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Your Ending


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My ending of the game is this:


Alistair king and married to Anora

Logein nad How are dead

Helped the elfes(I like 'em)

Helped the mages(Wynne!!!)

Saved the Redcliffe and saved the boy and his mother.(Big temptation was there)

His mom is a real *censored*.But saved her too.

Romanced Lili and Morrigan.

Oh and Bellen is the king of the dwarfs.It is nesessary.

And destroyed anvil of the void.Killed Branka.

Oghren has found him self a new girl.(I helped him with that)

Did the dark ritual.

Moved on to Awakening.


Moved to the "Spoilers" forum. --TNL

Edited by Thandal
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  • 2 weeks later...

That's a really nicee ending :)

I'll tell you mine...





  • My Magi Warden becomes the new Teyrn of Gwaren.
  • Alistair is King married to Anora.
  • Loghain becomes a Grey Warden and survives.
  • Cured the Werewolves (Helped the Elves)
  • Helped the Mages without siding with anyone (I ask Greagoir of what he thinks and he says the Circle is saved... I didn't make any choices on that part)
  • Urn of Sacred Ashes is found, killed the High Dragon Andraste and let Genitivi mounts an expedition/pilgrimage to the urn.
  • Redcliffe is saved, Connor is cured of his demon possession without any sacrifices. Eamon is cured, his wife and son is alive and well. Jowan is sent back to the Circle.
  • Romanced Leliana and Morrigan
  • Bhelen becomes king of Orzammar (Tried to save Harrowmont but failed)
  • Anvil of the Void is preserved. Branka becomes more crazy but alive (had to lie to Shale)
  • Oghren found a new girl.
  • Killed Sophia Dryden, saved Avernus and let him continue his research WITHOUT living human test subjects.
  • Did the dark ritual.





  • Every companion becomes Grey Wardens. (Justice/Kristoff is already a Grey Warden).
  • Side with the Architect.
  • Fully upgraded Vigil's keep.
  • Have Vigilance greatsword.
  • Saved City of Amaranthine.
  • Let Vigil's keep to fend for themselves. (They'll be allright and there's no companion casualties)


Witch Hunt:



  • Final kiss with Morrigan and let her go through the looking glass to Wonderland.
  • The Warden goes back to Denerim while Alistair is away in Kirkwall with Bann Teagan meeting Hawke and Meredith.


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  • 6 months later...

As a noble dwarf (female) I have a relationship with my second, Gorim. She is politically naive as she tries to show that dwarven honour can be more than a cracked veneer that coats a lot of backstabbing, scheming, conspiracies and shifting alliances. she tries to lead by example. She defends the scholar from Vollney, fights in the Provings and gives the helmet to Frandlin Ivo (that bastard!).

She calls out Lord Ronus Dace and fights his son, Mandar.

She believes Trian to be socially inept and likes to poke fun at his expense. But it is not to ridicule, more of a jibe.

I find Bhelen's claims that Trian is moving against me a little far-fetched.

When she is betrayed and exiled, no longer a dwarf, this weighs heavily upon her. She finds a new purpose among the Grey Wardens. Andshe meets Gorim in Denerim, a brief spark of hope rekindles, but it completely crushed when he tells her he is married now (she is a princess and he but a warrior; except Gorim failed to realize that on the surface Orzammar titles are no longer valid or applicable.) She is utterly devastated. She tenaciously bends her mind to quelling the Blight, the sole purpose she has left.

- She helps out Teagan by breaking the Night Siege. She helps Kaitlyn find Bevin -and gives them gold to travel to Denerim. She helps Bella to get away from Lloyd. And offers Berwick mercy by letting him help defend Redcliffe during the assault

- She restores the Circle and turns to them for aid in driving the demon from Connor. thus sparing Lady Isolde from sacrifing her life for her son's.

- She helps the Dalish, but battles Zathrian to end the curse of the werewolves.

- She sides with Harrowmont, as aiding Bhelen is a no-no. (Too bad the game doesn't allow for a roleplaying tangent I would've loved for my Noble Dwarf -i.e. she stopped caring for Orzammar the day she was exiled and would tell Dulin to either let her see Harrowmont straightaway, or she'd simply rip up the Treaty and let Orzammar have its civil war. Whoever'd win would not be able to stand against the Darkspawn when they'd come surging from the Deep Roads, razing Orzammar to its foundations.)

- She destroys the Anvil, helps Oghren find Felsi.

- She helps Genitivi, finds the Urn, does not desecrate it, ergo she slays Kolgrim and his acolytes.

- She helps all of her companions through their personal quests. Quite bitter over how Bhelen and his cronies used her as a patsy (and her father not willing to intervene on her behalf), she hardens Alistair.

- When Riordan reveals how the archdemon can be slain, she now knows what she will do.

- She refuses the Dark Ritual and slays the dragon, dying in the process -as the Blight would end, so would her purpose in life.

- I would've loved the option to ask Gorim for a final favour: should the dwarves of Orzammar for some inexplicable reason wish to bury her body in Orzammar -so she would return to the Stone- he'd have to prevent that and burn her on a pyre like the humans do. In the eyes of Orzammar she was no longer a dwarf, thus she does not wish to have their funeral rites.

- She does not engage in a romance, as Gorim was the only man in her life.

- Alistair and Anora rule in concert, Loghain dies.

- The slavers in the alienage are shut down the hard way; Caladrius dies.


As a city elf I basically do the same, except she does perform the Dark Ritual (I have Equal Love installed) as she does not wish to lose Zevran.

And for some reason she detests the dwarves in Orzammar.

Alistair is hardened and is given his revenge by killing Loghain (I fight him, defeat him and Alistair may deal the killing blow.)

Alistair will be sole ruler of Ferelden.

Caladrius and his slavers in the alienage die

Dalish join, curse is ended.

Harrowmont rules Orzammar

Anvil of the Void is destroyed

All companion quests are completed

Connor and Isolde both live

Dark Ritual is performed

Redcliffe is saved

The Urn is not desecrated, Genitivi lives


My Dwarf Commoner has a great dislike for the Dalish Elves, and doesn't help out at the Dalish Camp; leave Cammen lamenting, tell Athras he has a funny way of asking for help, and tell Varathorn "it is a shame" they cannot go into the woods to collect some ironbark. Alora will have to decide the fate of the halla. Within the forests my dwarf does not engage Deygan or Danyla. She does end the curse, so the Dalish will march

I haven't decided whether or not the Dark Ritual will be done -right now she's looking for Branka.

She helps out Bhelen, but only because of Rica (nice to have that option).

But she follows basically the same path of trying to do right. (She lets Oskias go, gives a few bits to Goilinar and is extremely protective of her sister. When looking for Jarvia, Leske's betrayal hits her hard and she ends up slaughtering the lot of them. She is affected by the Shaper's attitude towards the castless and sells the stupid tome to Jentrin because of it. While she helps the robbed elves in Lothering she is also driven to pickpocket nearly anyone she can interact with).


Redcliffe is saved

Connor and his mom both live.

Dalish are recruted, curse is ended.

Bhelen will rule Orzammar.

All companion quests are completed

Alistair is hardened.

The Urn is found, Kolgrim defeated, Genitivi lives (I already killed Leske when I came to the Guardian and when I meet Leske's Apparition in the Gauntlet I honestly don't care for whatever he has to say.)

(and the rest isn't written yet)

Though I'm quite certain that the Anvil of the Void will be destroyed


My mages (both elven and human) clearly see the danger they can pose.

They both help Jowan escape ("He LIED to me!") and feel terrible for chosing their "friend" over the Circle.

They save Redcliffe.

They free Connor by going into the Fade; Lady Isolde is thus spared.

All companion quests completed.

Harrowmont will rule Orzammar.

The Anvil is destroyed

The Urn is not desecrated, Kolgrim dies, Genitivi lives.

Dalish are enlisted, Zathrian dies, curse is ended.

Alistair is not hardened

Alistair and Anora will rule in concert, Loghain dies

Caladrius and his cronies die

Dark Ritual is not performed

No romance is engaged

Blood Mage Specialisation may be picked in order to quell the Blight. (Duncan intimated that Mage Wardens may use Blood Magic as a means to an end.), but is also the catalyst for the Ultimate Sacrifice.

They die ending the Blight.


My Human Nobles? Both Warrior and Rogue?

Unlike what Ceorlic says about being a spoiled brat, either class of my nobles are quite like my dwarven noble: they believe nobility is more than a title and a bloodline. Their quest for vengeance on Arl Howe is the driving force that propels them through the game.

If they romance someone at all, it is usually Leliana (not the vanilla one, but one that is more in line with the Sacred Ashes Trailer; she's a knock-out that way).

My Warrior has just defeated the second general at the Denerim Alienage, while my Rogue is still plodding through the DLC content of the Return to Ostagar and the Watden's Keep. (As an aside: the only DLC that I truly liked is The Stone Prisoner).

- Redcliffe is saved

- Connor and his mom live

- Harrowmont yada, yada

- Anvil destroyed etc.


I find playing dark or evil characters in DAO not really satisfying. Only my Dalish Elf has a strong sense of loathing towards humans, and for that reason alone she doesn't care what happens to Lothering and its people, nor the fate of Redcliffe when she walks away.

- Redcliffe is left to its own devices

- Connor dies, Isolde lives

- Dalish join, werewolves are decimated

- Either Harrowmont or Bhelen rules; I generally let my character's mood decide who gets lucky.

- Romance is either Zevran or no one; her heart really lies with Tamlen. And she is devastated when she is forced to kill him during the random encounter of the Shrieks' Attack on party camp.

- The Urn is found, but not desecrated (Shartan sided with Andraste, and that's something she needs to respect and honor.)

- Genitvi might live or be killed, the latter being more likely

- Loghain dies (she dislikes Alistair -and that seems mutual- but she really hates Loghain).

- If Anora sides with her dad, Alistair will rule. If she holds up her end of the bargain, there is to be a royal wedding. (Or isn't there?)

- Because why should she give her life for the majority of shems?

- If Alistair is keen of tossing his life into the abyss, he is free to do so (less talking and more dying.)

- Or is the Dark Ritual the answer she accepts?

- Those last couple of scenario twists may vary, as I let my (roleplaying) mood decide which way to turn.

- Most companion quests are unresolved or never initiated (she dislikes Oghren, Sten's remark on elves "being pointy-eared, who excel at poverty" doesn't earn him any credit. Leliana is a human, as are Morrigan, Wynne and Alistair. Although siding with Morrigan just to rub Alistair the wrong way can be quite satisfying).

- Caladrius and his slavers die.

- Lord Vaughan, son to the Arl of Denerim is gutted through the bars of his cell in the Denerim Dungeons.

- Cailan's body is left for the wolves.

- Avernus is allowed to live -to spite Alistair (although no reaction is forthcoming).

- Anvil of the Void is destroyed, as Caridin makes a good point when inferring a parallel between the enslaved souls of dwarves who became Golems and the elves who were enslaved by the humans for many a century.

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  • 8 months later...

Aww, I read it! Nice run :smile:
I'll list some of the stuff my wardens did and the reasoning for some of their actions.
1=1st run through, 2=2nd run through
1= f city elf, 2=f human noble

1) Kept Anora on the throne 2) Put Alistair on the throne along with my warden
1) I think Anora is pretty cool, I don't think she deserves most of the hate that she gets. Not having noble blood is a plus for my city elf and it seems like most people who don't take bloodline into account favor her as the ruler. I respect that she's not willing to take crap from people who might use her gender or lack of royal blood as excuses to try to limit her influence. She's an intelligent/skilled ruler who wants to lead. Alistair has no desire to rule (and who could blame him? It does sound pretty unappealing). Alistair and my warden don't have to spend the rest of their lives getting entangled in politics, and I felt pretty badly about Anora's father being killed right in front of her, so at least she gets something she wanted out of this situation. On the downside, Alistair tends to be more compassionate than she is, which is an important quality to have in this position. She ends up not treating the elves well.
2) Although Alistair doesn't want to lead, he would be the more compassionate ruler, and he wouldn't screw over the elves. I'd prefer that my warden not have to live in the court, but they'd be best as a team of co-rulers, and at least they can be together. I don't want to harden Alistair, or put people together in a loveless political pairing, so this way there can be a ruling couple and the elves are left in a better position than they would have been under Anora. I felt guilty for killing Anora's father, then imprisoning her. She would have further put down the elves in Denerim though, so that's the way it goes.

1)Let the desire demon and templar leave 2) Killed them both trying to free the templar and prevent the demon from hurting others.
My city elf thought that it wouldn't be right to end the templar's life, so she had to let them go.
The demon would have continued hurting others after she killed the templar. After seeing Redcliffe my hnf couldn't allow that to happen . She also hoped that the templar would prefer that someone would try to free him.
1) Killed Vaughan 2) Left Vaughan in his cell
Of course my city elf killed Vaughan. My hnf left him in his cell and stole his money. He was already locked up. Whatever, he can stay that way.

1 and 2: Alistair unhardened
Alistair is better the way he is, one of his best qualities is being softhearted :smile:

1 and 2: Alistair killed Loghain
Ach, this was tough. Loghain was involved in slavery (and helped almost enslave my city elf's father and abused her people), so it wasn't like he didn't totally deserve it. Sparing him would also pretty much ruin Alistair's life... He wasn't going to be able to hurt anyone again though, he was also at the warden's mercy, and being killed at the feet of his daughter seemed unnecessarily cold.
In the end, I just figured that my warden wouldn't want to do it, but that she wouldn't stop Alistair from doing it if he just took the initiative (similar to the "if you want to kill him, then you do it" line you can use on Alistair when Zevran enters your group, although I didn't use that line then). It also seemed most appropriate for Alistair to be the one to duel Loghain anyways, he wanted to avenge the Grey Wardens and for my hnf run he was a threat to Loghain's power.

1 and 2: Did the dark ritual.
This was a tough one. It sucked convincing someone (especially someone your warden cares about) to have sex they weren't keen on having. She was careful not to pick any of the guilt-trippy options. My wardens just told him what the situation was (including the ogb), and told him what they thought the best thing to do was, and that it could save his life. In the end it was of course his decision. I wanted my warden and Alistair to live, and I trust Morrigan. Some people don't like her because of this event, but she was just offering an alternative that you could choose to take, or not. Either your warden or Alistair would be dead otherwise. Still, the whole thing was super sketchy and I hope the experience wasn't a bad one for either of them.
1 and 2: Got Zathrian to remove the curse. Lanaya became the new keeper and the werewolves became humans

1 and 2: Saved the circle/sided with mages.
1 and 2: Urn of Sacred Ashes not messed with, killed the dragon, didn't kill Genitivi
The Ashes have intense healing powers, and who knows what that stuff could do to that dragon? Best not to side with Kolgrim.
1 and 2: Saved Redcliffe, Conor and Isolde

1 and 2: Made Bhelen King, destroyed the Anvil of the Void, fought Branka
Both of my wardens, but particularly my city elf wanted to improve the situation for the casteless. Although Bhelen seemed like an unsavory character, choosing Harrowmont would be a much worse situation for the casteless. The Anvil of the Void would have been used to kidnap people and turn them into golems...so that was not appealing. Branka also did terrible things to get where she did.

1 and 2: Completed the Crime Wave quests
My city elf enjoyed giving the nobles some comeuppance, and my human noble had a bit of a mischievous streak and thought a lot of the other nobles were arrogant. Of course she jumped at causing any difficulty for Howe that she could. They both also wanted to help Slim out with his family.

1 and 2: Bribed the templars for the mage's collective
Better that the mages have at least a little power outside of the chantry, and since the templars are addicted to lyrium anyways, it's better that they have some supplies that don't come from the chantry. They'd be just a little less under the chantry's thumb.

1 and 2: Sided with Raelnor (the more honorable father) for the Blackstone Irregulars
1 and 2: Killed Flemeth
...She was going to steal Morrigan's body, enough said.
1 and 2: Killed Sophia Dryden, Allowed Avernus to continue research without abusing anyone/he was banned from using people
1 and 2: Brought Bevin Back to Caitlin, paid 5G for the sword

1 and 2: Forced Lloyd and Berwick to fight
Put Lloyd into the army for Bella, she shouldn't have to work for a creeper like that. My warden told Berwick that she thinks he should fight because it was better to put him into the army then send him off running out of the village, he just would have been killed. He also helped put the town in danger, so having him atone for that by helping out with the defense seems reasonable. (Yes, forcing people to fight is super questionable, but they both have done wrong and there's no other justice system that they would be held accountable to, and Redcliffe needed defense)
1 and 2: gave Bella 5G

1 and 2: Offered Caladrius a chance to leave before the fight, killed him at the end of the fight
He was offered a chance to leave because the goal was to free his prisoners, the focus was not on him and it was best that he leave ASAP so that he did not further endanger the elves. Both wardens killed him in the end because he just would have left and continued enslaving elves.

1 and 2: Leliana unhardened, killed Marjolaine
My Wardens told Leliana that Marjolaine would never leave Leliana alone as long as she lived, which was probably the truth. It was ultimately Leliana's decision.

1 and 2: Alistair gave Goldanna $
She's had a hard life. Although it of course isn't Alistair's fault, her bitterness is understandable. Did I hear right about what Maric did to their mother? Awful. Most people would probably disagree with this, but I don't think Goldanna was trying to be manipulative. There are better ways to get money out of someone than being really unpleasant to them, and then demanding money. I don't think she expected that to work, she was just bitter and trying to drive him away. She thought that he was a prince all this time, and that he didn't care about her or her children. Alistair really wants a family, so I think he's got to show her that he isn't just stopping by to gloat or have a look at the peasants (not a fair assumption to make, but she's been treated badly by others, and thinks this). I think he shouldn't give up. Even if he can't patch things up with her he can build a relationship with his nieces and nephews. I believe that she wouldn't react the same way if she understood that he was sincere.

1 and 2: Spared the blood mage in the tower and suggested she should use her abilities to battle against the blight. She was trying to fight for her freedom, she deserved some sympathy. It's better that she have a chance to redeem herself. I didn't like that the dialogue options forced your character to take an extremely harsh tone w/ her

1 and 2: Jowan is told to leave when he is first encountered
This is basically to avoid him being tranquiled. He generally is a screw-up, but I think he'll make an effort to change and redeem himself. Connor and Isolde are going to be saved anyways, so his presence is not needed.
1 and 2: Spared Cauthrien
She was blinded by her loyalty to Loghain, but eventually realized that he had to be stopped. She wasn't a bad person, and she steps aside under the right conditions.

Edited by Carley910
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  • 2 weeks later...

My ending of the game is this:


Alistair king and married to Anora

Logein nad How are dead

Helped the elfes(I like 'em)

Helped the mages(Wynne!!!)

Saved the Redcliffe and saved the boy and his mother.(Big temptation was there)

His mom is a real *censored*.But saved her too.

Romanced Lili and Morrigan.

Oh and Bellen is the king of the dwarfs.It is nesessary.

And destroyed anvil of the void.Killed Branka.

Oghren has found him self a new girl.(I helped him with that)

Did the dark ritual.

Moved on to Awakening.


Moved to the "Spoilers" forum. --TNL

I did all of that except, I became king, I let logan live and Alistair was banished, but he came back in the sequel so i'm happy.

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Alistair and I both lived (because I made Alistair do the ritual with Morrigan). I thought that a chance for both of us to survive was the best option, and I am quite persuasive. The cutscene of them... you know... was awkward though.

I killed Arl Howe, because he killed my family. The wretch deserved it, and I was sorry I couldn't kill him more brutally.

I rescued Anora and made her the queen, because I felt she knew what she was doing and Alistair didn't want the responsibility.

Loghain's lieutenant didn't back down, so I killed her as well, despite wanting to let her live.

Alistair challenged Loghain to single combat at the landsmeet. Alistair kills Loghain, and he deserved it.

I helped the Lady of the Forest defeat Zathrian, because he was a crazy fool. The werewolves became human again, and moved back to civilisation. The elves made that apprentice keeper girl the new Keeper (dunno the name).

I helped the mages, because I felt that was the "good" way of completing that mission.

Redcliffe was saved, both Connor and Isolde survived.

I romanced Leliana, since she's nice. I pretended my character was also a believer in the Maker, so it didn't seem like Leliana was delusional.

I made Harrowmont the new king of the dwarves, because he's the one which actually promises you help (I think Bhelen is more concerned with becoming King than helping with the Blight.) Sadly though, he died soon after the Blight ended and the dwarves started another civil war.

I killed Branka because she was a power-crazed maniac, and destroyed the Anvil because it was the right thing to do. The knowledge of the dwarven golems was forever lost.

The elves in the alienage elected Shianni as their new keeper (is that what they call it in the alienages?)

...And lots of other stuff I can't remember. :smile:

Edited by billyro
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