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"Launch oblivion" mod manager problem


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I don't have any bBackgroundMouse (or bBackGroundMouse or any variation thereof) in my working game's Oblivion.ini, nor can I find any reference to it in Koroush Ghazi's Oblivion Tweak Guide ini Tweaks section. Could this ini tweak be one that was added by a mod?


I highly doubt that this is mod-added, as it is also present in the default ini (DVD GOTY edition).


@KennetRoer2 - Sorry if i led you down the wrong path, but it seems your problem is more complicated than i thought. It sounds like a bad OBSE install, go thru the read-me and make sure it was done accordingly.

Edited by eric31415
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Hmm ... couldn't find it in my Oblivion_default.ini either. Maybe because I'm not on the GotY edition (I'm using the original edition patched to 1.2.0416 with no Shivering Isles installed). Edited by Striker879
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If you don't have that line, then something is very wrong with your ini.


No one has that line, because you are calling it the wrong thing.


The line is: bBackground Mouse


If someone CNTL+F to find your line as you typed it, it would never come up because of the space in the word. But that's what they should be looking for.

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