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[WIP] Beast Master - Creature Companion Overhaul


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Here we have a tribal design for Radroach carapace paint. Available in 3 colors.



Wow. That is awesome. Would love to see an Institute white version. But, maybe you tried that and it didn't look good?

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Here we have a tribal design for Radroach carapace paint. Available in 3 colors.



Wow. That is awesome. Would love to see an Institute white version. But, maybe you tried that and it didn't look good?

Those are the 3 colors of paint you can find in the game. There isn't any white to reference, unfortunately.

Edit: though I suppose it wouldn't be too difficult to add new paint items that can be created by mixing other paints at the chemistry station...

Edited by steelfeathers
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I was lurking through here...but once you said you wanted the lurkers to come out because you needed some ideas i could help it.

Im not really sure what to give you since im assuming you're working on every creature in the game (excluding humanoids and including the Far Harbor creatures (maybe) ) but anyways, since you found a problem with the bandanas since not all creatures have visible necks, why not put the accessories on other body parts?! no not THOSE body parts you freak, here's an example: Lets say i have a mirelurk, or any crustacean for that matter, i can accessorize it by putting a bandana on its pincers since it doesnt have a neck, or a chain/watch/gloves on its pincers too. Maybe some shoes on its legs, or a monocle and a top hat! (a lil' nod to a famous Skyrim mod) and stuff like that. And since you're doing paint jobs on crustacean and bugs/insects, i cant wait to see the awesome tribal paint jobs on mirelurks (imagine a glowing paint job on a bloodrage mirelurk from Far Harbor!), or the radscorpions and possible stingwings and bloodbugs. But i really want to talk about deathclaws, since they're my favorite creatures. like with the mirelurk, id love it if you'd also add accessories to hits hands, legs, tail, horns and such. I also hope you're not only limiting the paint jobs on the crustacean and bugs/insects, id love to paint my deathclaw with a badass tribal paintjob on the horns or maybe at the center of the head, its claws, or the torse, or the sides of its body etc etc. But there's one thing, one thing i REALLY would love it if you added it, is ARMOR! It would be awesome if it raised the creature's resistance, but i wouldnt mind if it was purely cosmetic. Imagine plowing through a raider camp with your ARMORED DEATHCLAW, or armored yao guai. Reminds me of the armored trolls from the Dawngaurd DLC for Skyrim, much a billion times more badass. Anyways, i got TOO creative while writing this, hope you get what im trying to say and got some ideas out of this, cheers and good luck!

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Wow, that's a lot of ideas! Okay, first - yes, you will be able to paint your deathclaws. Deathclaws, mirelurks, radscorpions, radroaches, and stingwings can all get paint jobs.


Also, addressing the armor thing: I want to make creature armor. I really do. However, the amount of effort that would be needed for such an undertaking is ENORMOUS. Discounting the bug creatures, that would be 10 brand new sets of armor that I would need to model, texture, and rig. That's an entire mod project right there. So I'm not saying "no" - again, I'd love to have Deathclaw armor, just like everyone else - it's just not going to happen in the near future.


Thanks for replying! And don't be a stranger. Lurking hurts my soul.

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Wow, that's a lot of ideas! Okay, first - yes, you will be able to paint your deathclaws. Deathclaws, mirelurks, radscorpions, radroaches, and stingwings can all get paint jobs.


Also, addressing the armor thing: I want to make creature armor. I really do. However, the amount of effort that would be needed for such an undertaking is ENORMOUS. Discounting the bug creatures, that would be 10 brand new sets of armor that I would need to model, texture, and rig. That's an entire mod project right there. So I'm not saying "no" - again, I'd love to have Deathclaw armor, just like everyone else - it's just not going to happen in the near future.


Thanks for replying! And don't be a stranger. Lurking hurts my soul.


Ah, i completely understand the armor thing. But surely you can bring on some experienced modders in your project? You will finish things much quicker and with much better results, you will form a formidable modding team! But if that's also not possible, that's ok. Maybe you can create "mini" simple armor pieces? Like only a helmet to your deathclaw or back armor for mirelurks and stuff like that, instead of a full armored suit. But if that's also not possible, i wont mind. It's definitely not going to make me NOT download the mod, modders are human too and have lives.

Im REALLY looking forward for this mod, it seems like the type of mod id download and never disable. And by the way, what's your progress? unless thats secretive..

Edited by psychoticalex
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Wow, that's a lot of ideas! Okay, first - yes, you will be able to paint your deathclaws. Deathclaws, mirelurks, radscorpions, radroaches, and stingwings can all get paint jobs.


Also, addressing the armor thing: I want to make creature armor. I really do. However, the amount of effort that would be needed for such an undertaking is ENORMOUS. Discounting the bug creatures, that would be 10 brand new sets of armor that I would need to model, texture, and rig. That's an entire mod project right there. So I'm not saying "no" - again, I'd love to have Deathclaw armor, just like everyone else - it's just not going to happen in the near future.


Thanks for replying! And don't be a stranger. Lurking hurts my soul.


Ah, i completely understand the armor thing. But surely you can bring on some experienced modders in your project? You will finish things much quicker and with much better results, you will form a formidable modding team! But if that's also not possible, that's ok. Maybe you can create "mini" simple armor pieces? Like only a helmet to your deathclaw or back armor for mirelurks and stuff like that, instead of a full armored suit. But if that's also not possible, i wont mind. It's definitely not going to make me NOT download the mod, modders are human too and have lives.

Im REALLY looking forward for this mod, it seems like the type of mod id download and never disable. And by the way, what's your progress? unless thats secretive..



I'm really not interested in turning this mod into a collaboration - I've been part of several modding teams before, and either a) it falls apart, or b) it takes forever. I'm really quite good at creating armor, so it would probably be faster to just do it myself than to try to find someone else to do it for me, anyway. :P


But never say never! I may find the time and energy to do a massive "creature armor" update sometime after the initial release, so let the dream die just yet.



Progress is going well. This is my remaining to-do list:

-Finish adding body paints

-Clean up the model rigging for some of the chain collars and saddlebags

-Test (and potentially fix) the "Give Treat" mechanic

-Play test the hell out of everything with Echo, my glowing Mirelurk King, just to make sure that nothing strange pops up

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It's official: I LOATHE the FO4 dialogue system. Not because it's a wheel, or because you can't see exactly what your character will say.


No, I hate it because:


1) You are locked into only 4 dialogue choices. You can't add more without needing to go to another branch. And you MUST have 4, because otherwise you'll have an option that says something stupid like "Positive Response". (It couldn't just be blank - that would make too much sense)


2) Adding a menu of activate options is impossible. In Skyrim, when you activated an NPC, you could pop up a message box with a range of options for doing things like, say, feeding treats, or applying body paint. But in FO4, you can only have 1 activate option. Try to add more than that, and guess what? The normal dialogue choices are overridden by those options. So instead of seeing "Talk", "Follow me", "Nevermind", and "How you doing?" when you talk to the NPC, you'll see something bonkers like, "Talk", "Apply Paint", "Talk", "Feed Treat". Best still, one of those Talk options is a lie - it's actually the "Stay" command. It just SAYS "Talk".


3) Just LOOKING at an NPC counts as activating them. So does choosing an option from a message box that is shown during conversation. In a beautiful twist of logic, this makes it so that if you often get caught in a never-ending message box loop if you have code that shows the messagebox upon activating the NPC. Talk > message box > choose option > message box > choose option > message box > choose option > message box > choose option....repeat until doomsday.


*Steelfeathers flips the table*

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