crazy DT & Health regen - you'll need something like a 400DPS constant firing weapon to defeat this beast alone).

[Check the location guide if you need hints on where to find them)


Recommended Mods:

Monster Mod:


AWOP Monster Patch:


Harder Than You:





I recently downloaded the Monster Mod and have also added the AWOP Monster Patch as you suggested. It looks really cool :D


I am unsure about the Harder Than You mod, there are tonnes of patches and separate files so I don't know which ones to use and also I have read all the modifications and it looks a little too masochistic considering all the mods I have recently put in anyway. I might give it a try, definitely would be challenging.


Thanks for your help.

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"you'll need something like a 400DPS constant firing weapon to defeat this beast alone" 1 shot with Fatman with Explosives 100 and Demolition Expert 1. Or 2 sneak critical hits with Protonic Inversal Axe from my current character. Seriously. I was amazed when I took legendary Blowfly in OWB with 2 hits.


Anyway, if you want to make your game harder just ditch the Project Nevada power armor. Stick to one companion (preferably ED-E because of built-in workbench, reloading bench, radio, repair ability, ammo crafting ability and some carry capacity). And play on Normal. If you use any other difficulty level the whole game balance concept goes to hell.


Hi, why do you think that playing on anything but Normal makes the game balance go to hell?


I don't know whether we are on the same page but I can see how higher difficulties become annoying. You can fire 6 shotguns shot into a normal bandits head to kill him and then it takes twice that or more to kill a Deathclaw on Very Hard. With all the mods I have that add extra areas and monsters it might get worse and I don't know whether it will result in masochism.

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The hardest way I've managed to play this game is solo, a Melee Weapons specialist, and I only reverted to Ranged as a last resort if you can't get to the enemy, maybe they are on top of a tower or cliff shooting at you, or maybe they keep retreating and you can't keep up, etc.


I put most of my skill into melee and sneak, I also put a lot into medicine and survial to increase the benefits of healing, and I put a lot into guns for those enemies that could not be reached for various reasons, quite often they ran away when I was beating them up so the guns were for finishing if I could not chase them down.


Didn't put much skill into other things, it was all combat, a very anti-social character.


I didn't even take ED-E so Deathlaws detected me before I detected them.


Hard game, I ended up being addicted to pretty much every combat enhancing drug there is.


If you want to make it even harder, take Small Frame as your beginning perk lol.


Since I was solo all the way I did go with Charisma of 1 and started with quite high Strength, Endurance and Agility, as well as a touch of luck. I sacrificed a point of Perception and Intelligence as well to boost STR, END, AGI as high as possible.

Edited by drakeelvin
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Hey Guys,


I just had to update you on my experience now.


Since I've added all these new mods while playing on Hard and Hardcore mod I must say this game is HARD lol I have played for about 8 hours and must have died about 50 times, I also reduced xp gain by 50% because I would rank up to fast otherwise with all the new monsters. Although I have completed the game already (Vanilla) and FO3 (Vanilla) these mods kick my ass and I love it and hate it. Some on the monsters on the Monster Mod are incredibly strong when starting out and sometimes I have had to run from region to region without fighting just to get somewhere.... Fallout is incredible there is no game like it.


The Geckos with the swords and the Hell Beasts are crazy, so are the Ant Queens and Larvae.. wow


Sniping is paramount on this setting and ammo conservation and inventory management. I am continually running out of ammo and I have bought out most the ammo from the shops (mostly .556, .45-70 and 12&20ga) and breakdown ammo whenever I can to make more of it and its still SCARCE! This is true survival! I wish I would have increased my STR at the beginning as I am struggling with 5 STR and thats after I've just managed to buy my first STR implant. I have no more money for any more :( .. with little STR I can barely carry anything due to the Project Nevada mod plus my weapons are inaccurate, especially the Anti-Material Rifle which dropped from a Powder Ganger in Goodsprings LOOOL


Since I have high luck I was going to attend the casino and make a killing but that seems like cheating. I want to earn my implants not play Blackjack for an hour and buy them all :O


Shame about the dodgy VATS bug that makes you stand there and let the enemy hit you while your in VATS for 20 secs as It's got me killed loads of times.


I don't know whether to reduce the difficulty to Normal from Hard? I am find that the enemies take too much damage and due to their insane damage DT upgrades make no difference, what are you thoughts?


Also I have all this stuff to sell and no shop has any money to sell to lol


Thanks for all your help!

Edited by Mcsalmon
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It's a single player game so if playing on normal difficulty makes the game more enjoyable go for it. The good thing is that bullets will kill regular people much more quickly on normal (whereas killing a civilian on Very Hard will probably take several bullets). ;)


Also don't forget that melee weapons can be great in certain situations. They can help saving ammo and they can be pretty convenient too. Unarmed isn't that bad once you get the right gear.


When my character is in a tight spot I often use explosives but melee can be a great help against a crowd (and even a strong foe once you have the right perks). :happy:

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