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Taking Requests: 50 Armor Mods


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Santa is dead...HE'S DEAD, JIM ! :psyduck:



You just have to BELIEVE, ghosu.


Also, has anyone seen OP since this thread began? :whistling:


Dunno. Maybe making this thread was a mere elaborate, but simplistic, troll.




i second this seemed to good to be true lol


I'm thinking that maybe he had a few too many. It's never a good idea to post and promise when you've been drinking.


Now that I said that, he will probably release 150 new armors just to prove me wrong, story of my life. :laugh: But honestly, If he even did one or two of the armors posted here I think that would be fantastic, and I hope he does and more power to him. :smile:




thats what im thinking as wellwould get him out there as well even if he did his own armor design and asked to see what we thought would be awsome :)

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So this is quite serendipitous because I was really hoping to come across someone willing to mod this particular armor set;







It's my favorite armor from any game I've ever played and I would love to have it in Skyrim. Obviously if you were to texture/model it it would be less cartoonish in appearance and more realistic as is with Skyrims art style. I would be so thrilled if you took this on!



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Hello...I posted an rather easy to make leather-mercenary like type of armor request ( if you are watching GoT, it's Daario Naharis' armor - by the way, it just looks so cool with that dark brown leather, don't make it black please )...


Here's the link (you've got some references and ideas there to make it easier for you).



And here are the reference pictures ( updated because this armor's pauldrons look simillar to the Deathbrand Stalhrim Armor )



I would be really happy if you could make this :D

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Hi, i someone told me about you, who do request...


Well i work on a mod, which contain a whole new world. This world is in roman like style (ca. 100 B.C.) and i missing a Gladiator armor.


Ive got a Idea how it can look like




It would be soooo nice of you, if you could do this, because my big mod, need this armor a lot. (espacially the helmet on this drawing is sooo f*** badass ^^)


Thank you for taking the time

Edited by NexusVirus
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