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How should a married couple behave?


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Like every married couple in the Canterbury Tales :thumbsup:


But they should have sense on what's going on in the world around them and I think their mention of you should depend on the things you have done (good or bad). I would love to see my significant other be terrified or overjoyed to see me (terrified as in like evil things i've done in Skyrim, not anything terribly physical I've done to him/her)

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To answer the question of what a married couple should do.


1 Your first week of marrige should be filled with multiple black screens and noises.


2 Next week you go off adventuring leaving the useless AI behind.


3 The next time you show up they'll *censored* at you for any and every reason and you'll lamment the lack of "Shut up for the love of the Divines shut up" option.


4 Show up again and wonder why the AI is acting like nothing happened, the sneeky prick.


5 Bring home a useless companion character and murder them infront of your spouse to test the AI.


6 Get bored with the extra addon to the game and wonder why you can't help but go back and see your dearest.


7 Wonder why marrige systems havn't been implemented in more games.


8 Bring home another drifter for fun.


9 Download some questionable mods.


10 ...


11 profit...

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To answer the question of what a married couple should do.


1 Your first week of marrige should be filled with multiple black screens and noises.


2 Next week you go off adventuring leaving the useless AI behind.


3 The next time you show up they'll *censored* at you for any and every reason and you'll lamment the lack of "Shut up for the love of the Divines shut up" option.


4 Show up again and wonder why the AI is acting like nothing happened, the sneeky prick.


5 Bring home a useless companion character and murder them infront of your spouse to test the AI.


6 Get bored with the extra addon to the game and wonder why you can't help but go back and see your dearest.


7 Wonder why marrige systems havn't been implemented in more games.


8 Bring home another drifter for fun.


9 Download some questionable mods.


10 ...


11 profit...


I'll get back to you after i finish laughing

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I know that the companions arent going to have any deep backstory, but i hope the possible brides/grooms do. I put a lot of thought into who my character is and he isnt going to settle for some mindless woman who just sits around the house all day. She has to be somewhat interesting and compliment his character
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If they making marrige or any king of love stuff to game they should have implemented it good and not just oooh you get wife now but there is no difference from any other npc out there.

Dialogs should be there for that kinda stuff, like welcome home darling or soming....


Im ok whit black sreen on X rated stuff cos there defo will be mods out there ;D


Behavior in general should be soming like reguests and stuff (go buy this or do that) and you could ask to cook soming for you, or do soming to you.... (i gess i go to far :blink: )

I think on nexus there was this wonderfull mod for companions in new vegas called willow or soming, thats how it should be made!!!

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If I've learnt anything from playing Oblivion and Fallout, it's to never trust Bethesda when they talk about NPCs.


Marriage in Skyrim will probably mean you get a house to sleep in, you can take whatever you want from it freely, and you gain a new companion, who I imagine will refuse to express any emotion towards you.


Let's face it, NPCs having jobs is cool and all, but I seriously doubt Beth put marriage simulation on their priority list.

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Yeah, now that I think of it some awesome mods will probably be made. The downside: no audio lines. We'd be restricted to reading only.


soo not true, "Willow" mod for New vegas had full audio lines made by some girl, and she had pretty voice :thumbsup:

there are many ways to add voice from actualy finding someone who will read lines, or make it via pc.


Lets hope that someone will have enough inspiration to do it

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