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Future of EU...


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Hmm yeeees...

In 1914 and 1939 we had to fight for the right to govern ourselves and by gum if the Allies had not done so I wouldn't be here to post this, due to the Grandad who fought in round 1 being of the wrong sort for the opposition in round 2. I have cousins who are the children of an immigrant who fled the other side of the coin of Euro totalitarianism . And I am the daughter of an accountant who could not understand for the life of him why we were hurling money into an organisation so corrupt that it couldn't get the accounts signed off in more than twenty years. Were he still alive he'd be first through the polling station door this Thursday to vote Brexit. Seeing as he isn't , me and my little sister will be jostling for that privilege .


The Remain camp look plain daft warning us about leaps in the dark. We have no idea what the EU are doing with our money now, it could hardly be any worse. Yes to Brexit. Just think of the positives, insta P45s for Camoron and Osborne for starters...

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To get back on topic, because, to my great shame, I have very little idea about political intrications between UK and EU and I can only place my bet on UK remain in Union.


Gotta say that not only people from war ridden countries flee to EU, there is also pretty big number of immigrants from more than half of Afrika along with somewhat peacefull parts of Middle-East. Let's face it, with conditions Europe offers refugees, many people from even not completely poor countries would kill for this opportunity. The question is, why EU is trying so hard about this?... Or am I misinformed once again?


Half of the Syrian population is displaced, trying to stay out of the way of the war between ISIS, various Al-Qaeda offshoots, militias, and the the regime of Bashar al-Assad. It was a vibrant country of 17 million with infrastructure in 2003. But today the country is destroyed by the civil war that broke out following the United States war on Iraq (2003-2010), the United States war on Afghanistan (2003-present), revolution in Egypt, and Europe’s armed intervention in Libya and the toppling of Khaddafi. More than 250,000 are dead as a result of this war. More than 3.5 million refugees have fled the country.

Dreaded to imagine how much profit was made in the process.

Edited by Signette
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I am no fan of rhetoric but there is perhaps some insights to be taken from the idea that maybe we should be leading, not leaving.



By leaving we will be leading, that's what the elites are scared of, just the UK leaving they could live with but they know others will follow.

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I am no fan of rhetoric but there is perhaps some insights to be taken from the idea that maybe we should be leading, not leaving.


By leaving we will be leading, that's what the elites are scared of, just the UK leaving they could live with but they know others will follow.

Leading what though? I could perhaps consider it more seriously if it were not for so many of the leaders and people who support leave generally being so distasteful, blaming everyone but themselves, and flogging some 'good old days' rhetoric.

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I believe jim_uk is saying that by the UK leaving it sets the precedent and gets the ball rolling for anyone else considering the same.


That is how I understood it too but what would that lead to??


This is probably one of the most considered and rounded summaries of the debate I have yet read about it and it also sums up most of the concerns I have too --> News Thump EU Referendum


Also someone from the ONS (Office of National Statistics) posted this advert (on the sly) and it gives us some visual perspective to things --> Referendum Ad


Not sure if anybody watched this on Channel 4 earlier. Slightly unusual format but very interesting. --> The Final Debate

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