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Girlfriends wives and SKYRIM


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"Picking a game before a relationship?" Is that what playing a game means? This sentiment just strikes me as being trite.


Well, how about putting computer use before a relationship? Are you commenting on a Skyrim forum instead of spending that time with your partner? Do you work something like 40 hours a week? Are you putting your job before your relationship? All of those hours could have been spent with your partner? Please. Do you put bathing and pooping before a relationship too?


How about the idea that individuals can pursue their own interests and be in a relationship without having to be co-dependently tethered to one's partner 24 hours a day? While it's true that any activity has the potential for abuse, there's no reason to assume that playing a game while it it new and novel and fun in any way means that you're putting it above the needs of one's partner. That's ridiculous. Should I never read a book if I'm in a relationship? That consumes hours of one's time as well.


Now you are really exaggerating what I actually said. I was commenting on people who would consider going to such extremes as the OP mentions with this;-


"So how do you deal with your wife and/ or girlfriend ( if your unfortunate enough to have one lol) when Skyrim comes out? I'm taking 10 days off and told my girlfriend not to plan on me doing anything but sitting in the man cave. I also may wear a cloak during this time. If I could grow a beard I would do that to. I've made the decision already, girlfriend or Skyrim , she's out. Am I wrong ? "


Hopefully he was being tongue in cheek, but telling someone you are going to be doing beggar all else for ten days and they can like it or lump it would not be showing either balance or proportion. It has nothing to do with being tethered to your significant other 24/7. Love games as I do, I cannot comprehend how anyone can find the time OR inclination to make them THAT important. That is not balance between your own and your other half's interests, it's pure selfishness.


For your information, I am actually unemployed at the moment and spend time at my computer applying online for jobs, and comment on forums like this during tea and coffee breaks. And in between being a carer for my dear batty old Mum. My computer is actually my means of communicating with certain others who live far away. I am certainly old enough and been in enough relationships to know how to live and let live. And to know that games are just NOT that important.

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So how do you deal with your wife and/ or girlfriend ( if your unfortunate enough to have one lol) when Skyrim comes out? I'm taking 10 days off and told my girlfriend not to plan on me doing anything but sitting in the man cave. I also may wear a cloak during this time. If I could grow a beard I would do that to. I've made the decision already, girlfriend or Skyrim , she's out. Am I wrong ?


You can get a new wife in Syrim.

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Ginnyfizz, I wasn't actually responding to you but since your quoted me: I just see a lot of hysterics around all this. There are sometimes times when events intrude upon our routines & schedules. If my girlfriend came to me and said, "Look I've got 3 super hard tests to take in a week or so, so I'm not going to be available as much cuz I have a ton of studying to do". I would be okay with that. I would assume any rational person would be. Similarly, if you're a gamer and when Skyrim is released you want to play it hard for a week or so I don't see what the big deal is. If she had a game that she was really excited about and wanted to play it hard for a week or so I would be okay with that. In fact, I would be happy for her. Perhaps I'm just a more independent person? Which is fine by me as I tend to get along better with strong, independent women anyway. In short, I don't accept an absolutist framing of this issue. I believe people can pursue their interests and be in relationships too. Edited by CalibanX
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You can get a new wife in Skyrim, and she will not complain about how much time you spend playing video games because there are no video games in Skyrim, but there are dragons, and being the only dragon born stud in town, I seriously doubt she is going to give you a hard time about whatever it is you care to spend your time doing. She will always love and respect you, even if you chose to join the Dark Brotherhood. Skyrim wives are the best wives. I can't wait!
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You can get a new wife in Skyrim, and she will not complain about how much time you spend playing video games because there are no video games in Skyrim, but there are dragons, and being the only dragon born stud in town, I seriously doubt she is going to give you a hard time about whatever it is you care to spend your time doing. She will always love and respect you, even if you chose to join the Dark Brotherhood. Skyrim wives are the best wives. I can't wait!


Well, to give a balanced account, Skyrim wives/husbands will also require you to wear an amulet--which will likely conflict with your colour coordinated armor. You will also receive either pitty, disgust or an attempt to mentally help you should you feel any emotion towards your Skyrim wife.


It should also be noted that Skyrim is cold, so I doubt having the soul of a dragon helps with defeating the lord of shrivelling isles. Just saying.

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You can get a new wife in Skyrim, and she will not complain about how much time you spend playing video games because there are no video games in Skyrim, but there are dragons, and being the only dragon born stud in town, I seriously doubt she is going to give you a hard time about whatever it is you care to spend your time doing. She will always love and respect you, even if you chose to join the Dark Brotherhood. Skyrim wives are the best wives. I can't wait!


Well, to give a balanced account, Skyrim wives/husbands will also require you to wear an amulet--which will likely conflict with your colour coordinated armor. You will also receive either pitty, disgust or an attempt to mentally help you should you feel any emotion towards your Skyrim wife.


It should also be noted that Skyrim is cold, so I doubt having the soul of a dragon helps with defeating the lord of shrivelling isles. Just saying.


What's with the insults towards henderse?

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