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Dual Wielding on PC - control schemes


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This dual wielding feature is giving me a minor brain cramp.


I can see how this feature will be more console friendly. With gamepads/controllers the right trigger has become more or less the default "fire"/"use weapon" button in most first person perspective games. So with consoles and controllers right will remain right... right?


Now over to the pc and the mouse, we've all been left clicking to "fire"/"use weapon" our entire lives, so with dual wielding now we're supposed to right click when we want to attack? This is where I start to get brain farts. I know it's a minor issue at best with a customizable conrtol scheme, but I was just curious how you guys are going to be addressing this. As for myself, my keyboard layouts in FO3 and Oblivion were very similar to one another and I'll probably be translating that scheme over skyrim as best i can.

Edited by Nebrule
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I have been wondering about this myself. I suppose that our brains will simply reconfigure themselves to the new controls if the latter is indeed the case (just like every time you switch games; different controls = different way your brain functions).


I guess we will just have to wait and see. Only 9 more days. :thumbsup:

Edited by IndorilTheGreat
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Left click for right hand, right click for left hand?


I used a track pad for Oblivion, I'll be using a mouse for Skyrim, I'm thinking about just getting an Xbox controller and hooking it up to the PC. Might be easier that way, but I despise the control stick.... Ps3 controller is nicer. :wallbash:

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Well Oblivion and Fallout, my control scheme was like this:


Left Click: move forward.

Right click: block (or aim in fallout)

W: move backward

Q: strafe left

E: Strafe right

A: Sneak

S: Jump

D: Ready weapon

F: Attack

Left Shift (Hold): Was to run.

R: Use Spell

T: Camera view.


Now if that scheme was applied to Skyrim, then F would be my right hand and Right mouse button would be my left. If I am dual-wielding swords, then i would press F to swing with right and Right mouse button to swing left. Sword and board would be the same as in Oblivion. F swings, RMB blocks, or hold it to bash. Not much has really changed in my opinion.


What do you think about it?

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