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Dual Wielding on PC - control schemes


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Well Oblivion and Fallout, my control scheme was like this:


Left Click: move forward.

Right click: block (or aim in fallout)

W: move backward

Q: strafe left

E: Strafe right

A: Sneak

S: Jump

D: Ready weapon

F: Attack

Left Shift (Hold): Was to run.

R: Use Spell

T: Camera view.


Now if that scheme was applied to Skyrim, then F would be my right hand and Right mouse button would be my left. If I am dual-wielding swords, then i would press F to swing with right and Right mouse button to swing left. Sword and board would be the same as in Oblivion. F swings, RMB blocks, or hold it to bash. Not much has really changed in my opinion.


What do you think about it?


That's a wild layout bro, I applaud your creativity. I suppose if you're used to binding the "attack" action to a key instead of the mouse you should be able to familiarize yourself a little easier than us left clickers

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Haha thanks Nebrule. I like the layout a lot because I can apply it easily to other games as well like Crysis, Battlefield, CoD, and many others. It is a very comfortable control scheme and it is easy to customize. Like adding on to it. For example, I just downloaded Deadly Reflex 6 the other day, and all I had to add to the scheme was X for bashing and G for dodging. Thats it. I can bash while running backwards at the same time due to my backwards key being W. And I can duck and attack real easy because my dodge key is right next to my attack key. Very simple and easy to add onto without having to relearn controls.


See why I like to use it lol?

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In MineCraft, we use Right-Click to shoot the arrow and Left-click to smack. (or melee if you're a nerd)

The controls are a bit weird, but you'll get used to it soon. Same goes for Skyrim, you'll get use to it after a while.



If we're holding the bow on our right hand, do we Right-Click to shoot and Left-Click to Block?

This is kinda confusing. @_@

Edited by x3Darkie
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I think I'll just get used to swing right sword with right click.

I could reverse right button with left button but I'll be using the menu with right click which is weird....

Or I could swap right with left from the settings but then when using dual wielding two swords it'll be right sword with left button and left sword with right button. It would be better to swap them only if you use shield. Left button for sword right button for shield.


I'm confused now... :sick: :pinch: :yucky: :confused:

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I suppose it will be comfortable for those of use who are familiar with games like Unreal tournament - which had two attack modes for each weapon. The primary attack mode bound to the left mouse button and the alternate attack was bound to the right button. I won't have a problem with dual wielding - however I am curious about how we go about blocking attacks. Edited by shadow_scale9180
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I have been wondering about this myself. I suppose that our brains will simply reconfigure themselves to the new controls if the latter is indeed the case (just like every time you switch games; different controls = different way your brain functions).


I guess we will just have to wait and see. Only 9 more days. :thumbsup:


But...then we'd have to get re-reconfigured for other games O.O

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I have been wondering about this myself. I suppose that our brains will simply reconfigure themselves to the new controls if the latter is indeed the case (just like every time you switch games; different controls = different way your brain functions).


I guess we will just have to wait and see. Only 9 more days. :thumbsup:


But...then we'd have to get re-reconfigured for other games O.O


well the brain re-configures anyway. Different controll scheem for different ganes. But it's not very confortable to attack with right click.


But don't worry people. Mods will fix that :biggrin:

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