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Games are like way 2 expensive!


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This is ridiculous. I was in the city 2day, and it turns out a brand new game costs AU$150 now, which is a bit under US$151. And may I remind you that this is the exact same amount it costs to PRE-ORDER the COLLECTOR'S EDITION of Skyrim off Amazon, which btw includes a 12" DRAGON STATUE! What happened to the "No more than $100" policy from 2 years ago? Everyone thought the price would go down from there. In my opinion, $60 for a new game and $100 for a Collector's edition depending on the contents sounds fair. Sorry, but local stores have officially lost my business, as well as many others's.
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I would also like 2 add, bcuz Amazon doesn't ship internationally (i'm in australia), I'm stuck with paying a ridiculous amount of money locally or getting it off sum dodgy dealer off eBay. I know eBay isn't that bad, but a lot of people will want this game, and a lot of people won't want 2 buy it locally, so there will be a lot of scams.
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Supply and demand, nothing more. There are a limited number physical copies (at least initially) and plenty of people willing to shell out a small fortune to be the first to get one... so why wouldn't the stores charge as high a price as they think they can get away with?


By the way, it's $59.99 on Steam.

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Dunno if most of you remember back in the day when NES, SNES, and Sega were out...but those games cost $50-60. The price of video games hasn't gone up at all in over 20 years. We're pretty lucky, if games went up like how food, gas, and clothing has gone up, they would probably cost $80-100.


But that's just insane that your local store would charge that much for a video game. I wouldn't give them business either with the insane mark-up. Local stores need to be competitive with big box and the Internet otherwise they will get no business.

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Well if you see what they put in those Collectors Edition you would see why they are that much. Those collectors editions have items made of costly material. A 12 inch Statue that is what 10 to 20 dollars minimum right there, a Making of DVD that is another 10 dollars right there, a 200 Page book with all the art and signed by the crew, that is another 10 dollars, and a high qualty cloth map that is another 10 right there. Not to mention the limited edition box the game is in and the extra packaging the whole package comes in. So add things up and see if all these extra items are worth it to you, if not go with the regular edition.
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