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Legion vs. Stormcloaks


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Stormcloaks, be they good or evil.

Let's face it, people, the Empire is dead and rotting. Let's be merciful and put it on it's pyre so the great wheel of Tamriellan history can squeak forward, eh? :D

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From all of the leaked videos that I have watched it seems like the Stormcloaks are evil. Villagers constantly avoid them. Which leads me to believe that they are like "bullies" to civilians that are rebelling against the authority of Skyrim. Although some may say that the Legion is evil, attempting to force people to remain in the empire. Personally I will avoid both factions unless the storyline requires me to join one of them.
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Independence FTW! Stormcloacks all the way. My country fought for independence 200 years ago. Memories are relatively fresh lol


I admire your patriotism, but fighting for independence isn't always the way to go. But in this case I'm in agreement. :thumbsup: The empire can't survive without a Septim, so the only way to keep moving is to secede.

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whichever side pays me in alcoholic beverages

I think he's got the best idea here :D


I'd like to think the side you join would greatly change the game world after the game finishes, but from previous let downs I don't really hold much hope for that; so I'm thinking of joining whoever looks shiniest/noblest at the start and if they all turn out to be evil you can always massacre them at the end (when you've greatly outleveled their troops :D).

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ProTip: a dragonborn forged the septim empire. A dragonborn became its greatest emperor (hard to pick which :P). A dragonborn saved the empire with (a lot of) help from a champion. The reason the Septims held the empire together was because they were dragonborn. That's why they needed to light the dragonfires until Martin became the avatar of Akatosh and sealed the barrier for good.


Now a dragonborn will decide the fate of the empire yet again.


Currently the empire is under the leadership of a warlord and his heirs who had the stones to take power. But they aren't dragonborn.

Edited by jamochawoke
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