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How would I reduce the recoil on the Radium rifle


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How would I reduce the recoil the radium rifle using the CK? I find that the Radium rifle, like all other automatic weapons in Fo4, has an insane amount of kick that frankly makes using assault like weapons less than fun. I tried poking around in the ck and found no obvious way to reduce the recoil so if anyone could help me figure it out I'd be very grateful.

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Try Miscellaneous -> AimModel -> DLC03_RadiumRifle_AM. There you can edit the recoil parameters.

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Try Miscellaneous -> AimModel -> DLC03_RadiumRifle_AM. There you can edit the recoil parameters.

That seems to be working. I'll have to further tweak the numbers but my own preliminary tests show a decrease in the time it takes for the barrel to rise. Thank you!

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