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Skyrim Mod Catergories - Mostly the female based ones


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Yeah I'm with OP. I've been trying out the tag search but maybe I'm doing something wrong. It would just be nice if I could do a specific search for armors/clothing minus female only mods. The tag "search" seems to work more like a filter because I can choose for example "Armor-males" but cant actually search anything within that category. Is that how the tag search is supposed to work?
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I personally never understood why people mod the characters to look like they belong in a JRPG, I mean the art styles obviously clash heavily, I just think they look sooo out of place, in even Oblivion, I can only imagine how out of place they are going to look in Skyrim, but people don't care they just want there un-realistic asian elf with ears practically on her neck and boobs bigger than her head. :confused:


thank you. I don't get this either, especially when said chick with boobs bigger than her head has a face that looks like it belongs on a 12 year old girl. Unfortunate implications ensue.

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That only affects mature content doesn't it? I don't think it's strictly the sexual content that bothers the OP, but rather the whole HGEC/BBB skimpy clothing line of mods.


Most of them are skimpy and well, unfitting to the setting without actually being rated as mature.


Like I said earlier though, I have no problem with those mods being on the site without any extra category on them, I just don't use them.


But the nude mods, at least, serve a useful purpose: they are a basis for other clothing and armor mods. And, yes, the original bodies can often be used in the same way, but not always and all too often in past games they have not just had way too much cloth for them to work generically, but they have also had inhuman proportions for human characters.


But, it's true, the skimpy mods get way overdone. and are often done crudely, and most are not worth the time it takes to download and install them (except, judging this without looking for yourself can be misleading, when other people are giving them good reviews).


But, personally, skimpy mods do not bother me so much as the mods that silently modify gameplay in ways that are not described in their description. Those mods tend to make me angry (since I often do not see the problem until long after I have them installed and at that point I might have to choose between coping with a game I did not want to play and tossing a character I have built up over several weeks of play). Skimpy mods you can usually just uninstall or ignore. Mods that silently change gameplay can stick me with quests which cannot be completed or they can require that I completely change the type of character I am playing (e.g. a mod which adds npc activity and which also changes what items are available for sale late in the game might be perfectly balanced for combat might and yet unplayable using stealth -- and that would be fine if I knew about that issue when I was installing it, or if it could be safely uninstalled, but mods of this nature have all too often failed me on both accounts).

Edited by raudelmil
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