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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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In the imperial city i've found a basement (not the two that involves the dark brotherhood) that has blood in it. But the owner seems like a normal NPCs.


Also that people in oblivion has no needs for sexual stimulation :P

Thats why there are no children.

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In the imperial city i've found a basement (not the two that involves the dark brotherhood) that has blood in it. But the owner seems like a normal NPCs.


Also that people in oblivion has no needs for sexual stimulation :P

Thats why there are no children.


lol, thats funny.


the things i found odd.


arrows, of course, someone with low marksman can shoot an enemy in the head from point blank and have the arrow magically jump and pierce their lungs and only die after the player has delivered 20 more of these same shots; however a master of marksman can take down any basic necromancer/conjurer/bandit with a simple arrow through the ARM...


the fact that Cyrodill is apparently littered with thousands of books, but they're all copies, there are about 50 different books with an average of 500 copies of each, not to mention 90% of books consist of 3 pages max, with only a hand full getting past a whopping 10 pages... these are books, they're pamplets.


according to the map provided in a link earlier there are about half a dozen foreign cities right on the borders of Cyrodill, (not counting those on the other side of the Jerall Mountains, and NONE of them are visible from the border.


there are 9 different races, but only one language (not counting the ancient Alieyds or Dwemmer)


why can no one in Cyrodill grasp the simple spell that is so common (and almost necessary) in morrowind: Levitate.


Why does the player have some sort of supper sight and can see almost any enemy regardless of sneak, invisible or chameleon (i know there are those one enemies in shivering isles that go completely invisible, but besides those)



a side note on those freaky moons:

judging by there apparent size, they must not be moons but rather planets, they are too big to be moons considering Tamriels tiny size (3 days to walk from one end of Cyrodill to the other) and they couldn't simply be that close, but how could they both be planets, is Tamreil this tiny moon orbiting a Duel-planet system... that sound extremely bazaar and very dangerous to the inhabitants of Tamreil


Also, the Red on looks like Mars.

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i find it weird that you can haul lots of weapons, armor, misc, food, potions and books with out a backpack, gee your char must have REALLY big pockets.

Also i find it weird how your char can carry all of those but cant even drag a body 5 metres

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I thought it was strange that, even though there was some war going on between cyrodiil and the forces of an evil Daedra Lord, all people wanted to talk about was chocolate. I mean, seriously, they won't shut up about it. Hell, this games chocolate-fascination could be a thread of its own.
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people sleep without covers

Some Doors never open...and yet you can still get to the other side..

People never do anything (I.E walk over there... Stand here...Sit here...)

Cities never have anything in them

only 20 guards defending cities.

streets are always empty

Headshots don't work

you can only wear 2 rings and 1 amulet

you are naked behind armor (no under clothing?)

Oblivion gates are staffed by 10 daedras.. same thing with cities

people swim in 100 pound armors..

When cant escape your own laws if though you are above it when you are sheogorath

sheogorath powers sucks

people in oblivion never showers, change cloth (by themselves), or poop

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Sutch - nuf said :P


also about the other continents there are others where do you think the neverine(or however his name is spelled went too) went too listen to rumors!


the planet you are on is named Nirn (as in nirnroot)


can be found http://www.uesp.net/wiki/Lore:Nirn <--- here



that the dark brotherhood worships sithis witch is basicly the void and the essence of chaos and was around before even the Aedra and Dedra


but they also worship a Dedra... Mephala





also that the neverine can be any race...you would think that he would be Dark Elf seeing as thats what his race was turned into (they were they were originally Chimer) because of the Tribunal and their false godhood (Azura turned them into Dunmer)

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No one has ever thought of putting another sword in their left hand.


Regardless of how strong you make Renault, or how weak you make the Mythic Dawn in the tutorial, she WILL ALWAYS DIE IN ONE HIT. She is like the French Army reincarnated or something, she never wins.


No matter how long you swim or run, your character does not get tired, even after just leaving Oblivion.


Cliffracers never got around to populating Cyodiil, even though we are next door to Morrowind.


That no one has ever thought of sitting down with the use of a chair.


With the amount of Goblins in Cyrodiil, you would think they would decide to just get into one big group and raid a town. But noooo, they have to stay in their wilderness or caves. Lazy goblins.


There is an Ayleid ruin RIGHT OUT SIDE of the freakin' Imperial City, yet no one decided to do something about it and explore it.


That you are in prison for no reason whatsoever.


A old and possibly senile emperor dreams about you, a person he has never before seen in his life.


The old guy sends one of his guards out with one of the heirs to the throne. The old guard becomes a priest in a church in some obscure village and the boy goes there to worship. Even the blind can see how very wrong this is >_>.






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