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[WIP] Beast Master - Creature Companion Overhaul


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Finally decided on this name list. Hopefully everyone will be able to find something here that suits their pet.


The following names can be given to your pets:

  • "Cool" > Scamp, Trouble, Max, Ace, Echo, Lucky, Zigzag, Hero, Blitz, 007
  • "Tough" > Brutus, Killer, Tank, Spike, Remington, Atlas, Rambo, Warlord, Demon, Bullet
  • "Cute" > Fluffy, Cupcake, Lulu, Sweetpea, Cuddles, Boo, Diva, Sunshine, Mocha, Bonkers
  • "Wacky" > Corvenga, Nuka Cola, Sugar Bomb, Freeway, Jaggles, Lexington, Concord, Atom Cat, Trash, Megaton

Question for you all:

Work on the body paints is reeally slowing me down. Would you guys be okay with body paints for additional creatures being added later? (All the ones I've already shown pics of will be included).


Although....given that the whole "war on bethesda" BS storm has yet to blow over....getting the mod ready faster might not be a priority, since I don't want to publish it with all the hubbub going on anyway.....

Im TOTALLY ok with that. You can work at your own pace. Regarding that Bethesda BS, if you're that worried about someone stealing your mod, just make it so that you HAVE to have F4SE to use the mod, so it doesnt work when somebody downloads it on consoles.
I'm not worried about someone stealing my mod (well, no more than usual). I have ever intention of posting to bethesda.net so console players can use it.


I'm worried that the release itself will get lost in the dust cloud, and my hard work will be wasted as the mod falls into obscurity.


I guess I shouldn't worry so much. People will like it or not, regardless of what I do.


But I do hope all you guys will tell your friends and get them interested. :D


  • Raiders/Gunners
I don't know why I laughed so hard at the FAQ explaining that you can't tame Raiders or Gunners. But I did.</p>
You laugh, but I've had people ask me to include human NPCs as "tameable" creatures. I wanted to nip that one in the bud for the future. Edited by steelfeathers
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Oh yeah i understand, Its just that at the moment people are stealing mods easily and even getting money from it (Huh, reminds of the paid mods problem when people bought stolen mods) so i was a bit concerned. But anyways, ive actually told a couple of relatives and friends of this mods and they LOVED it. They're not that well into the modding community so they just told me to tell them if you happen to post anything or release the mod because they are now officially fans of this mod :)

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Oh yeah i understand, Its just that at the moment people are stealing mods easily and even getting money from it (Huh, reminds of the paid mods problem when people bought stolen mods) so i was a bit concerned. But anyways, ive actually told a couple of relatives and friends of this mods and they LOVED it. They're not that well into the modding community so they just told me to tell them if you happen to post anything or release the mod because they are now officially fans of this mod :)

That's awesome! :D


You'll have to get your circle of friends to spread the word when release day comes. ALL MUST DOWNLOAD BEAST MASTER AND LIKE IT! HAHAHAHA

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