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things you found weird about cyrodiil


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People in freezing Bruma sleeping uncovered, on top of their blanket, during a blizzard.


The fact that there's a sewer in the Imperial City with nothing in the Imperial City to go into it. Sure is a lot of smelly, putrid sewer tunnels for a city lacking even one toilet.


The capital of the vast empire consists of what, a dozen shops and as many homes? There are bigger truck stops.


There were only like maybe 15 Blades in cloud ruler temple, with just a small gate for defense, not even any crenelation on the walls, and the "keep" is a wooden building. With legions of fire-shooting daedra and dremora at his disposal, Dagon never even trying to attack Cloud Ruler and get Martin is a little absurd. I know there was some excuse about needing Bruma out of the way first or something but come on.


Someone pointed it out in another thread somewhere, but the complete lack of any kind of border fort system, castles, or anything like that was quite odd. There are no garrisons in Cyrodill, just pretty much scores of police officers in heavy battle armor. It's the home province and the threat of revolt is low, OK I can see that, but that doesn't explain total lack of boarder defense since the other provinces are usually less than happy about something the Empire is doing

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Rain magically penetrates through rooftops.

It’s real funny to stand under a porch & get rained on.


:biggrin: Good one! The most glaring instance of this would be the covered passageways that connect the different stories of the cantons in Vivec city (TES III)


Other strange things? In Cyrodiil: There are plenty of apples, but no apple trees. There is cheese but no milk.


Peasant gear levels up with the player but Fighter's Guild members still have iron and fur armor.


Most of the population of Cyrodiil seems to consist of bandits, marauders, conjurers, and necromancers. Sometimes there are more necromancers in a lair than there are NPCs in a city.


NPCs put Hard level locks on chests that contain only a bowl and some yarn.


The merchant in the Lustratorium has the worst selection of alchemical ingredients, despite residing in the illustrious Arcane University. Speaking of which, the rumor that "half the council of mages resigned when Traven took over" is less impressive when you find out that the other half that stayed only consists of two individuals.


There might exist only one copy of a certain book in-game, but that book is still only worth 25 gold.


Mages Guilds have a more copies of a book than there are guild members.

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Rain magically penetrates through rooftops.

It’s real funny to stand under a porch & get rained on.


:biggrin: Good one! The most glaring instance of this would be the covered passageways that connect the different stories of the cantons in Vivec city (TES III)


Other strange things? In Cyrodiil: There are plenty of apples, but no apple trees. There is cheese but no milk.


Peasant gear levels up with the player but Fighter's Guild members still have iron and fur armor.


Most of the population of Cyrodiil seems to consist of bandits, marauders, conjurers, and necromancers. Sometimes there are more necromancers in a lair than there are NPCs in a city.


NPCs put Hard level locks on chests that contain only a bowl and some yarn.


The merchant in the Lustratorium has the worst selection of alchemical ingredients, despite residing in the illustrious Arcane University. Speaking of which, the rumor that "half the council of mages resigned when Traven took over" is less impressive when you find out that the other half that stayed only consists of two individuals.


There might exist only one copy of a certain book in-game, but that book is still only worth 25 gold.


Mages Guilds have a more copies of a book than there are guild members.

One of the best replys EVAH!


Another weird thing about cyrodiil is that nobody cries , every.



like when veronas son dies, she doesn't seem to mind that at all




if you let the goblins kill the odiil boys, The father is just like , ohh my...What a shame...



And how glad weren't you to find out that there were a playable vampire hunters faction but that it consists with

3 members that read books.


Vampires often use silver weapons


It doesn't matter if you're the champion of the arena,Champion of cyrodiil, Guild master of the fighters guild,mages guild ,thieves guild and a listener of the black hand , The highwaymans still wont mind robbing you.

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At the beginning if Baurus says "...you seem like you're an experienced Assassin/Thief." and lets you walk off with the Amulet of Kings.


Also, regarding the Amulet, how easily he buys your story about a mysterious man in a red cloak coming through a hidden passage to kill the emperor only seconds after he handed over the Amulet when the Blades left you two alone. Especially if you're an experienced Assassin. (Also, if you get this rating, it's not hard to imagine what landed you in the Imperial Prison in the first place)


Nocturnal getting robbed not once, but twice. Where does she keep her divine artifacts? In a sack under the Old Bridge?


Were the Masque of Clavicus Vile not enchanted to do the opposite, it would scare the crap out of me.


Morrowind: Not weird, but I find it hilarious that if you attack Vivec, he will box you up when he runs out of magicka. You'd think a god would posses at least an enchanted knife.


Despite all your progress and accomplishments, dear Champion of Cyrodil, you still battle desperately against common highwaymen and pathetically hungry wolves.


Pretty much the same books litter Cyrodil and Vvardenfell and nearly all written in Cyrodillic. (is that a language? i'm guessing)


That even after stealing a key, in fact, seconds after picking his/her pocket, the NPC can still walk right through that locked door.


Rats attack Khajits as eagerly as they do any other race.


Mages swill potions like Pepsi-Cola and look overjoyed to do it. Maybe they're quite tasty?


I dunno, just seems odd is all.

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Despite (possibly...) having better goods behind the counter, shopkeepers will always display pethetic items for sale. It's suppose to be 'the other way around' to entice suckers (I mean customers) into your shop and 'then' sell them rubbish...


Hour glasses are a practical joke. Even tipping one upside down, the sand stays in the top and doesn't run to the bottom.


Clothes and hair are immune to water. Must be the mages guild...


People can talk very audiably and clearly when under water.


The Imperial Legieon is drastically under financed. Bandits and the like (villians) all have secret financers who upgrade their gear regularly, but the poor soliders still roam around in "Imperial Iron" or "Imperial Steel". Almost makes you feel sad for them. (this is along the same lines as the fighters guild and how they never upgrade either). Also makes you think that if all of those Imperial forts that are in ruins were still maintained, there'd be a lot less free bandits and maraders roaming around the contryside.


People buy utensils but always hold food and eat with their hands.


Food will never spoil.

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