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Dual Wielding


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Since i saw that official "modding tools teaser" from Bethesda and noticed that double Minigun in first person, i can't think of anything else <3


is it Possible to implement this maybe as a seperate mod at the working bench?


I would love to go into a Raider base with double 1911s and slowmo Max Payne style

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While it may look neat as an avid sports & 3 gun shooter IRL I can say with certainty that duel wielding pistols or sub machine guns would be terribly inaccurate & take much longer to reload.


The only conceivable situation I could think of where I would want to do it in real life is if I was in a tight enclosed space _(say a hallway)_ , had 2 sub machine guns and multiple people were down the hall.

Even then a good shot gun would likely be a better option.


But by all means if someone wants to make this then go ahead.

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