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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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Here are some wierd things that i don't belive has been told here.




You allways se ONE legion soldier on the roads. I mean, in a land full of undead, deadra and other monsters, you never see patrollin legion soldiers in groups of 3-4 people.


NO MATTER WERE IN ALL Of THE ELDER SCROLLS UNIVERSE, you never see a single cape!!!!!


Glathier, and Farragoth from Morrowind.


There are no fortress or garrison, for the legion troopers to train


No one ever holds a funeral for the emperor and his dead sons.


The White Gold Tower is allmost empty. Doesen't even have a throne room.


No smith can forge you a weapon.


Martin is hiding in Cloud Ruler Temple, not the Arcane University? have you seen the battlemages their?


Everyone seems rich with nice clean clothes, and big houses. Exept for baggers. Only a few people looked rich in Morrowind.


Items can be repaired without an anvil.


The word is count and countress.......not king and queen?


Guards have no fear.


A normal bear and a normal lion, is more deadly than a daedroth.


No mine is in full progress, ALL OF THEM is overruned by monsters or outlaws!


Chapels all look the same.


Guards are psychic. Allways know were your hiding!


The 3 elven races have the same voice. The 3 Beastmen races have the same voice. The 4 human races have different voices.


Orc's have human bodies.


Orcs are friendly.


Wood Elves look like gnomes.


Archmage Traven doesen't look that powerfull.


The cities of Cyrodill has no certain architecture. You know, Morrowind had those telvanni mushroom houses on the eastcoast. On the westcoast, the land had the Redoran style houses and also some other cities on the westcoast had schrack houses. In Cyrodill, not 2 cities have the same architecture.



Thats all from me :thumbsup:.

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No smith can forge you a weapon.

That would be a waste of coding time.


Martin is hiding in Cloud Ruler Temple, not the Arcane University? have you seen the battlemages their?

Cloud Ruler Temple is home of the Blades, and it's not as centrally located as the Imperial City. The Arcane University pretty much allows any Mage's Guild member in, therefore increasing risk of anti-empire Anarchist's, et cetera.


The word is count and countress.......not king and queen?

That's because they rule COUNTIES, not KINGDOMS. Generally, an Empire is run by an Emperor. A Kingdom and an Empire are roughly equivalent. They are different in Culture only. Counties, Baronies, and Duchies are all equivalents, and are like Suburbs in a city.


A normal bear and a normal lion, is more deadly than a daedroth.

I think your game has a major Nerf and is glitched. Or, because bears and lions are smaller than Daedroth, and because you probably play on the easiest setting, you find it easier to actually HIT the Daedroth.


Chapels all look the same.

It's called Culture. In a Culture, things are built the same. Go look around parts of the city I live in (Brisbane, Australia). I see loads of houses that look almost exactly the same. Most of them are slightly bigger, or are at a different angle, but they're the same other than that.


Guards are psychic. Allways know were your hiding!

That's called AI.


Archmage Traven doesen't look that powerfull.

Looks can be deceiving.


The cities of Cyrodill has no certain architecture. You know, Morrowind had those telvanni mushroom houses on the eastcoast. On the westcoast, the land had the Redoran style houses and also some other cities on the westcoast had schrack houses. In Cyrodill, not 2 cities have the same architecture.

What you're trying to say is that Cyrodiil has no culture. If it had no architecture, it would simply be nature's own.

It has plenty of Culture, however.


The Imperial City is built with big white bricks for the most part, and is built in a circular fashion. The roofs are a pale green-blue tile, and is divided into set districts. It is multi-cultural with its races.


Kvatch is destroyed. Races unknown.


Skingrad features high houses, most two stories in height, some three. It has dark gray brick, and by recollection, dark roofs. It is built on a west and east side, with Vineyards surrounding it. Its primary races are "Menfolk".


Anvil has low white houses, "in the style of Hammerfell", I think Wilbur (at the Count's Arms) says. It is relatively multicultural, but has significantly less Orcs, Khajiit, and Wood Elves than anywhere else. It is primarily Redguards.


Cheydinhal is similar to Skingrad, with high houses, but has a lot more of an open feel, and more grass. Dark Elves are a very prevalent race here.


Chorrol, while pretty rich, is like a small Middle Class settlement. It is surrounded with plenty of caves and mines. Chorrol has a lot of Bretons/Imperials.


Bravil is full of pretty much slums that are all wooden and built together on top of each other. Multi-cultural.


Bruma is also made of wood, but is built into the ground to conserve heat. Bruma is very near Skyrim, therefore has a lot of Nords.


Leyawiin, if you look at it, is built of pretty much all yellow buildings with wood and such. Leyawiin is primarily filled with Argonians and Khajiit, because it is situated pretty much at a pinching point for Black Marsh and Elsweyr.

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Hey dude, I read that you responded to what i found weird in oblivion. You tell us that you are from Australia, and you tell us of the architechture there. I'm not trying to create a race debat, NOT AT All! But here is what I have to say.


I live in Denmark, and I can see that exept for the asian-style roll playing games, ALLMOST ALL RPG GAMES, is taken by lore from England, Denmark, Sweden and rest of Europe. An example is the english word "troll" and the danish "trold".

In Denmark we were vikings. We have over 600 castle ruins, and in the old days, every region was ruled by a king. If you have seen the old robin hood movies, or heard the stories, their is a king of Nottingham, but he is NOT the king of hole England, only that ONE city, and nearby villages.

First, you tell us that culture can be a nation, were cities has a certain building style. Buter later you tell us that culture can be a nation with many different style?. If you look at the old england, all the cities has exact same architecture, kinda like in denmark. But in o :thumbsup: blivion, you can't really call it cyrodill culture. The game and YOU, actually tell us that each citiy architecture is copied by the other provinces. By that, it means that going to bruma, is like being in Skyrim. Going to anvil, is like being in Hammerfell and so on. But were to find a "imperial" city. The only city IS actually the Imperial city.

I the Shivering isles, there is a HUGE difference of Mania and Dementia, and you could feel it, with the colorfull mania, and its weird people, and the more dark Dementia, with its dangous monsters, and deep thinking people.

When walking in vvardenfell, you could also feel a huge difference, when going east and west.

In the east, they called their mages for telvanni wizards. The people of the east cared more of magic than their gods, and didn't like outlanders.

In the west, the people were a bit more kind to outlanders. And remember how much they respected their gods and ancestors! And also the huge problem with bandits and skooma-dealers. Now thats culture!

In cyrodill, each city have the same thoughts, same rumors and same problems. I don't feel like the hole exploing part of oblivion, is kinda important. In Morrowind IT WAS ALL ABOUT EXPLORIN, and getting to know the difference of the regions.


Don't know if you feel the same as me, but I think that every Elder Scrolls player, want the next game to be about........EXPLORING!

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In Denmark we were vikings. We have over 600 castle ruins, and in the old days, every region was ruled by a king. If you have seen the old robin hood movies, or heard the stories, their is a king of Nottingham, but he is NOT the king of hole England, only that ONE city, and nearby villages.


... You're using the fiction as a source?


I'm sorry, but that's wrong. That's about as reliable as saying that magic exists because they said so in Harry Potter. You can't do it.


The old Robin Hood movies can not be expected to stick to the correct laws. Even so, that's just a small example. My point still overrules yours.


Barons rule Baronies. Dukes and Duchesses rule Duchies. Counts and Countesses rules Counties (You'll notice on the Oblivion map, in-game and the one you get in the box, that somewhere near a city is a piece of writing reading, "County <City Name>". For reference, the Skingrad one is about 4 centimetres to the right of Skingrad).


ABOVE that...

Kings and Queens rule KINGDOMS. Emperors and Empresses rule EMPIRES (Like Tamriel).


Then there are the numerous other kinds of ruling, such as Dictatorships, Oligarchies, Anarchy, and all the others. I know my political structures well, past and present.

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You might be right in the hole robin hood thing, but here is another example, taken from the 300 movie. Although it is taken from a movie, some of it is fiction, at some of it is real. Like Leonidas, there WERE a king named leonidas, who went to battle with the persians. Rest of it might not be true but HE IS.


In the movie (Remember that it is directet by a HUGE and famouse director, I don't remember his name) Leonidas is called the king of SPARTA! not he king of Greece. And if he were, there would be soldiers from all of greece to defeat the persians. But there isn't

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That's because in those days, Sparta, Athens, Thebes and Corinth were city-states. Miniature kingdoms in their own right. Greece was not united until a modern era. I'm not sure when that happened.


As it happens, Cyrodiil (and frankly, the rest of Tamriel) is united. Not divided. So Skingrad, or Kvatch would not be counted as city-states. So your point is void.


EDIT: And you know. You should really stop referencing movies and other works of fiction. No matter how "famous" the director is (not really huge and famous if you can't remember his/her name...), that doesn't make it any more truthful. The only thing in that movie that is true is its basis, and a few characters. The storyline of the movie itself is a gory version of the legend.


The LEGEND. Just like Robin Hood, the 300 was a legend. It told of the heroic might of Sparta. It was basically ancient propaganda, attempting to prove that Sparta was the greatest of the City-States, able to defeat a million men with only "300".

As it happens, that would be slaughter. Unless you were fighting blind, skinny, dogs, then I doubt you'd win against armoured men with (knives, even) swords and other sharp things in their artillery.


My point is... use your actual knowledge. Apart from what you've seen in movies, I don't think you have much of it, but any that you do, use it. Otherwise I'll keep finding holes in what you're saying.

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Allright little friend, I'll try to avoid fiction.


You say you are from australia. You can correct me, if i am wrong, but I belive that australia didn't have a king before the english people came. So that means that unless you have studied in history and lore, you don't have the real idea of how it is.


In Denmark (before the vikings started to conquer england), the country had a "overall" king. A king to rule all of the kingdom. To be a king of denmark, you had to be the first born son (prince) of the king, that ruled the country. The prince was BOUND to take the throne, no one else could claim it. In denmark we call it "kron-prins". Don't know the english word for this kinda prince, but to translate it roughly, It means "crown-prince".


Now. In the old times, the vikings were not very much civilised. In that way, i mean that we didn't have political terms and words. We didn't use the word mayor, we just used the word king, or more correctly "sagnkonge". It kinda means "sub-king", a ruler of a certain region or town.

When the vikings started to conquer countries, they did not have generals or warlords. It was the kings of different towns, that started attaking the countries, and at the same time, there were still kings back in the homeland. Otherwise, the prince would take over to the king came back. But even with all the "sub-kings" there were still a overall king to rule, with the big crown on his head.



You see, its that simple!

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i am going to join your little conversation here..


i live in denmark aswell and as Tztoppdog says most RPG games are inspired by England,Denmark and soo...

but he also thought is was weird that every city in cyrodiil had its own architecture.. where in morrowind there were all kinds of architecture all over vvardenfell...

the only think i can say is that morrowind had "houses" which could by every where on the map.. and also had their own style of architecture..

where cyrodill only is divided into "counties" and so every countie has their own rulers and cities.. which has their own architecture..

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Hey dude, I read that you responded to what i found weird in oblivion. You tell us that you are from Australia, and you tell us of the architechture there. I'm not trying to create a race debat, NOT AT All! But here is what I have to say.


I live in Denmark, and I can see that exept for the asian-style roll playing games, ALLMOST ALL RPG GAMES, is taken by lore from England, Denmark, Sweden and rest of Europe. An example is the english word "troll" and the danish "trold".

In Denmark we were vikings. We have over 600 castle ruins, and in the old days, every region was ruled by a king. If you have seen the old robin hood movies, or heard the stories, their is a king of Nottingham, but he is NOT the king of hole England, only that ONE city, and nearby villages.

Actually it's the sherriff of Nottingham methinks.

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Hey dude, I read that you responded to what i found weird in oblivion. You tell us that you are from Australia, and you tell us of the architechture there. I'm not trying to create a race debat, NOT AT All! But here is what I have to say.


I live in Denmark, and I can see that exept for the asian-style roll playing games, ALLMOST ALL RPG GAMES, is taken by lore from England, Denmark, Sweden and rest of Europe. An example is the english word "troll" and the danish "trold".

In Denmark we were vikings. We have over 600 castle ruins, and in the old days, every region was ruled by a king. If you have seen the old robin hood movies, or heard the stories, their is a king of Nottingham, but he is NOT the king of hole England, only that ONE city, and nearby villages.

Actually it's the sherriff of Nottingham methinks.

Yeah, but meh. Apparently because the King of England was there, that makes him the King of Nottingham. [/sarcasm]


@TzToppDogg: You've just voided your own point once more. I know the deal with the "Crown-Prince" and all. It's generally the eldest son of the current ruler, although it has been subject to change on occasion, but only rarely.


Now... The way you voided your own point? You said that in Denmark you had "sub-kings". Sub-King =/= (Does not equal) King. Those are two very different things. They're nothing alike. Sure, you're from Denmark, and it's your countries old system, but you cannot say what you're saying.


This is what you're saying, the way I interpret it: "Just because something happens on occasion in real life, that means that it has to happen in a video game. Counts should not rule Counties. Kings should."


That's what you're saying. Which is wrong. It's not a matter of opinion. It's just wrong. I suggest that you cease and desist.

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