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EA and Origin: or the beginning of the end...


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I guess i am not serious. but why not just ignore EA's products and move on?


yes, I was a big fan of BF2 and BF2142 and BF3 was getting my attention, but with Origin's EULA, Ia m not getting BF3 or ME3.


I have better things to do in my life than play games that allow EA to snoop around my computer.

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theres an easy solution to most signup problems and stuff like this put mostly bogus infomation put only correct infomation if you need to, try to spread it over different sites. if they want real info they will have to work for it


that my 2 cents though

Doesn't work when you're letting them scan EVERYTHING on your computer. They don't care about your name and address so much as what you have installed, how often you use it, what social networks you visit, what e-mail provider and websites you use.

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It's spyware and people should treat it as such, EA might be a large company but they're hardly a reputable one, I wouldn't trust them any more then I would the trust peddlers of other malware.
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I agree, spyware by definition.


Considering that so many people literally just don't seem to mind giving away their right to privacy, it's just going to be the standard fair, it kinda is already, it'll only get worse. While I could give a crap if people want to have their lives open for corps to exploit how they see fit, at some point the rest of us who just simply dislike the very idea of it are along for the ride no matter how many letters or petitions we sign. :yucky:

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Yes it is spyware, not optional but forced and buried in the EULA. For the record, this is one of the many reasons that fuel customer frustrations against game companies. I am glad for other choices of entertainment like Skyrim.


I am curious how much of an impact this will have on driving customers away. Perhaps the OP would be interested in making a poll.


Edit: Just found out Skyrim requires Steam.

Edited by sendo75
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a) It is a survey of consumer preference, it is expected to be bias.

b) An actual poll is better than my own speculation or assumptions on what others think. I don't expect poll results to predict the future but it will serve as an alternative base for assumptions.

c) Until the EULA is changed, I suppose it is normal to focus on what is rather than what can be.

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a) It is a survey of consumer preference, it is expected to be bias.

b) An actual poll is better than my own speculation or assumptions on what others think. I don't expect poll results to predict the future but it will serve as an alternative base for assumptions.

c) Until the EULA is changed, I suppose it is normal to focus on what is rather than what can be.


If you want an actual poll you need more that just the people here voting on the nexus. You need fairly a larger repersentation of the gaming community for one and people who aren't bias and understand the issue. It's like me going into the conservative camp and ask to vote for the left.

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