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Green download buttons not working


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My first guess is something on your end is blocking downloads from Nexus. Test by temporarily disabling things like ad blockers, tracking blockers, script blockers and last your antivirus.

We have also seen a very few places block downloads from Nexus and other game sites. Usually schools and other places that think games use too much bandwidth.

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Still having issues. Whenever I hover my cursor over the green download box there is no url link showing in the bottom left corner of the screen. I will keep trying but this is really frustrating.

Is it possible that I have been somehow blocked from downloading without being notified of it? (I have not done anything wrong to my knowledge)

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I've just tried downloading via NMM, two files uploaded in January and March, and I keep getting the "Server Unreachable" when using the Green "Download with Manager" Buttons, but have no problems downloading manually, I am able to download other mods using the green button, but not others.

It's NOT javascript blocking as it works randomly on some mods and not others.
It has been a problem since the new antivrus scanning has been introduced, sometimes the files won't be available for HOURS by using the green "Download with Manager" button, and you will get the message "Server Unreachable", however, will be available in MINUTES if downloaded manually, using the "Download Manually" link

This is happening a LOT all over the site.
Something is not properly enabling the green "Download with Manager" buttons


*UPDATE* for me all it took was opening up the options in NMM and turning off CDN in the download option and picking only one download server

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@HadToRegister: Your issue is not related to the OP's, which is clicking buttons won't do a thing.


Not seeing a url in the status bar when hovering over a button is just normal, they aren't links after all but buttons. Nothing happening when you click them means either something's blocking JavaScript on your end or creating a script error so JavaScript is killed.


@OP: "Disabling" JavaScript of course can't help, as it's exactly what's causing the issue to begin with, JavaScript apparently being disabled already by some other means/causes, while it's required for the site to run.

If you were to enable Developer Mode, or whatever it's called in your browser, like I always am being a web(site) developer myself, you'd likely see some JavaScript errors in the event logs/browser console/whatever it's called again, or when you click the button. It's not unlikely for all JavaScript functionality on a page to completely cease, if only a single error occurred during loading or rendering of the page.


The question now is what is doing it in your case. It could be a browser plugin, like ScriptBlock or what have you, or it could be your browser's default configuration, some Anti Virus / Anti Malware apps are capable of by default doing the same unless you tell them not to... OR it could be an error during loading/rendering of the page, most likely not caused by the site itself though (or significantly more people would complain) but rather by an ad instead.


It is beyond me how an ad can cause this, as ads are served inside Iframes and what happens inside an Iframe usually has no effect on the surrounding parent page, but I don't know the internals of how ads are put into play on here, so chances are there's JavaScript code loaded and run to "produce" the Iframes first, and this code might be at fault for rendering the page disfunctional. But it's depending on which ads you're shown and where they're coming from, as if it were "all" ads, again, significantly more people would complain.


My first bet would be the other usual culprits though, so those I'd be checking for first. If I were on your end, I'd know perfectly well what to turn on in your browser to check what's going on (like I said, Developer Mode/Tools etc.). But I'm not, I don't even know what browser, plugins or apps you're using, so I can only offer suggestions. But did you try with a different browser already perhaps? Might get rid of things like blocking plugins or settings at least and help pinning the real cause further down.

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I am using Windows 10 and Firefox for browser (same issue on Chrome and Microsoft Edge).

I was able to open up the developer tools thing and felt like a deer in headlights. I am not a programmer so it is kinda confusing. All I was able to decipher was that there were several 'warning' tags with JS. I do not know the origin or how (if possible) to fix.

@ DraketheDragon - If you are able to guide me through the process it might be much easier, but on my own it will be very difficult. It is obviously an issue with my computer because I tried creating a new account and the issues still persist. I am not sure what other information you would need so let me know please.

Thanks for the help and support; I cant wait to get my mods back!

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Unfortunately I am having the same issue. I am using Chrome with Windows 10 and have tried other browsers but have had the same problem. I've checked in chromes settings to make sure JavaScript wasn't being blocked and I have no plug ins at all. I use Windows defender as well and even accessed the site with it turned off but that still didn't work. When I press F12 and look at the console it comes up with red text saying something like "JSquery error". DraketheDragon did say something that caught my eye, he mentioned ads. I have noticed that sometimes ads fail to load so in turn, could cause JavaScript errors but I can't be sure. Hopefully this gets resolved soon!
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