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Future of EU...


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Well I am surprised by the results , expected remain to win as its usually much harder to overturn a set position in any election of any kind . Like Sens and Reps are hard to remove from office as they hold the house advantage . Same for the remain camp , Britain was already in the EU so expected them to win by 500k to 1 million votes at least , but to my surprise Leave won by 1.2 million votes. Even Wales went for the Leave camp and there were far more leave votes in Scotland and N Ireland than anyone expected.


Seems there were far more people in UK who were unhappy with the EU and this whole immigrant/sovereignty issue than was thought.

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"Ok so immigrants are ruining our economy (they aren't) so clearly the obvious way to fix it is by destroying our own economy! Britain first even though it's primarily English focused!"


So good job England, you really screwed your entire country over. Your currency is still falling and you caused the stock market to crash leading to Japan cancelling all trade with you and your stocks in Asia are plummeting to worthless.


Well I am surprised by the results , expected remain to win as its usually much harder to overturn a set position in any election of any kind . Like Sens and Reps are hard to remove from office as they hold the house advantage . Same for the remain camp , Britain was already in the EU so expected them to win by 500k to 1 million votes at least , but to my surprise Leave won by 1.2 million votes. Even Wales went for the Leave camp and there were far more leave votes in Scotland and N Ireland than anyone expected.


Seems there were far more people in UK who were unhappy with the EU and this whole immigrant/sovereignty issue than was thought.

It was just people buying lies that NHS will see increase in funding but whoops that's not happening because UKIP is filled with liars. Like I feel most people don't even know what the EU did for the UK, for instance all the trade agreements that the UK had? Null and void, they were all set up through the EU so now UK has zero trading partners. The UK had to follow several civil rights agreements but whoops nope not a thing now that they aren't part of the EU. The whole "you'll get more money in wages from leaving" turns out to be a gigantic lie. Once the economic collapse happens and the UK loses Scotland and northern Ireland only to have England end up being like how Greece is right now they'll be crawling on their feet begging for the EU to take them back.


It's less people weren't happy and more of people didn't realize they were being lied to and fed bullcrap propaganda spewed out by liars.

Edited by CiderMuffin
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It seems to me as an outsider that it was the decission was taken too fast. I still don't understand any of the 2 sides and their arguments. All I see is a bit of irrational arguments and not properly justified.


It's alright to hold a referendum and I congratulate the people from the UK for showing their opinion. But people should have been made aware of the consequences of both possible outcomes backed by some studies. How do the common folk know what's best for them when they don't have no training or insight into economics and politics?


The referendum should have been held after ample studies and the general population should have been trained and informed properly about what they are about to do. It's alright to leave the EU but there has to be a rational reasoning and ample studies behind that decision. Plans and measures had to be taken for both outcomes before the referendum. But because no plan was made for any of the outcomes, the investors are uncertain and maybe this is a tiny bit responsible for the uncertainty that caused the market to go down so badly.



As it seems to me, this decision was mostly a gamble. And I looked into this and it seems as some politicians took advantage of this and led a campaign pro leaving the EU. Then again other politicians took advantage of the idea of staying in the EU. But did any party actually performed a study and came up with a plan after that? And did they have any simulations as to what was about to happen to the UK in the future?


But I do admit that letting in all the immigrants inside the UK was a bad idea. Actually letting all the refugees inside the EU at this time was a bad idea. The EU already had internal problems, it was in not condition to destabilize it even more.

Edited by Alecu
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British currency feel an extra 3% leading to a 11.4% decrease in the worth of the british currency. JP Morgan first foreign company to state it's pulling out.


"It was bad to let immigrants and refugees in" except those immigrants have done nothing but do the jobs no one else was doing which lead to a better economy. Sure it's not a perfect situation but it's better then pushing them out just so they can be slaughter in constant warfare. Both can be used to rebuild infrastructure and work on farms which was literally the jobs they were given.


Edit: Oh this is classic. Boris Johnson the architect of Brexit is now saying "Oh no need to rush leaving" because evidence is everywhere that this idea was a giant train wreck that is destroying Britain's economy. At this point he is just trying to hold on to it saying "No it'll work, trust me!" despite it'll take years and billions to build up all the relationships the UK has made from being a member of the EU.




Second Edit: Leave Campaign lied about how much the UK sends to the EU




Third Edit: EU tells UK that if they want to leave it has to be swift or else it could prolong uncertainty.



Edited by CiderMuffin
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