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Future of EU...


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To HeyYou:


1. Gun control was an example of how some ppl spam internet (yes mirocu im looking at you) with lies about EU, im prohibited of using examples of how this happens every few years and curiously EU is suffering from problems that in reallity only worry ppl fromn USA every time?


2. Natives losing their lands and even a war against immigrants (LOL) was implied clearly, im not going to quote cause isnt my fault if you are too lazy to read or fail to understand what you read....


3. Not my language (you gonna punish me?) but i understand perfectly the stupid catastrophic augurs of some ppl saying how EU is being destroyed by something that in reality is happening in USA or perhaps not happening and just a worry. If english is your language and you fail to understand well then you...


4. No matter how high the influx of immigrats is, i already presented numbers to counter all the BS about EU natives becoming a minority and mathematics dont lie deal with it. You just chose to ignore numbers because you actually know no facts about this matter.



PS You guys actually damaging the cause you trying to defend, funny uh?




Wasn't aware I was defending any 'cause'.......


The numbers: Natives don't need to be a minority, for the immigrants to gain influence. Your statistics are meaningless. London is a prime example.


I see folks typing blocks' o' text, and I see folks posting videos. Two different ways of communicating the message they desire. Not spam.


Native language: Nope. Not going to punish you, no method to do so, and no desire either. If I COULD do something, it would be adjusting your arrogant/condescending attitude. :smile:



You can easily adjust my arrogant/condescending attitude by not throwing your pamphlets on my garden but other than that you can only whine.


The title of this topic is "Future of EU..." and playing by EU rules noone can throw their pamphlets on my garden, and now please someone take this literally so i can laugh to dead....


Throw my pamphlets on your garden? WTF is that?


Yeah, Ok. I see that even trying to talk sense with you is an outright waste of time. So, I shall bid you adieu, and not waste any more time on you. You have fun now.

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You can easily adjust my arrogant/condescending attitude by not throwing your pamphlets on my garden but other than that you can only whine.


The title of this topic is "Future of EU..." and playing by EU rules noone can throw their pamphlets on my garden, and now please someone take this literally so i can laugh to dead....


For someone with only a bakers dozen posts you clearly feel that you have the right to dictate the course of this forum debate...SURPRIZE..you don't..

Our debates have traditionally been all over the map and unless there is a Troll in the thread they progress in multifaceted directions. Condescending sarcasm does not convert or convince anyone.

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I have a surprise for you, no matter what you say you still a mere distraction, who ignited me was mirocu spamming propaganda (yes propaganda) full of lies about EU, another surprise for you, EU is not rioting, EU is not in flames, only a very small percentage of EU population is worried about immigration, curiously enough the same guys worried about immigration are the same that destroy private property when their favorite sports team lose...


And you still arent adding anything to back the lies about EU the spammer introduced in the topic, not a surprise. And dont even try to negate you jumped on me because what i said about mirocu youtube spam and comments, or you are going to give me no other option than call you hypocrite.


You can try harder but you cant do better...


Edit: Ops sorry again i almost forgot something... Congrats on taking what i said almost literally genius.

Edited by Piho
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and yes, most of the other EU members are letting Germany down big time in this, it's almost like we're stemming it all alone here, but we're actually still doing remarkably fine with all this,


Letting Germany down? your government invited them, why should others countries have to deal with it?




Well, for one they didn't invite them. They may be heading a part of the EU decisive council and as such mostly directing what the EU decides on, but it isn't like they could actually "force" the others to agree with them on anything.


But for two, what I'm talking about is it was a majority decision, the European Union in its entirety decided on how things should be done, how many refugees which member country would be taking, and how every country's contribution would best be coordinated. Neither was Germany the driving force in all this, nor are we having any horses in this race. It's just, apparently, we're now the only country doing their part as was decided on, the others... just don't. And that of course forces us to actually do double, if not thrice, as much as was decided on would be our part, so... yeah, I call that "letting us down". Now wouldn't you?


I mean, if US congress decided, due to a massive drought, that every state would have to cut down on water consumption each about its own certain amount, specifically calculated and agreed on so it's as much as they can take but still not too much, and once everything got written down on paper and signed by all congress delegates, suddenly Nevada would be the only one doing their part, the others not even remotely coming close to what was agreed on, and Nevada even having to cut its water consumption down to 10% instead of the 50% it was asked for to make up for the others.


Is it really fair to blame Nevada for their own fault, only because they said "we're in the desert mostly and won't need that much water for plants or plantations, so we support this idea 100%"? And are the others not letting them down, by not doing their part, and actually breaking the contract they signed (just like the rest of the EU does right now)? They all agreed! They signed contracts! Now they're not taking part in their own agreements and only we follow plan. They "are" letting us down, by breaking the contracts they signed.


And coming back to the "you invited them" flaw in argumentation, all our politicians, or better yet chancellor Merkel, did was seeing the impossibility in the idea to just "keep them out" (we're on broad land, we can't just raise walls or fences the entire borderlines long, and we most definitely have neither the manpower nor the money to keep them even remotely guarded), and instead went along with the second best approach, to let them in and take them up, but to "control" how it's done and where. They said we can't "stop" them, so instead we control where they go and take care they'll be "equally distributed" (not every country takes the same amount equally but every country takes as much as is viable and does its part in it equal) across Europe so every member country does its part and isn't forced to take too much.


The plan was great. It would've worked wonders, and still would... if just the others hadn't bailed and stood up to their promises and contracts. The EU must get their act together and start acting where their mouths are, not just agreeing on something and publicly celebrating having come to an agreement, and then at the end none but one doing their part. This is what's complicating things in this, not Germany's willingness to do their part, as what seems to be the sole contributor to what was originally planned and agreed on by all.


Your little island has it easy, surrounded by water on every side and only a select few ways to get across. But Europe's a continent, and there's not even enough concrete or wire to build a wall or raise a fence all around it. That's illusional.


edit: And for the records, we're still doing remarkably fine, doing thrice the amount of what was decided on. You can bet on, if the others would also be doing their part as planned, the whole thing wouldn't be an issue at all anymore in a heartbeat. It isn't for us now, so why should it for the others then?



I'm sorry but I remember the Hungarians getting fed up with immigrants passing through their country, so they built a fence to keep them out. And then half Europe condemned them for it. Only because they did what the EU should have done before the mass exodus from the middle east started.

The original idea was to stop the refugees in Turkey, but that meant that EU politicians had to deal with the Turks and make concessions they were not willing to make. So they didnt negotiate anything and just allowed the problem to march up to our doorstep. And then everyone had to do 'their part'.

Which brings me back to what I said earlier. The EU constitution is the 'contract'(there are others like the Lisbon ratifications) that you are speaking of. The one that was rejected by those people who got to vote and then accepted by politicians who decided that they knew better.


My country (Belgium) is one of those that doesnt want to play ball in this case, we dont want more refugees and only accepted what we had to. But I dont feel like I or my country let anyone down, quite the opposite, I am glad that we have a state secretary who has the guts to say 'no more'. If only we had had someone like that when it really mattered.


Yes, amazing how I agree that one politician actually did something right. It'd be unfair of me not to accept when they actually do something good. No, I'm not rightwinged, I just dont see how having these refugees helps us or their respective countries. If anything, they should be over there, ready to go back and rebuild those countries. Many of these refugees claim they dont want to be here and want to return anyways.

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It is 'Western' involvement that has displaced these people however. Our luxurious lives of low cost energy, consumables and health care come at a price... a price many seem unwilling to pay. You can't have your cake and eat it.

How so?

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Half of the Syrian population is displaced, trying to stay out of the way of the war between ISIS, various Al-Qaeda offshoots, militias, and the the regime of Bashar al-Assad. It was a vibrant country of 17 million with infrastructure in 2003. But today the country is destroyed by the civil war that broke out following the United States war on Iraq (2003-2010), the United States war on Afghanistan (2003-present), revolution in Egypt, and Europe’s armed intervention in Libya and the toppling of Khaddafi. More than 250,000 are dead as a result of this war. More than 3.5 million refugees have fled the country.

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Half of the Syrian population is displaced, trying to stay out of the way of the war between ISIS, various Al-Qaeda offshoots, militias, and the the regime of Bashar al-Assad. It was a vibrant country of 17 million with infrastructure in 2003. But today the country is destroyed by the civil war that broke out following the United States war on Iraq (2003-2010), the United States war on Afghanistan (2003-present), revolution in Egypt, and Europe’s armed intervention in Libya and the toppling of Khaddafi. More than 250,000 are dead as a result of this war. More than 3.5 million refugees have fled the country.

I don't think Bush had any clue what kind of can of worms he was opening when he overthrew Saddam...... You are correct, 99% of the current problems in the ME can be traced directly back to that, and then Western support of the Arab Spring.

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