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Future of EU...


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Voting leave has almost been justified by the shear hilarity in my uni's YikYak feed - they've been calling for riots :laugh:


My Twitter feed has been comical, SWJs thinking they're experts on the market, people complaining that a referendum is undemocratic and merchants of doom who think the world has ended.

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Voting leave has almost been justified by the shear hilarity in my uni's YikYak feed - they've been calling for riots :laugh:


My Twitter feed has been comical, SWJs thinking they're experts on the market, people complaining that a referendum is undemocratic and merchants of doom who think the world has ended.


I like how it's only undemocratic when it doesn't go their way. Once again its those people who are causing further divisions with their doom and gloom - by throwing the toys out of the pram and refusing to accept the results.

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I haven't seen anyone call it "undemocratic" but I've seen a lot of news stories and articles about how much the UK lost in this, how the british sterling fell and how people are starting to lose their jobs already. UK also lost it's position as the fifth economically strong country to France.
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Voting leave has almost been justified by the shear hilarity in my uni's YikYak feed - they've been calling for riots :laugh:


My Twitter feed has been comical, SWJs thinking they're experts on the market, people complaining that a referendum is undemocratic and merchants of doom who think the world has ended.


I like how it's only undemocratic when it doesn't go their way. Once again its those people who are causing further divisions with their doom and gloom - by throwing the toys out of the pram and refusing to accept the results.



There's already a petition to have a second referendum. :rolleyes:



I haven't seen anyone call it "undemocratic" but I've seen a lot of news stories and articles about how much the UK lost in this, how the british sterling fell and how people are starting to lose their jobs already. UK also lost it's position as the fifth economically strong country to France.


The FTSE is nearly back to where is was and the pound is creeping back up, with any luck it'll stay low because that's good for exports. The markets weren't passing judgement on the UK leaving, they called it wrong and thus a correction took place, that and markets do not like uncertainty, that uncertainty is subsiding as governments appear to be taking a sensible approach to things, not rushing into Article 50 being one example. It's gonna be a bit of a rough ride but people have suffered a lot worse in the pursuit of democracy and that's what's at the heart of this, the right of self determination and the right to choose those who govern.

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Well a second referendum makes sense since a lot more people now know that UKIP straight up lied to them about everything.

The claim you're referring to was made by the Vote Leave campaign, not the Leave.EU campaign led by UKIP Leader Nigel Farage. That doesn't constitute "everything" and is not even categorically untrue, as Vote Leave was headed by cabinet ministers who may say different to Mr Farage.


EDIT: I'd also like to point out that the Remain camp made several untrue statements, such as the need for an emergency budget, the inability of the bank to cope, and (the most outlandish) armed conflict in Europe.

Edited by PushTheWinButton
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Even if the a-holes at the top are most likely gonna ignore the results...








You have once again the chance to put "Great" in the beginning again!! :D :D :D

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52 - 48 is not unanimous whatever the result was. Telling nearly half the population to just accept whatever comes our way is rather pie in the sky.


We shall see just how kind democracy can be. That was one decision, the rest will now be made by Borris, Farrage, Gove and the rest of the uber right wing. Gonna need a shovel...

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Gecko State just stole the Gekko
it's interesting to note that the feminists and other institutionally oriented and minded people (some might call them slavish - and there's something of a tragedy of the damned there as equivocated by anomone from the eureka 7, in that their world view is so warped by constant corporate propaganda and authoritarian nonsensical drivel that they don't know what's going on in actuality while patting themselves on the back for being the best educated generation ever...) hate brexit when a brexit doesn't mean that there can't be cooperation where it's actually beneficial - I often say you cannot have cooperation between individuals unless there's actually individuals (anyone who understands how a narcissist controls people knows that they degrade the self of their victims to achieve their control over them, and totalitarian movements do this as well - so a strong independent identity is actually fundamentally a beneficial thing)

don't fear the reaper

Autotomy (from the Greek auto- "self-" and tome "severing") or self amputation is the behaviour whereby an animal sheds or discards one or more of its own appendages,[1] usually as a self-defense mechanism to elude a predator's grasp or to distract the predator and thereby allow escape. The lost body part may be regenerated later.

Some geckos,[2][3] skinks,[4][5][6] lizards,[7][8][9] salamanders[10][11][12] and tuatara [13] that are captured by the tail will shed part of the tail structure and thus be able to flee.

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one hopes that venezuela is the plague dogs whereas britain is watership down (honestly I have a weakness for national sovereignty, had it over vietnam, afghanistan, ukraine AND donyetsk, libya, the kurds, even the groups now under ISIS) so for me this yugoslavia type "pretend there's no differences and try to force britain to become airstrip 1" thing is a bit silly
to quote miss reagan, although I kind of hate everything about the reagans, just say no to world(continental) government!

Oceania is the superstate where protagonist Winston Smith dwells. It is believed to be composed of the Americas, the British Isles (called "Airstrip One" in the novel),

“All the world will be your enemy, Prince with a Thousand Enemies, and whenever they catch you, they will kill you. But first they must catch you, digger, listener, runner, prince with the swift warning. Be cunning and full of tricks and your people shall never be destroyed.”

Edited by tartarsauce2
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