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True of False? Skyrim will be much more demanding than oblivion,


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You don't think that has anything to do with the fact that they make huge open world games? Granted, there are other sandbox games on the PC for sure that don't have the same level of buggyness (GTA - GTA4, Just Cause 2, Mafia II...). But it may be that open world RPGs are just more bug prone. I haven't played any other ones, but from what I hear, games like Two Worlds and Gothic are even worse than TES. I'm fairly certain if Bethesda were in the business of making linear games, they wouldn't have a reputation of making bugged games. But that's just my perspective; I could be dead wrong I suppose.


I'm not sure why people feel they have to make excuses for a problem Bethesda freely admit to, their quality control has been virtually non existent and it's shown in their games. It'll be interesting to see if the new measures they've put in place improve matters, it's good so see they are finally addressing the problem.


I don't see what the issue is. I've ran Morrowind to New Vegas and the only hair pulling moments I've had came -after- I installed mods. Simply put, thier games are not -that- buggy and the whining I see from every one is made irrelivent by the release of the creation engine, allowing anything to be fixed. Sure, maybe they are not as bug free as game x but they are also more open and have possibilities that game x doesn't.

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You don't think that has anything to do with the fact that they make huge open world games? Granted, there are other sandbox games on the PC for sure that don't have the same level of buggyness (GTA - GTA4, Just Cause 2, Mafia II...). But it may be that open world RPGs are just more bug prone. I haven't played any other ones, but from what I hear, games like Two Worlds and Gothic are even worse than TES. I'm fairly certain if Bethesda were in the business of making linear games, they wouldn't have a reputation of making bugged games. But that's just my perspective; I could be dead wrong I suppose.


I'm not sure why people feel they have to make excuses for a problem Bethesda freely admit to, their quality control has been virtually non existent and it's shown in their games. It'll be interesting to see if the new measures they've put in place improve matters, it's good so see they are finally addressing the problem.


I don't see what the issue is. I've ran Morrowind to New Vegas and the only hair pulling moments I've had came -after- I installed mods. Simply put, thier games are not -that- buggy and the whining I see from every one is made irrelivent by the release of the creation engine, allowing anything to be fixed. Sure, maybe they are not as bug free as game x but they are also more open and have possibilities that game x doesn't.


I'm not whining, I'm making an observation, one Bethesda themselves agree with. As for their new patching system we'll have to see what that brings, patches tend to cause problems for mods, constant patching may well become an issue.

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Remember they have confirmed that the game uses DX11 for performance gains? This should relax my worries about optimization, but why the he'll haven't we seen video proof that a PC version even exists?


This is slightly worrying me, most developers want to show their games looking at their very best so why is the PC version being hidden away? even Rock, Paper, Shotgun had to play the 360 version for their preview.

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not most developers .. most devs want to sell its graphics to the console owners since they make up the largest market .. they know as well as we do that the PC will look better "not by much" but better .. undersell the product and over deliver
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not most developers .. most devs want to sell its graphics to the console owners since they make up the largest market .. they know as well as we do that the PC will look better "not by much" but better .. undersell the product and over deliver


Using the PC version to sell the console version is common practice, yet with this game it's almost as if the PC version doesn't exist. Why are PC gaming websites having to preview the 360 version? I don't doubt it does exist but something isn't right.

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