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[WIP] Beast Master - Creature Companion Overhaul


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Introducing....more name choices! Ta-da.


You still can't type in your own custom name (sadly it's still impossoble), but I've increased the number of available names from 18 to 40 and added a new category: Wastelander.


Take a peek at the full list of names below. I'm still 2 names short for the "cool" and "wastelander" categories, so if you have any suggestions, fire away!



Cool > Scamp, Trouble, Riley, Ace, Echo, Lucky, Zigzag, Hero, _____, _____

Tough > Brutus, Killer, Max, Spike, Remington, Atlas, Rambo, Warlord, Demon, Bullet

Cute > Fluffy, Cupcake, Lulu, Sweetpea, Cuddles, Boo, Diva, Sunshine, Mocha, Bonkers

Wastelander > Corvenga, Nuka Cola, Sugar Bomb, Freeway, Jaggles, Lexington, Concord, Atom Cat, _____, _____

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some animal companion mods from new vegas have this thing were you can give perk to your pet by completing some task, for example in one involving the deatchlaw it could gain the perk of becoming invisible by fighting nightkin, other involving the a gecko you could "teach him" some of your perks like making him harder to know down and etc, it would be cool to add something were you can either "teach" or "trigger" some permanent boost to your pet, with each one be unique for each pet

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Well this is gonna be an immediate download for me.


Question: will this play well with "Everyone's Best Friend," or will it conflict? Either way, I'd gladly ditch Dogmeat for a Deathclaw.


I personally use "Everyone's Best Friend", so I'd say the two mods work perfectly together. :)


See, the great thing about Beast Master is that it doesn't touch the vanilla Companion system. At all. So any other mods you have that edit the Follower quest (or its scripts) won't affect Beast Master, and vice versa.


So yes, you CAN have Dogmeat (or any human companion) AND your new deathclaw pal following you at the same time. And if you use "Everyone's Best Friend", you can have all 3 at once.




Cool names:


Fahrenheit - Fahrenheit

Slab - Slab

Bridget - Bridget

Barnes - Barnes

Bullet - Bullet

Just my two cents. lol


Oooo, I like Fahrenheit. I may add that to the wastelander list.

Bullet is already included, btw. Under "tough". ;)




some animal companion mods from new vegas have this thing were you can give perk to your pet by completing some task, for example in one involving the deatchlaw it could gain the perk of becoming invisible by fighting nightkin, other involving the a gecko you could "teach him" some of your perks like making him harder to know down and etc, it would be cool to add something were you can either "teach" or "trigger" some permanent boost to your pet, with each one be unique for each pet


Hm, that's an interesting suggestion. It's gotten me thinking. I may do something like this.




I'm loving the new Wastelander category (and the warpaints!) For name suggestions, I'd love to name my yao guai Meatloaf-- completely self-serving, no worries if it doesn't make the cut :laugh:


Probably won't include meatloaf. Sorry. :D

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Trash(In homage to the cute dead wastelander girl in NV)
Big Bertha(In homage to the 12 gauge ballistic bean bag round that hit me in the center of my chest when I was 18)

My mind is drawing blanks now. lol

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