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GRA = A ripoff of the modding community?


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I have been using the Nexus sites and its mods for ES:O, FO3, and FO:NV for some time now.

I tinker around on my own, with editors, to make changes to the games as well.

So when I read the details of the GRA package. I knew I had seen that stuff already on the Nexus sites.


Custom Weapons....... Check

Custom Mods............. Check

Custom Textures........ Check


Hell even the addition of the Battle Rifle and 5.56mm Pistol as generic versions of This Machine and That Gun was included in someone's mod already.

This mod is 11 on the top 100 (non adult) files btw



I am just wondering if anyone else has noticed this, and what they think about it? :wacko:

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I don't have GRA but from what I have seen and heard, GRA=Generic Renamed Armaments, the battle rifle was actually cut from the game anyway. Also allot of sloppy texture and mesh work apparently.


It seems like they took a bunch of first time modders weapons mods and tried to charge £3/$4 or them :(

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Yeah as greywaste said don't like it don't buy it. I think the dlc is mainly for the console gamers more anyway imo.


I didn't buy it.....

I figure everything in it can be built with mods.


However, people playing New Vegas on a console is a good point.

I didn't think about console gamers when I posted this topic/question.

A bit like the reverse of many developers these days.

They don't think about PC gamers.


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Yes it is, an no I do not think there is anything wrong with this. They are responding to what the customers seem to want, and where better to get your ideas than the mods people download? Fallout New Vegas owes most of the 'new features' that FO3 did not have from mods they basically ripped off. Hardcore mode? Weapons mods? And crap loads more. The reason we love Bathesda is the open nature of the game where they give us unparalleled support for modding. They in turn benefit from this as they dont have to fix half the bugs or release new content to keep their game sales up. And yeah, they on occasion package some of our ideas as their own and sell em right back at us :)


Cheeky? Maybe. But seeing as I probably have over 2000 hours played on their last 4 games and spent less than 200 dollars on all four, I feel I am some what ahead on the deal.

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Ok, by making a mod for another company/persons game you are releasing any rights to ownership of your work/property in regards to that Mod. So when they made NV and just basicly used FO3 + the most popular FO3 mods, it wasnt thievery, it was progression. When they added this weapon pack that basicly takes similar textures (still not as good as the ones on here sadly) and item/module concepts it was again progress. So yea, other than the new grenades and explosive perk, theres really no point in buying it since everything else is already on here and in better form. But hey, console gamers gotta get some love with an official DLC.
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